The freedom from danger, fear, intimidation, and apprehension, as well as the feeling or assurance of safety, peace of mind or absence of fear, and the certainty or assurance of a good life or welfare, constitute one of the fundamental objectives and, indeed, the primary responsibility of every government and state. In Nigeria, the constitution clearly states that “the security and welfare of the people (of Nigeria) shall be the primary purpose of government” (Section 14 (2) (b) Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999). Nigeria has recently experienced unprecedented levels of insecurity. It’s no surprise that national security has become a priority for the government, prompting a significant increase in security spending in the national budget. According According to Azazi (2011), in order to reduce crime in Nigeria, the federal government has criminalized terrorism by passing the anti-terrorism Act in 2011, installation of computer-based Closed Circuit Television cameras (CCTV) in some parts of the country, enhancement of surveillance as well as investigation of criminal related offences, heightening of physical security measures throughout the country aimed at determining or disrupting potential attacks, and st Despite these efforts, Nigeria’s level of insecurity remains high, and the country has consistently ranked low in the Global Peace Index (GPI, 2012), indicating a poor state of insecurity in the country as a whole.


Security has been defined as protection from or safety from a future risk of severe deprivation, injury, or death, and it necessitates rules, order, and impartial adjudication and application. According to Achumba, Ighomereho, and Akpo-Robaro (2013), security is a situation that exists as a result of the establishment of measures to protect people, information, and property from hostile people, influences, and actions. It is the presence of conditions that allow people in a society to go about their normal daily activities without fear of endangering their lives or property. It encompasses all measures intended to protect and safeguard citizens as well as the resources of individuals, groups, businesses, and the nation from sabotage or violent occurrences (Achumbo et al, 2013). Security

is defense against all types of harm, whether physical, economic, or psychological. However, it is argued that security may not be the absence of threats or security issues, but rather the ability to respond to threats with speed and expertise. As a result, security cannot exist in the absence of provisions for national security. Aggressive and repressive states can be significant sources of human insecurity and even more so of human suffering.

National security is concerned with governmental institutions that seek to ensure their citizens’ physical protection and safety, equal access to the law, and protection from abuse. There are two types of government systems and institutions in charge of national security. The traditional instruments of national security comprise the first component.  The criminal justice system (police, justice, and correctional services/prisons), the military, and the intelligence community are three examples. The second, and more important, concern the nature of governance, its institutions and rules, norms and values that support it, as well as its effectiveness (Thamos, 2008).


Fulani herdsmen attacks and farmer clashes have caused a slew of issues in our society, including Nigeria. These include things like death, tears, and destruction. As things stand, it appears that our government has done little to address these security concerns. “Is the government waiting for all her citizens to fizzle out before taking decisive action to curb the activities of this extremist group?” asked Ese Otite of Nigerian National News. What are the security organizations doing? Or do we say that those in power haven’t been affected because they and their families travel in convoys manned by security personnel?”

Nigeria is on a path never before seen in her history. It’s a potentially hazardous situation. The entire world is watching your path. People are concerned about their safety. We used to teach that our problem was corruption and power outages, but now security has taken over. With what is going on, the President should stand firm and call the shots; he must face security challenges. It is clear that not enough is being done to address the Fulani herdsmen’s security threats. Instead of protecting Nigeria, all they now do is promote their own religion. This government should overhaul our security system as a matter of national urgency. Nigeria has an enviable position in the world due to its abundance of natural and human resources. In order to find a long-term solution, the government should look deeper.


The primary goal of this research is to determine the level of government strategies and security challenges in Nigeria: a case study of Fulani herdsmen. While the specific goals were:

1. To investigate the impact of the use of closed-circuit television on the management of security challenges in Nigeria.

2. To investigate the impact of community security monitoring on the management of security challenges in Nigeria.

3. To investigate the impact of surveillance on the management of security issues in Nigeria.


The research questions listed below will be addressed:

1. What effect does the use of closed-circuit television have on the management of security challenges in Nigeria?

2. What impact does community security monitoring have on the management of security challenges in Nigeria?

3. How does surveillance affect the management of security challenges in Nigeria?


The research hypotheses listed below will be tested:

1. Adoption of closed-circuit television has no significant effect on the management of security challenges in Nigeria.

2. In Nigeria, community security watch has no discernible impact on the management of security challenges.

3. Surveillance has no discernible impact on the management of security challenges in Nigeria.


This study is expected to be extremely useful to the government, security personnel, the Nigerian Security Council, and policymakers. It may also be useful in improving security management in our Akwa Ibom State society. This study’s findings are expected to provide data for planning as well as an additional stock of security data for other researchers who may find it relevant and useful in their investigations.

The study will fill the knowledge gap left by previous researchers who conducted nearly identical studies on security management. The researcher will propose solutions to practical or theoretical issues. This work will also benefit the tertiary institution. Students, teachers, parents and guardians, and the Ministry of Education


The study was restricted to government strategies and the management of security challenges in Nigeria, with a focus on Fulani herdsmen as a case study. However, the study focused on Itu Local Government.


Because the study is unusual, it was difficult to gather materials, particularly those relevant to the study. This resulted in a scarcity of relevant research materials in local newspapers. As a result, the researcher had to rely heavily on foreign materials to complete this work.

Another challenge that the researcher faced was a lack of funds and a limited amount of time to complete and submit this work.


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