Over the years, educators and students have observed that instructors rely excessively on words to explain their thoughts during teacher-student interactions; as a result, teachers are accused of talking too much. According to Fayemi (2022), technological advancements have made it possible to eliminate the obstacles that technical instructors frequently face when teaching and studying introductory technology. Individuals are no longer forced to rely solely on the conversational style of instruction and learning as a result of this change. These technological advancements have also enabled the development of materials and devices that can be used to make the transmission of knowledge and skills more meaningful and tangible. Due to the absence of certain items, educators and the general public have expressed concern about students’ performance in introductory technology.

promising (Fayemi 2022). (Fayemi 2022).

Furthermore, because Technical Teachers lack the resources to make the topic more tangible, students do not attend Introductory Technology courses. Experts have determined that technological advances have made certain materials and systems available for use by Technical Teachers in the instruction of Introductory Technology. These materials are known as instructional materials. Charts, Posters, Audio-Visual Aids, Realia, Audio Aids, Visual Aids, and other materials are included in this instructional material. Researchers discovered that the majority of instructors are unable to use these Instructional Materials effectively in the classroom. Ogunmilade (2022), a member of the media press in Education at the University of Ife, argued in favor of instructional materials, claiming that they are a tool for promoting and sustaining the learning process.

The process of teaching and learning. Instructional Materials are critical for effective teaching at the preparatory levels because they not only assist the instructor but also motivate students to learn. Okafor family (2022). However, the effective implementation of this 6 – 3 – 3 – 4 educational system, which includes Introductory Technology as a core topic, is dependent on Technical Teachers and appropriate and readily available Instructional Materials. Despite the fact that Instructional Items are understood to be materials and technology used to facilitate the teaching and learning process, some Technical Teachers still do not fully comprehend their significance (Okoh, 2022).

This could be due to a lack of skill acquisition or training. In the absence of instructional materials such as posters, safety rules, and the like, and operating manuals, either technical instructors or students would be hampered in their teaching and learning of introductory technology. A report analyzing the performance of students enrolled in introductory technology at one of the Abak Local Education District’s Junior Secondary Schools over the previous few years revealed very poor results. Observations revealed that ten students out of hundreds who took the course received a passing grade. According to Olayiwole (2022), when the material is demonstrated and applied, students perform better and acquire skills more quickly. He went on to say that in teaching and learning, the ratio of demonstration to practical application should be 10:25. This emphasizes the importance of making instructional materials more accessible to students in order to assist them in applying them.

What they have discovered. Nigeria has advocated for the establishment of technical colleges at various levels, with Junior Secondary Schools serving as the foundational level. To accommodate the practical nature of technological subjects, the teaching of introductory technology necessitates an abundance of instructional resources and equipment. To develop a positive attitude toward Introductory Technology, our students should be exposed to a variety of instructional materials that facilitate knowledge and skill acquisition (Okoh, 2022). Clearly, a lack of instructional materials impedes introductory technology teaching and learning. This could be one of the factors contributing to students’ poor performance and negative attitudes toward Introductory Technology.


According to Fayemi (2022), introductory technology teachers lack the necessary skills.

Teaching and learning materials that are effective. Furthermore, they lack the necessary effective skill gains for junior secondary school. Teaching abstractly is ineffective for both teaching and learning. If the technically oriented teacher teaches primarily through discussion without the use of instructional materials, the students will lack the fundamental abilities required to do well in Introductory Technology at the Junior High School Level. Students are discouraged from studying the subject as a result, and they are unmotivated. Then, at the Junior Secondary level, it is difficult to acquire fundamental skills (Okoh, 2022).


The primary goal of this research is to look into instructional resources and the challenges that technical teachers face when teaching introduction to technology. Other

The study’s objectives are as follows:

i. Determine the extent to which instructional resources are used in junior secondary schools to teach introduction to technology.

ii. To investigate the various instructional resources used to teach introduction to technology in junior secondary schools.

iii. To determine whether instructional resources affect the academic performance of students in junior secondary schools taking an introduction to technology course.

iv. To investigate the difficulties that technical teachers face when using instructional resources to teach introduction to technology in junior secondary schools.


This study will address the following research questions:

i. To what extent are instructional resources used in junior secondary schools to teach introduction to technology?

ii. What are the various types of instructional resources used to teach?

Technology education in junior secondary schools?

iii. Do instructional resources influence the academic performance of students in junior secondary schools learning about technology?

iv. What difficulties do technical teachers encounter when using instructional resources to teach introduction to technology in junior secondary schools?


The findings of this study are expected to shed more light on some of the challenges faced by technical teachers when teaching Introductory Technology at the junior secondary school level, both with and without instructional resources. This research could be useful for junior secondary school technical educators looking for the most appropriate and efficient ways to teach introductory technology. It is also hoped that this study will change the unfavorable attitudes of

Junior high school students discussing introductory technology.

Finally, depending on the findings, the government may be able to take actionable steps such as providing technical teachers with appropriate instructional materials for teaching the topic and conducting seminars and workshops to assist them in improving and modernizing their teaching techniques.


This study focuses on instructional resources and the challenges that technical teachers face when teaching introduction to technology. This study is specifically concerned with determining the extent to which instructional resources are used to teach introduction to technology in junior secondary schools, examining the various types of instructional resources used to teach introduction to technology in junior secondary schools, and determining whether instructional resources affect students’ academic performance.

of teaching introduction to technology in junior secondary schools, as well as investigating the difficulties that technical teachers face when using instructional resources to teach introduction to technology in junior secondary schools.

Teachers and students from selected secondary schools in Anambra State’s Awka South Local Government Area will be enrolled in this study’s survey.


In general, this research focuses on instructional resources and the challenges that technical teachers face when teaching introduction to technology. This study focuses on determining the extent to which instructional resources are used to teach introduction to technology in junior secondary schools, examining the various types of instructional resources used to teach introduction to technology in junior secondary schools, and determining whether instructional resources affect academic performance.

students of introduction to technology in junior secondary schools, as well as investigating the difficulties that technical teachers face when using instructional resources to teach introduction to technology in junior secondary schools.

Teachers and students from selected secondary schools in Anambra State’s Awka South Local Government Area will be enrolled in this study’s survey; thus, the sample size was limited because only a few respondents were chosen to answer the research instrument; thus, the results cannot be generalized to other secondary schools outside the state.


Instructional resources, also known as teaching/learning materials, are any collection of materials that a teacher may use in teaching and learning situations to include animate and inanimate objects as well as human and non-human resources.

Assist in achieving desired learning outcomes.

Introductory to Technology: This is a pre-vocational course offered at the Junior Secondary level. Woodwork, metalwork, automechanics, electrical electronics, building construction, and technical drawing are all included.


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