Human Blood Group Analysis Among Students Of Ss2a And Ss2b Of Immaculate Conception Secondary School Itak, Ikono AKWA IBOM STATE


Human Blood Group Analysis Among Students Of Ss2a And SS2B Of Immaculate Conception Secondary School Itak, Ikono, Akwa Ibom State  


Chapter One

Background Of The Study

Blood groups are inherited character which gives rise to antigen system.

The true test for blood grouping is agglutination. Agglutination is a process that results when corresponding on antigen and on antibodies is mixed.

Blood group can be classified into four by a particular combination of antigen on the red blood cells and naturally occurring antibodies in the blood.

These group are A, B, AB and O. blood group can be identified by means of specific antibodies present in blood serum either naturally or acquired after immunization with foreign red cells containing them will be agglinated if injected into a blood stream containing the corresponding antigen.

Examples of blood group systems that have been indentified up to date are AB-0,M-N-s, Rh-Rh, Lewis, IU, K. K etc. these are naturally occurring antibodies found in serum that occur without any obvious exposure to the corresponding human red cells antigens. They occur mostly in the A- B- O system and occur occasionally or rarely in other blood group system. The commonest of all normal individual over the age of six months who lack the corresponding antigens (Bakers F.J. 1996) an introduction to radical laboratory technology.

Other common naturally occurring blood group antibodies are Anti-A, anti-H, anti-P, Lewis and anti-I. Naturally antibodies are usually of high molecular weight. They lower the characteristics of reaction as “cold antibodies”. They react with corresponding red cells antigens are more strongly at low temperature ie. 370C and may not react at all. (Barbara A. Brown 1980) medical laboratory for developing countries.

Naturally occurring anti-A and anti-B agglutinins are Blaine agglutinating antibodies. They are most active at 200C. they react with the corresponding red blood cell by agglutination only.



Table 1: Blood Group Distribution as found in African Race

Blood Groups



Agglutinins in Serum

Frequency in African race (%)



















Both Anti-A and Anti-B









Sources: A laboratory manual of microbiology , 4th edition. Houstin, HCC Press, 1990 (By 00is , W. H) The entire world population has the following Rhesus factors.

Rh + = 85%

Rh- =15%

Total = 100.0%

Source 00i WH A Laboratory manual of microbiology. 4th Edition, Houston, 1990.

Table 2: Blood group distribution as found in Zambia Population

Blood Groups



Agglutinins in Serum

Frequency in African race (%)



















Both Anti-A & Anti – B








Sources: Winthrobe Wm (1974); text book of microbiology. (Winthrobe M. M. 1974).

This blood group in the genetic polymorphism has been investigated in the most human population and they differ widely between races. There are four important kinds of ABO blood group, group, A. B, O & AB. There are two important kind of Rhesus group, Rhesus positive and Rhesus Negative.

Sometimes instead of saying Rhesus positive it is called the blood D “big” positive.

A person with any kind of ABO group can be after Rhesus positive or Rhesus negative.


Statement Of Problem

Deaths have resulted due to absence of knowledge of ones blood group. People only know their blood group either when they are sick or getting married while majority have no knowledge of theirs. This is very wrong everybody ought to know his or her blood group and possibly include it on their I. D Cards because in times of sudden dangers like accidents, such victims who has his or her blood group already known will be attended to (transfusion of blood immediately instead of wasting time finding the fellows blood group. Importantly the victims may die based on two reasons. Death due to time wasted and death by agglutination because while hurrying to transfuse blood into the victim a wrong blood which will not match the fellows blood in which is not blood group O may be transfused.


Purpose Of Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the frequency (percentage) of the different blood group distribution, among students of immaculate conception secondary school Itak and analyze these findings via:- the establishment frequencies of blood group types in the African race. It is also aimed at determining the frequency of the Rhesus factor (Rh) among the students population and compare this with established world records.


scope of the work

This work is carried out in immaculate conception secondary school Itak, Ikono Akwa Ibom State.



Null Hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant difference between the population distribution of various blood groups among students in immaculate conception secondary school Itak Ikono when compared with other Africans.


Alternate Hypothesis (HA):

There is a significant difference between the population distributions of various blood groups among the students of Immaculate Conception secondary school Itak, Ikono when compared with other African race.

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