School is a time when a young person’s mind is most susceptible to influence, ideas, and ideals that alter how a person thinks, behaves, and perceives the world (Oyebode, 2010). This is a pivotal point in one’s personal decision-making processes and career choices. As a result, parents are always expected to play a significant role in shaping and influencing their school-age children’s career choices, which ultimately influence their future job choice. From another perspective, parents are regarded as influential, implying that they have the ability to influence their children’s future. Because children are impressionable, their choices may be heavily influenced by their parents, but the influence of friends on their career choice should not be overlooked (Oto, 2014).

A person’s career can be defined as their life’s progression and activities, particularly those related to their employment. Rather than referring to one’s position, a career is typically comprised of jobs held, titles obtained, and work completed over a long period of time (Knowles, 2014). (Fayomi, 2012) defines a career as an employment or profession pursued as one’s lifework, particularly one that requires specific training. It also refers to a person’s progression or general path of activity during a specific stage of life, such as in a profession or endeavor (Head, 2015).

Choosing a job is a life-changing decision that affects a person’s entire destiny. The degree to which potential jobs are investigated and examined

as a means of pursuing a career. According to the research of Breakwell G. and Beardsell (2013), considering job options before committing to a career increases future career success and happiness. However, a variety of factors influence an individual’s career choice, the most important of which are parental and social influence. Many factors influence each individual who goes through the process, such as where they live, their friends and peer group, and their parents’ socioeconomic background and status (Calkins, 2013).

According to Salami (2006), in the absence of proper vocational assistance and career counseling, many Nigerian teenagers make poor career choices due to ignorance, inexperience, peer pressure, or the reputation associated with specific occupations. Peers chosen and adopted by parents take over the socialization process at school. in terms of appearance, lifestyle, social activities, and academics (Sebald, 1992). Similarly, Han and Li (2009) and Zimmerman (2003) discovered that potential friends and peers can influence attitudes toward education, job hunting, and even joining a social or political group. Some friendships may also have a negative impact. The socioeconomic status of a child’s parents has a significant impact on his or her existence. His position paves the way for his advancement. The socioeconomic background of an individual influences their intelligence, attitudes, aptitudes, and even hobbies. Socioeconomic status refers to an individual’s and family’s position in relation to current average standards, cultural possession, and participation in community group activities. It is also stated that socioeconomic status encompasses an individual’s social as well as economic standing within the group. Variations

Changes in the children’s socioeconomic situation, unequal parental treatment, parental educational level, and the effect of the environment, among other factors, all contribute to differences in achievement (Fishbein and Ajzen, 2015).

Children from higher socioeconomic backgrounds, according to Awolowo (2012), are not only brighter, but they are also given more opportunities to develop academically, physically, and emotionally, which influences their job choices. Contact between parents and their children is frequently at the heart of their professional decisions. According to Williams (2016), if a parent’s job provides them with a high level of happiness or a comfortable lifestyle, their children may notice and prefer these jobs over others. Children, on the other hand, are more likely to pursue more meaningful activities.

or better-paying jobs if their parents complain about their jobs or struggle to support the family on the income provided by their jobs. Peers are also seen as a powerful factor that can influence students’ career choices.


Despite the country’s enormous population and natural resources, Nigeria’s unemployment rate has continued to rise. Surprisingly, thousands of Nigerian graduates are ejected from higher education institutions each year due to a lack of job opportunities. The large number of unemployed youth has the potential to undermine the democratic process by posing a serious threat to the country’s peace and security if the political elite engages in criminal behavior. This unemployment issue could be traced back to Poor career choices. Many of them made career decisions in high school based on peer pressure, parental pressure, and bad advice, ignoring their natural abilities and talents. In contrast, Akpan (2015) believes that the experiences a person has had since infancy, the type of information made available to him as he grows, and the way parents steer their children’s vocational choices all have a significant impact on the career choices made by university undergraduates. The experiences made available to the child by his parents can either assist or limit the options and facilities made available to him, and thus his choice of vocation. Given this, there is a need to investigate the influence of parents and peer pressure on career choice.

Among secondary school students.


The study’s goals are to assess the influence of parents and peer pressure on secondary school students’ career choices. The study’s specific objectives are as follows:

i. Determine whether a student’s career choice is influenced by his or her parents’ level of education.

ii. Determine whether a student’s career choice is influenced by his or her parents’ educational level.

iii. Determine whether a student’s career choice is influenced by his or her peers’ perceptions.

iv. Investigated the relative influence of peer and parental career choices on undergraduate professional life.


This study addresses the following research questions:

v. Does er’s parents’ income level

Is a student’s career choice influenced?

vi. Does the educational level of parents influence a student’s career choice?

vii. Does peer perception influence a student’s career choice?

What is the relative influence of peer and parental career choices on undergraduate professional life?


The study aims to help educators and educational institutions gain a better understanding of their students’ influences from parents and peers when making career decisions. It is also hoped that the study’s findings will assist institutions and related bodies in developing a better plan that will guide and expose undergraduates to a clear understanding of their profession. The research will also teach parents about their role in guiding their children.

wards in deciding on a career path. The study will also serve as a theoretical foundation for future researchers who will conduct research in the research domain. Finally, the study is required for the award of a degree from this prestigious institution of higher learning (University of Lagos).


The scope of this study is limited to the influence of parents and peer pressure on secondary school students’ career choices. However, the study is limited to Igbinedion University, Okada, the headquarters of the Ovia North-East Local Government Area in Edo state.


The researchers encountered minor constraints while conducting the study, as with any human endeavor. The limited literature on the subject posed a significant challenge.

Because it is a new discourse, the researcher incurred more financial expenses and spent more time sourcing for relevant materials, literature, or information and in the data collection process, which is why the researcher resorted to a limited sample size covering Igbinedion University, Okada, the headquarters of Ovia North-East Local Government Area, Edo state. As a result, the findings of this study cannot be generalized to secondary schools in other Nigerian states. Furthermore, the researcher’s involvement in this study while also working on other academic projects will impede maximum dedication to the research. Nonetheless, despite the constraints encountered during the research, all factors were minimized in order to provide the best results and make the research successful.



Exegesis on the various operational definitions of major concepts in this topic is pragmatically required. Here are a few examples of key terms:

Career: What one does for a living, whether it is a source of income, an occupation, or a profession.

Career Choice: A person’s occupation or professional path is defined as their career choice.

Peers are people of the same age, class, or friendship.

Peer Group: The age group to which a student or individual belongs.

Parent: The individual student’s father and mother.

Socioeconomic Background: This refers to a family’s social and economic class or level in society. This could be upper, middle, or lower class in any society.


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