Impact Of Ownership Structure On The Objectivity Of Private Broadcasting Stations In Nigeria




Because there are many government controls and influences on Nigerian journalists, especially those working for the state media, the adage “he who pays the pipers dictates the tune” is more in line with this study. Journalists are subject to government directives regarding what they may and may not transmit. The majority of government media journalists are thought to have been transferred to their public relations and secretary, and the government has also transferred media to her extension of the ministry of information, which is compelled to back her initiatives dogmatically. The survey approach was used with 100 questionnaires, of which 90 were returned and served as the basis for the study. Many viewers still favor private media to government media, which they describe as a government megaphone or a government propaganda weapon to deceive the public, despite the fact that private media ownership has a significant impact on the objectivity of their medium. It is advised that media proprietors refrain from letting their business interests divert them from the social role that is expected of them by society. Because “source is the news,” or that the credibility of the media will be what determines the credibility of the information, media owners should permit their employees to perform professionally in their day-to-day operations. This will help to increase and sustain the media’s objectivity and credibility.

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