Background Of The Study

Over time, social media has been defined as a form of human connection in which people produce, share, and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. The growing popularity of social media platforms has resulted in the creation of new digital social networks where people can engage and share information, news, and ideas with unprecedented speed and convenience. As a result, it appears that the usage of such technologies has the potential to alter current social structures and relationships (with the public and civic spheres inclusive). Much emphasis has been placed in the social sciences on conceptualizing social media’s role in modern society (Mossberger, Tolbert, & McNeal, 2008; Trottier, 2012), as well as the interrelationships between online and offline actors, institutions, events, and political and social change (Edwards, Housley, Williams, and others). Twitter is a free social networking microblogging website that allows users to submit brief messages known as tweets. Members of Twitter can broadcast tweets and follow other users’ tweets across numerous platforms and devices, allowing for rapid information transmission. Text messages, a desktop client, or posting on the Twitter website can all be used to send tweets and responses to tweets (Gerbaudo, P. 2012). To put it another way, Twitter encourages social contact and public participation in a variety of human challenges. As a result, Twitter’s unfettered participatory nature has created a plethora of opportunities for the general people to engage with a variety of social issues.

Despite Twitter’s enormous role and prospects, numerous nations, including Turkey, Turkmenistan, the United Kingdom, North Korea, Iran, China, and, most recently, Nigeria, have prohibited its use in their society.

The Nigerian government stated on June 5, 2021 that Twitter’s operations in the country will be suspended indefinitely due to “the ongoing use of the platform for activities that threaten Nigeria’s business survival.” Without a doubt, the unprecedented and dramatic move to stop Twitter in the country will have a far-reaching influence on the country. This research, on the other hand, focuses on the effects of Twitter’s ban on online social communication.

Statement Of The Problem

Twitter’s microblogging and social networking service has been suspended in Nigeria by the Nigerian government. In a statement made in Abuja on Friday, 5 June 2021, the Minister of Information and Culture, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, announced the suspension, citing the platform’s continued usage for actions that threaten Nigeria’s corporate survival. (

According to, Nigerians have a Twitter account in excess of Ghana’s whole population of 32 million. And the platform has increased and enhanced social contact among Nigerian residents over the years as they discuss social concerns, political issues, educational material, and other topics. According to Aljezeera’s talk with Emmanuel Alumona,

Objective Of The Study

The primary goal of this research is to look into the impact of Nigeria’s Twitter ban on social media communication. As a result, the following are the precise objectives:

  1. Examine whether the ban on Twitter in Nigeria would slow down the flow of information in the country.
  2. Examine whether banning Twitter will hinder public communication of thoughts and perceptions on social and political concerns in the country.
  3. Determine the impact of the Twitter ban in Nigeria on online social interaction.

Research Hypothesis

An experimental statement that shows the relationship between two or more variables is referred to as a hypothesis. It can be tested and accepted or rejected based on whether or not it agrees or disagrees with the statistical test.

The following hypotheses will be tested in this study:

H01: Nigeria’s Twitter ban would not stifle the country’s rapid dissemination of information.

H02: Nigeria’s Twitter ban will not prevent citizens from expressing their views and perceptions on social and political concerns in the country.

H03: Nigeria’s Twitter ban will have a significant impact on online social interaction among Nigerians.

Significance of the study

This study will look into the unintended consequences of Nigeria’s rash decision to prohibit Twitter usage. In light of this, the study will also inform/educate the Nigerian government on the dangers that the country’s indefinite suspension of Twitter may pose, as well as the importance of listening to the opinions of its inhabitants. This study will also provide appropriate recommendations for all Nigerians to aid and develop online social connection so that they are always informed about what is going on in society. Finally, this research will be a useful resource for students, scholars, other academics, and the general public.

Scope Of The Study

The purpose of this study is to see if a Twitter ban in Nigeria will disrupt the flow of information in the country; to see if a Twitter ban will limit the expression of public opinions and perceptions on social and political issues in Nigeria; and to see how a Twitter ban will affect online social interaction in Nigeria. Respondents for this study will be drawn from Benin City, Edo State’s social media users.

Limitations Of The Study

The study’s key constraints include a lack of financing to engage a large number of people in the research and to carry out the other logistics required. Another constraint was time, which required the researcher to divide available time between academic activities and doing the research within the time frame.

Another problem that hindered this investigation was the lack of materials required for its effectiveness. The researcher encountered a roadblock when it came to gathering literature and conducting interviews in order to validate this study.

Definition Of Terms

Twitter is a microblogging and social networking website based in the United States where users can send and receive messages known as “tweets.”

The emergence of verbal and nonverbal abilities, social engagement, and social cognition are all examples of social communication.

A ban is a legal or informal prohibition against doing something. Bans are enacted to limit activity inside a particular political territory.


How Nigeria’s Twitter ban would affect people and businesses, according to Ajazeera New:

Nigerians on Twitter respond to the country’s Twitter suspension, according to Ajazeera News:

A. Edwards, W. Housley, M. Williams, L. Sloan, M. Williams, M. Williams, M. Williams, M. Williams, M. Williams, M. Williams, M. Williams, M. Williams, M. Williams, M. Williams, M. Williams (2013). Surrogacy, augmentation, and re-orientation in digital social research, social media, and the sociological imagination The International Journal of Social Research Methodology is a publication dedicated to the study of social research methodology.

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