
Using an ABEM SAS 300 Terrameter, a geoelectric assessment of the potential for groundwater was conducted in the male dormitory at the Isa Kaita College of Education in Dutsinma, Katsina State, Nigeria. The electrode designs Schlumberger and Wenner were utilized for data gathering. At stations 01, 02, 03, and 04, four Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) encompassing the area were carried out. This was done to establish locations suitable for borehole development as well as to measure the topsoil’s variation in resistivity, the depth and thickness of the area’s weathered basement, the depth and thickness of the aquifer, the depth to the basement, and the variation in resistivity of the topsoil. Using ipi2win computer software to evaluate the VES data, it was determined that the area is mostly made up of three (3) layers: topsoil, worn basement, and fractured basement. The aquiferous zone is made up of the worn and fractured strata in all the stations. According to the results of the VES data interpretation, the topsoil’s resistivity in the first layer ranges from 18.2 to 172 m, with an average value of 95.1 m. The weathered basement’s thickness ranged from 10.8 to 16.2 meters with an average value of 13.5 meters, while the layer’s depth ranged from 10.8 to 27 meters with an average value of 24.3 meters. The fractured basement’s thickness ranged from 16.2 to 2.14 meters, with an average value of 18.34 meters; the layer’s depth ranges from 27 meters to 4.33 meters, with an average value of 15.67 meters. The aquifer’s thickness ranged from 16.2 to 2.14 meters, with an average value of 18.34 meters, while its depth ranged from 27 to 4.33 meters, with an average value of 15.66 meters. Basement depth ranges from 27 to 4.33 meters, with an average of 15.67 meters. Based on the findings, it is advised to drill a borehole in VES 01 because it has a high potential for groundwater.

First Chapter Introduction

Background of the research

Water is a valuable natural resource that is necessary for both human survival and the preservation of the environment. The development of all civilizations has been significantly influenced by the availability of water. Water scarcity does, in fact, limit the growth of settlement, especially in ancient times. Lack of dependable water supplies may impede social welfare and economic growth. People cannot live without water, and the largest fresh water supply is found beneath. The development of subsurface water resources has been sparked by rising water demand (Afuwai, 2013). This is especially true for countries like Nigeria in the sub-Saharan and sahara regions of the world, where water resources are scarce and highly prized both socially and economically. But there are many different sources of water, including ice caps, glaciers, ocean water, surface water, and groundwater.

For more than 50% of the world’s population, groundwater is a more dependable source of water (Alabi, A.A., R. Bello, A.S. Ogungbe, and H.O. Oyerinde, 2010). Otutu and Oviri (2010) define it as water that is present in the saturated layers of soil and rocks. Numerous geophysical surveys have been used effectively to examine these natural resources for the purpose of maintaining life. According to Karami, B., K. N. Dhumal, M. Golabi, and N. Jaafarzadeh (2009), Majumdar and Das (2011), and Todd (2004), these techniques include electrical resistivity surveys, seismic refraction, electromagnetic, gravity, magnetic, and magneto telluric. The approach that is utilized is largely determined by the scope of the inquiry and occasionally by the expense (Todd, 2004; Majumdar and Das, 2011). Electrical resistivity profiling has been the most extensively utilized technique for groundwater exploration (Molua and Eagbetere, 2005). This is due to the field instrument’s simple operation and data analysis that is both less extensive and more cost-effective. With significant advancement, geo-electrical resistivity has emerged as a key tool for hydrological research, mineral exploration and mining, as well as environmental and engineering applications. (Alile, 2011; Griffiths, 1993; Baker, 1993; Loke, 1996; Dahlin). Schlumberger, who carried out the initial experiment in the area of Normandy, pioneered the fundamental idea of monitoring substance variation using electrical resistivity within the soil. Frank Werner in the United States of America also developed the same concept. The investigation of geothermal fluids, the mapping of plumes, the location of groundwater in fissured rock, and the mapping of the boundaries of saline groundwater have all been shown to benefit from this geo-electrical resistivity technique. However, over the past thirty years, there have been major changes to geoelectrical resistivity surveys. Two-dimensional and three-dimensional models of interpretation are quickly replacing the conventional horizontal layering method for analyzing geo-electrical resistivity data, particularly in complex and diverse subsurface media. The use of an automated device called a terrameter with a multi-electrode array along the measurement profile has replaced hand measurements taken at distinct and independent places. Up until the 1980s, data acquisition was largely done manually, which is laborious and slow and results in poor-quality measured data. It is now possible to acquire geo-electrical resistivity data using a variety of quick automated multi-electrode and multichannel data capture systems. Auken et al. (2006); Barker (1981); Stummer and Maurer (2001).The researcher decided to use the electrical resistivity method to carry out an investigation on groundwater potential at a male student resident at the Isa Kaita College of Education and geological structure of the sturdy area as a result of these successful applications of the method over the years in groundwater exploration.

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