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Impact Of Deprivation Of Widows Inheritance Right By Their Husbands Relatives




The major purpose of the study was to identify the impact of privation of widow heritage right by their hubby’s cousins in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State. The study employed the check exploration design to evoke information on the impact of privation of widows heritage right. The population of the study comported of 743 widows from the five major city in Nsukka communities videlicet Obukpa, Ovoko, Nsukka, Alor- uno, and Okwutu. Questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection, and it contain 21 particulars grouped into four sections, according to the exploration questions. The exploration questions were formulated and analysed using mean distribution. The questionnaire was validated by our Tank being our administrator from the Department of Home Education. The top findings of this study were, widows are considered as nonnatives in their misters ’ family ie. Demarcation against widows. It causes cerebral trauma on the widow in Nsukka communities of Enugu State. It was recommended that Enugu State government should change certain artistic practices that maltreat widows heretofore. They should also organize forums , conferences, factory and refresh courses on women education for policy makers and perpetration.


Chapter One



Background Of Study

A widow is a woman whose hubby has failed.( Catherine Soanes 2001). The state of having lost bones partner to death is nominated widowhood. Problem of widows have been an important social issue in numerous societies in which the hubby was generally the chuck winner. His unforeseen death could plunge his family into poverty. Not only poverty but also loneliness, because a couple living together, having everything in common, buying property together, participating effects in common, along the line death just sneaked in and steal the hubby, for sure that woman’s life span has been reduced.

Babatunde and Owasanoye( ed)( 2001) stated that in some patriarchal societies widows could maintain profitable independence. A widow could carry on her late misters business and accordingly be accorded certain rights, similar as the right to her hubby’s wealth and property.

According to Okoye( 1999) in Nsukka communities widows are frequently victims of mortal artistic practices, widows are denied the right to what correctly belong to them. Widows ’ rights transnational( 2008) noted that the treatment of widows continues to vacate their mortal rights. In some part of Africa, widows are still subject to traditional practices which lead to their poverty, social acceptance and rejection as well as loss of their homes and children. Okoye( 1999) refocused out that in numerous societies widows have no right to heritage or land power, and indeed where ultramodern legislation provides similar rights ignorance of the law of widows or artistic practices stymie their access to it. utmost of these losses has great impact on the live of widows.

Impact is defined as a conspicuous effect or influence on commodity( Catherine Soanes 2001). The following are some of the impact privation has on widows

1. Poverty Across the wide diapason of countries, persuasions, and ethnical groups, a woman is left destitute when her hubby dies, poverty is frequently made worse by little or no access to other profitable coffers, and by ignorance or lack of education.

2. Violence against women is one of the most wide violations of mortal right, affecting widows in all background. Widows are no exception and may infact be at particularly high threat of violence.

3. The children of widows are frequently affected, both emotionally and economically. Widowed maters , now supporting their families alone, are forced to withdraw children from academy and to calculate on their labour. also, the daughters of widows may suffer multiple losses adding their vulnerability to abuse.

4. Widows can come liable for the debts of a departed partner. This serious abuse of the mortal rights of widows and their children is still uncelebrated indeed by association that’s concerned with mortal rights violations. Hence the study.


Statement of problem

Widowhood has serious counteraccusations for the physical and internal well being of women. Widows face a myriad of problems similar as profitable, social and cerebral feeling particularly in the first time or so after the death of their partner. Fasoranti and Runa( 2003) noted that when a man dies his widow is now deprived of his income and the nexus of the family is destroyed. Afigbo( 1990) revealed that at the death of a woman’s hubby, she’d be anticipated to surrender all the man’s property including bank account to the relations for appropriation.

Babatunde and Owasonye( 2001) revealed that in some communities, the woman would be indicted of master, minding the hubby’s death indeed where it’s veritably apparent that he failed a natural or accidental death. Hence the widowhood solemnities would begin by making the woman to pass through “ acid ” test similar as drinking bitter water, swearing in a sanctum, or indeed drinking the water used to bath the hubby’s cadavere.t.c. It’s believed that if she survives any of a combination of these, also she’s free from the guilt of causing her hubby’s death. This design is needed by the need to conduct an indebt exploration work on the impact of privation of widow’s heritage rights by their hubby’s cousins and also to carry out some exploration inorder to find a proper results to the being problems.


Purpose of the study

The main purpose of the study is to examine the problems of widows in Nsukka. Specifically the study will

1. Determine how the denial of widows rights affect their well being.

2. Identify the artistic practices that relate denial of rights of widows to have access to their dead misters parcels.

3. To examine how he people in Nsukka communities deny widow’s the right to inherit their hubby’s parcels.

4. To proffer results to widows right.


Research questions

The following exploration questions will form the base of this exploration.

1. How does the denial of widow’s right affect their well-conditioned beings?

2. What are the artistic practices that relate to denial of rights of widows to have access to their dead hubby’s parcels?

3. How does the people of Nsukka communities deny widows the right to inherit their hubby’s parcels?

4. What are the ways and styles widows can fight and claim the right to their hubby’s parcels?


Significance of the study

Widowhood is one of the most significance negative life events at any age of a woman. This study will reveal the negative artistic practices associated with widowhood in Nsukka communities. This study will profit widows by barring some dangerous artistic beliefs and practices associated with widowhood.

This study will also help families to know that when a woman in being married into a particular family, she’s formerly part and parcel of the family, is still a strong member of the family. This study will also help the widow andun-widowed women to know their rights no matter the artistic aspects, for them to stand establishment when the wind blow.

And this should be done through organizing of forums , conferences, during August meeting, and women sect meetingetc. during similar gathering a lot of women will be there, also the organizers will educate them what to do as their rights. By so doing the Ignorance of some widows will be cutting down and they will know their rights.


Compass Of Study

This study is limited to samples drawn from only Nsukka. The samples will be drawn from both pastoral and civic communities of Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State. The sample will be only ladies both educated and uninstructed, named from Nsukka Local Government Area.


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