The goal of this initiative is to assess human trafficking among our society’s young (a case study of Oredo Local Government Edo State). The study is necessary due to the alarming rate of increase in human trafficking among the adolescents in the Edo study region. Human trafficking, according to the findings, causes absolute moral downfall as well as the breakdown of calm marriages or homes. Human trafficking results in the loss of lives and property; it also leads to the termination of academic careers and a negative national image or reputation in the state. The goal of this research is to reduce or eliminate human trafficking among the overall population of the state. As a result, the researcher suggests that there should be awareness.
Human trafficking is an unsightly reality in our society that continues to exist today. Human trafficking is a serious problem that affects people all over the world. It has evolved into a very booming growth rate in sections of Africa, Eastern Europe, the Caribbean, and Latin America, having reached its peak and showing no signs of slowing down. It’s important to emphasize that the rise in human trafficking cases in Nigeria is attributable to the unwavering efforts of the business’s operators and profiteers, who point to unparalleled poverty and a near-complete lack of basic necessities as their driving force.
The state’s reputation has been tarnished as a result of human trafficking. Human trafficking is our most serious economic issue. Second, Nigeria has been beset by a slew of issues. The majority of the issues can be traced to the pervasiveness of some of the ills that obstruct society’s progress. Human trafficking has become prevalent as a result of the maladies that currently impede the country’s growth, and it has now risen to the top of the list of societal ills in Nigeria. While the problem appears to be endemic in Edo State, particularly in the Oredo Local Government, there are indications that no section of the country is immune from the social calamity that has decimated numerous communities. By 2015, it is expected that there will be 80 million people. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), approximately 12 million Nigerian children, mostly in rural areas, are unemployed. Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which a large number of children and women are forcedfully or fraudulently recruited, transferred, and held for sexual or labor exploitation. Human trafficking victims are frequently forced to provide sex under duress and without their consent. They are, nevertheless, employed as laborers in fields and fisheries, sweep stores, and as domestic help. Third, human trafficking is the world’s fastest-growing criminal industry, with an annual revenue of not less than $250 million for trafficking in people, mostly women (60 percent of whom are between the ages of 12 and 18, while 40 percent are over the age of 18), who are trafficked across Nigerian borders yearly, particularly in Oredo, Edo State, and other parts of the country. Middle men are able to bring together the supply and demand for cheap labor and sex in ways that were not previously linked by exploiting the poverty and low status of women in the developing globe. Though the concept of human trafficking is not difficult to grasp on its own, its scope and classification are growing by the day. The educational curriculum may have overlooked this issue, leaving no room for social ills. Subjects that deal with morality, such as Christian religious knowledge and Islamic religious knowledge, are gradually being phased out as teachers who staunch these courses are not being employed by some employers. Social studies, which exposes our children to the vices and virtues in society, is gradually being phased out as teacher who staunch these courses are not being employed by some employers. The illicit commerce and trade of persons is known as human trafficking. It is essentially a form of slavery that relies on direct purchase rather than the “natural increase” that comes from enslaving slaves’ progeny. The United Nations (UN) defines “trafficking in persons” as “the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons by threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud or deceptions, abuse of power or vulnerability, or the giving or receiving of payments to obtain the consent of a person who has control over another person’s for the purpose of exploitation.”
The illicit commerce and trade of persons is known as human trafficking. It is essentially a form of slavery that relies on direct purchase rather than the “natural increase” that comes from enslaving slaves’ progeny. The United Nations (UN) defines “trafficking in persons” as “the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons by threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud or deceptions, abuse of power or vulnerability, or the giving or receiving of payments to obtain the consent of a person who has control over another person’s for the purpose of exploitation.”
The researcher hopes that this project work will aid society in reducing human trafficking, both at home and at school. The problem that the researcher intends to investigate is as follows:
What are the consequences of human trafficking among the youth in Edo State’s Oredo Local Government Area?
What are the reasons of human trafficking in Edo State among youths, adults, and others?
What impact does human trafficking have on the country?
What impact does human trafficking have on the youth’s level of living in Edo State’s Oredo Local Government?
What are some of the challenges that society may face as a result of human trafficking?
The ultimate purpose of this research is to:
To list the several sorts of human trafficking in Nigeria, particularly in the Oredo Local Government of Edo State.
To investigate the consequences of human trafficking in Edo State, specifically in the Oredo Local Government Area?
To investigate the factors that lead to human trafficking in Oredo?
To provide a solution to human trafficking’s impacts and causes?
The following research questions were posed in attempt to identify solutions to the issues stated earlier.
Is human trafficking caused by a low standard of living?
Is there a link between high illiteracy and human trafficking?
Is there a link between high levels of people trafficking and development?
Is human trafficking a source of discontent among Edo State’s youth?
The study of the effects and causes of human trafficking in Edo State is important because it has the potential to have a significant impact on individuals as well as the entire population of Edo State.
The study’s scope is based on an assessment of human trafficking in a few key locations in Oredo, including:
Benin City’s Ring Road
Benin City, Ekewan
Benin City, Ogbe
As used in this study, several words are defined or discussed to indicate their meaning.
Human: Having to do with humans as opposed to God or animals of persons with emotional traits.
Trafficking is defined as the movement of people along roads and streets, the flight of an aircraft in the sky, the transportation business conducted by a railway, a steamship line, and other forms of trade and commerce.
Slavery is defined as the act of being sold into slavery or the condition of being sold into slavery.
Illegal means that anything is against the law.
Profiteer: Someone who makes a lot of money in an unethical way.
Madams: people who are involved in human trafficking and are forced into prostitution in other countries.
Trolleys are those that are involved in human trafficking.
Personal property that can be used for sexual exploitation is referred to as sex chattels.
Business: This is an activity with monetary value that is carried out with the primary goal of attracting clients.
A harbor is a safe haven for ships.
Fraud: dishonest business, a person who claims to be someone he is not.
Exploitation is the act of exploiting someone for personal gain.
Poverty is defined as the state of being impoverished.
Prostitution is defined as the act of a woman offering her body for sexual intercourse to anyone willing to pay for it.
Drugs are substances that are utilized for medical purposes alone or in combination.
Abuse is defined as the improper use of anything, such as drugs.
Bond: An agreement or engagement that a person is obligated to keep, especially one that has legal effect; a document signed and sealed that contains such an agreement; an agreement entered into with someone.