This project work investigated the impact of leadership on the achievement of organizational goals. The findings of this study show that leadership plays an important part in an organization’s efforts to achieve its objectives. Primary and secondary sources were used to gather data for their investigation. Thus, the information for this work was gathered from questionnaires, textbooks, and the internet. Some of the study’s findings include the following: leadership is critical in achieving organizational goals; leaders guide the activities of subordinates toward achieving organizational goals. The leaders embark on various styles of leading subordinates, depending on the leaders and the scenario in the organization’s leadership process. Based on the findings of this investigation, such recommendations have been made.



In many aspects, a successful organization differs from an ineffective one. One of the contrasts is the leadership style. Successful companies are defined by dynamic practice and competent leadership in the majority of cases. While poor and ineffective leadership characterizes unsuccessful organizations. Recognizing this is one of the most important lessons learned from the latest leadership study and work.

Leadership is the process of persuading individuals to want to achieve a goal, which could be the goal of the organization, a subordinate goal, or the leader’s goal.

Most leaders know that the present corporate environment is of controlling, planning, and organizing nature, and leadership is crucial since the success of leadership taken by many organizations is directing their subordinates towards the goal.

This is true because employees’ feelings about their leadership style and happiness with it might affect their performance in the workplace.

In light of this, the purpose of this study is to examine the impact of leadership on the achievement of corporate goals.

Statement Of The Problem

Work in an organization has certain needs to meet, and how those needs are met can have an impact on performance. Some organization’s leadership is sometimes unaware of certain factors that motivate employees to perform in order to achieve the organization’s goals. Leaders’ leadership styles can have a significant impact on employee performance, especially if that leadership style assists subordinates in reaching their organizational goals. As a result, when leadership impacts a subordinate by addressing his wants, it has an impact on the organization’s goals.

The impact of leadership on achieving organizational objectives, using feeds and flour mills as a case study, but in the course of the research, we will look at what is meant by leadership style, whether Dangote plc workers are satisfied with their superiors’ leadership style, the nature of the relationship between workers and leaders or superiors of Dangote Plc, and whether the superiors’ leadership style is geared towards meeting the needs of workers for performance. Under the following leadership style, study on the impact of leadership style on employee performance may be required to determine the type of leadership the organization employs and how it affects the employees.

Autocratic Leadership Style: is task-oriented, with the goal of completing a certain task swiftly. The group’s autocratic head makes all of the decisions and assigns work to the members. However, autocratic leadership has numerous drawbacks and is seen as a harmful leadership style. This leadership style can create a barrier between team members and the leader, resulting in low job satisfaction and trust in the organization.

Democratic Leadership Style: Also known as participative leadership, this style invites employees to participate in decision-making (Gastil, 2012). When there isn’t enough time to collect everyone’s input, it’s easier and more cost-effective for the management to make the decision, and the manager feels threatened, democratic leadership should not be adopted.

Delegative leadership is sometimes known as laissez-faire. One shortcoming of the laissez-faire leadership style is that it is ineffective in instances where group members lack the necessary expertise or experience to execute tasks and make judgments (Egri, 2011). Some people struggle with setting their own deadlines, managing their own projects, and resolving conflicts. When team members do not receive adequate guidance or input from leaders, projects might get off track and deadlines can be missed. However, the purpose of this study is to explore how a laissez-faire leadership style affects staff productivity at Dangote Plc in Lagos State.

When a manager manages “by the book,” everything must be done according to process or regulation. If the book doesn’t cover it, the manager refers to the level above him or her (Blanchard, 2008). When employees acquire hard-to-break work habits, especially when managers are no longer useful, employees lose interest in their employment and in their coworkers, and when employees do simply what is asked of them and nothing more, this style is proven to be unsuccessful (Gastil, 2012).

Dangote Plc was picked in this scenario because of its excellent staff productivity, which may be linked to the execution of appropriate leadership. It may be important to conduct research into the impact of leadership style on employee productivity in order to determine the sort of leadership style used by the firm and how it affects staff productivity. A good leadership style is required to guide employees’ actions toward the achievement of organizational objectives. As a result, the purpose of this study is to see how different leadership styles (such as authoritarian, democratic, fair, and bureaucratic) effect employee productivity at Dangote Plc in Lagos, Nigeria. The study’s uniqueness and contribution to existing knowledge are based on the fact that no previous research of this kind has used Dangote Plc in Lagos State as a case study.

Objectives of the Study

The study’s major goal is to determine the impact of leadership on Dangote Plc’s organizational goals in Lagos State. However, the following sub-objectives will be addressed in order to attain this main goal:

  1. In Dangote Plc, Lagos State, the impact of authoritarian leadership style on employee job quality was investigated.
  2. In Dangote Plc, Lagos State, to research the impact of democratic leadership style on staff efficiency.
  3. In Dangote Plc, Lagos State, the effects of a laissez-faire leadership style on staff effectiveness was investigated.
  4. In Dangote Plc, Lagos State, to assess the impact of bureaucratic leadership style on staff motivation.

Research Questions

The following are the research questions:

To what extent has Dangote Plc’s autocratic leadership style impacted employee work quality in Lagos State?

What effect does democratic leadership have on staff productivity at Dangote Plc in Lagos State?

What effect does a laissez-faire leadership style have on Dangote Plc’s employee effectiveness in Lagos State?

How has the bureaucratic leadership style of Dangote Plc in Lagos State affected employee motivation?

Research Hypotheses

In order to reach reliable conclusions on the subject matter, the following hypotheses were created based on the objectives. The hypotheses are written in their most basic form:

In Dangote Plc, Lagos State, there is no substantial effect of authoritarian leadership style on employee work quality.

In Dangote Plc, Lagos State, democratic leadership has no major impact on employee efficiency.

In Dangote Plc, Lagos State, a laissez-faire leadership style has no substantial impact on employee effectiveness.

In Dangote Plc, Lagos State, a bureaucratic leadership style has little effect on staff motivation.

Scope of the Study

The research is limited to Dangote Plc and the impact of leadership style on staff productivity. Employee productivity variables such as work quality, efficiency, effectiveness, and motivation, as well as leadership style variables such as authoritarian leadership style, democratic leadership style, laissez-faire leadership style, and bureaucratic leadership style, are all examined. Dangote Plc in Lagos State will conduct the research. The study’s unit of analysis is Dangote Plc personnel at the junior, middle, senior, and management levels in Lagos State. Furthermore, the study’s population included 3,150 Dangote Plc employees in Lagos State.



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