The purpose of this study was to assess the causes and consequences of resource control agitation in Nigeria, with a focus on the River State administration. The project is set up in such a way that each chapter flows seamlessly into the next. It was divided into five chapters, the first of which began with an overview of resource control in Nigeria, followed by a discussion of its causes and consequences. The purpose of the study, the significance of the investigation, the scope of the study, and the definition of words are all described in detail in this chapter. Chapter two deals with the review of related literature.



Nigeria is endowed with various national endowments, which provide her with a significant amount of cash. As a result, people, particularly those in positions of authority, began to influence the economy of the country, giving rise to a selfish political consciousness in practically every Nigerian. This sentiment, in particular, sparked resource control movement in Nigeria, which has ultimately resulted in a number of setbacks in Nigeria’s socioeconomic, economic, and cultural growth as a result of the agitation to control the country’s resources.

According to new study, this conflict began in the 16th century during the slave trade era. The truth is that there isn’t a single part of our country that isn’t inherently endowed with the aptitude and capability to succeed.


Nigeria is a mineral-rich country, with every state being endowed in some way. In Nigeria, this seemingly simple topic begs for a response because it has been unanswered since the Europeans discovered the country’s wealth. The people of the Niger Delta in Nigeria have been visited with such agreed-driven evil as a result of the discovery of crude oil on their land and seas. Why is there such a clamorous concentration on a single resource? Because neither the government nor the people are aware that there are resources in every nook and cranny of the country that, if properly utilized, could produce as much kerosene as crude oil.

According to facts, it is insufficiently blessed for the country’s continued existence as we know it.


Misappropriation of resource funds (crude oil) obtained from the Niger-Delta region has been reported. There is also a lack of exploitation and administration of solid mineral resources, as well as a disregard for other economic sectors. Agriculture and tourism, for example, have remained a recarrying boomer against Nigeria since independence, as the Federal Government’s focus on the Niger-Delta region’s resources has intensified, resulting in a number of disadvantages, including environmental devastation, inequalities, injustice, human rights abuse, and conflicts.


The goal of this research is to learn more about

(a) If different states in Nigeria are aware of the natural riches that are available to them.


(a) If there is a law in Nigeria that grants the Federal Government complete control over mineral resources,


This investigation of the reasons and consequences of Nigeria’s resource control agitation, with a focus on River State, has prompted certain questions among experts and professionals, which the study has attempted to answer. The following are the components of the research question:

a. Do you believe that achieving resource control will result in Nigeria’s economic development?


b. Do you believe that establishing resource control will prevent ethical crises?


d. Does Nigeria have any resource control agitation?


The goal of this research is to determine and identify the causes and effects of resource control agitation in Nigeria, with a focus on River State. The work will further enlighten us on the competing issues in resource management.

It will also reveal the extent to which ethic groups are conscious of their natural endowment. Also discussed will be the implications and repercussions of resource control. The work will also give dues for resource management and will recommend ideas for how to best deal with Nigeria’s resource control problem.


The scope and breadth of this study would have been broad enough to cover all of Nigeria’s states, but it will focus on conflict, or the causes and consequences of resource control agitation, with a particular focus on River State. Furthermore, where and when appropriate, comparisons with other states may be drawn.


The researcher ran into various issues when conducting this investigation. The researcher faced time constraints, financial constraints, and a lack of available materials to carry out the research work effectively. For example, lack of information and unnecessary bureaucratic steps in the River State Ministry of Commerce and Industry all contributed to the problems encountered during this research.


For a better understanding of this study project, the following terminology must be defined:.

i. Financial Resources

2. Maintain control

Agitation (iii)

iii. The Roots of the Problem

v. The Implication

I RESOURCES: Kelly Osolo described resources as “available assess which a nation or state have” in his book ” Resource development and management Vol 1.” The Oxford dictionary phrase for genuine assistance.

(ii) CONTROL: To have authoritative control or authority over something. It also refers to the ability to control, affect, or limit something.

(iii) AGITIATION: This is a public awareness campaign. It’s also a mental state characterized by severe emotional discord.

(iv) CAUSES: An event that provides the generational energy that gives birth to something. There must be a cause for something to be done

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