Background of the study

Given the growing number of Nigerians who go online on a daily basis, as well as the fact that many firms continue to use social media to sell their products on a daily basis, determining how online product advertisements influence consumer buying behavior becomes even more significant. Online marketing, internet advertising, and web advertising are all terms used to describe online advertising. Customers receive promotional marketing communications via the internet in this type of marketing and advertising. Due to its unique properties of flexibility, interactivity, and personalisation, the Internet is an ongoing evolving source that tends to expand more and is growing rapidly in both its application and quantity of users. The Internet, as a powerful advertising tool, is versatile, which distinguishes it from traditional advertising methods. E-advertising is a very flexible style of advertising that allows customers to make modifications as needed during the campaign without incurring significant additional costs. This emphasizes the importance of the internet, particularly in a country like India, where the business environment is highly dynamic. Email advertising, search engine advertising, social media advertising, display advertising, mobile advertising, and other forms of online advertising, like other forms of advertising, frequently involve both the publisher who integrates advertisements into online content and the advertiser who provides advertisements to be displayed on the publisher’s content in order to influence. Advertising, as a promotional tactic, is an important instrument for increasing product awareness in the minds of potential customers before they make a purchase choice. Marketers can use advertising, sales promotion, and public relations as mass communication strategies. Advertising through all mediums influences audiences, but the internet is currently one of the most powerful mediums of advertising due to its widespread reach; it can influence not only an individual’s attitude, but also his behavior, lifestyle, exposure, and, in the long run, the country’s culture (Latif and Abideen 2011). Consumers are the products’ final users, and they keep the production cycle rolling. Consumers play a critical part in any country’s economic structure. Advertising, according to Cohen (1988), is a business activity that uses creative techniques to create persuasive communication in mass media that promotes ideas, goods, and services in a way that is consistent with the advertiser’s goal, consumer satisfaction, and the development of social and economic welfare. (According to Cohen, 1988). According to Cohen’s definition, advertising has three purposes: increasing company sales, providing consumers with a wide range of services, and ensuring the social and economic well-being of society.

Statement of the problem

The era of globalization has long necessitated a paradigm shift in all fields, including marketing. In order to compete in the global business environment, a company must be more creative and have a competitive advantage over others. The study of consumer behavior has become a source of worry for marketers, since it may reveal how customers purchase goods and services to meet numerous requirements, as well as the elements that influence their decision. Because online advertising has risen fast in the previous decade, corporations are now attracted to it for this reason. Every day, the number of people who interact and spend time online grows exponentially. According to Kotler (2007), the new competition is not between what is produced by various companies in a factory, but between what is added to the plant results in the form of packaging, services, advertising, customer consulting, financing, shipping arrangements, warehousing, and anything else that people think is valuable. Manufacturers are encouraged to aggressively promote their products in order to grab consumers’ attention due to the competition between products on the market. As a result, businesses must be able to provide customers a positive impression of the product they are selling and must continually deal with how the product is sold in the market. The presence of such products should be communicated to the user in order for a product to suit their wants and preferences. One can wonder what is causing the observed changes. Furthermore, Husain and Adamu (2014) noted that the usage of social media, particularly Facebook and Twitter, has played an essential role, but they did not specify whether this has resulted in actual online transactions. Despite the rapid rise of online marketing, Ayo et al. (2011) found that, despite the rapid growth of internet marketing, customers still use business websites only to gather information and make traditional transactions. Trust and risk are two characteristics that may be responsible for such behavior (security issues). The Nigerian experiences in all of these have only been somewhat examined, thus this study aims to determine the impact of internet shopping advertisements on customer purchasing rates.

Objective of the study

The overall goal of this research is to determine the impact of online shopping advertisements on consumer purchasing rates. The study’s objectives are as follows:

1. Confirm that online advertising is more effective than traditional media.

2. Find out what additional elements influence people’s perceptions of internet advertisements.

3. Determine whether online shopping advertisements will increase product sales volume.

4. Determine whether people purchase things as a result of an internet advertisement.

Research hypothesis

HO1: Internet advertising has not shown to be as effective as traditional media advertising.

HO2: Online shopping advertisements have no discernible effect on consumer purchasing behavior.

Significance of the study

Marketers and site designers will benefit from the study’s findings in understanding the criteria for evaluating online adverts. The study’s findings will show how online advertising influences people’s perceptions of products, which will benefit businesses who want to use and invest in online or internet advertising. The study’s findings will give actual evidence to support or refute theories concerning online advertising in Nigeria. Finally, the study’s findings will add to the body of current literature and serve as a resource for students and researchers interested in conducting more research in a similar topic.

 Scope of the study

The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of online shopping advertisements on customer purchasing behavior. It was determined whether online advertising is more effective than traditional media. It looked into whether additional elements influence people’s perceptions of internet advertisements. Also, we’ll look into whether online shopping advertisements can boost product sales. However, the research is limited to the Jumia online store.

Limitation of the study

The researchers ran into some minor roadblocks while conducting the study, as with any human endeavor. Because there was a scarcity of literature on the issue, the researcher had to spend more money and time locating relevant materials, literature, or information, as well as in the data collection process, which is why the researcher chose a small sample size. In addition, the researcher will do this research while also working on other academic projects. Despite the constraints, the researcher downplayed them all while assuring that the best was delivered.

Definition of terms

Online shopping is a type of electronic commerce that allows customers to buy goods or services directly from a seller via the Internet using a web browser or a mobile app. Shoppers can usually utilize “search” options to find certain models, brands, or items in online businesses.

Online Advert: Online advertising, also known as online marketing, Internet advertising, digital advertising, or web advertising, is a type of marketing and advertising that sends promotional marketing messages to customers via the Internet.

Consumer Buying Behavior refers to the actions that consumers take (both online and offline) before purchasing a product or service.


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