Inter-cultural Marriages And Social Adjustment Of Children In Nigeria
(A Case Study Of Uyo, Local Government Area)


Chapter One


1.1 Background Of The Study

Inter-cultural marriage involves the union or marriage between people from different cultural backgrounds, race or tribe (Olayemi 2012). According to Ekpenyong, 2008) inter-ethnic marriage is a form of mixed-marriage and are becoming common in Nigeria due to greater social contact resulting in a decline in prejudice and discrimination. In addition, there are neither federal nor state laws proscribing it. Inter-cultural marriage can also be seen as inter-ethnic marriage. It is often a form of exogamy, that is marrying outside one’s social group and it can be seen in the broader context of miscegenation, that is mixing of different social groups in marriage. In recent years, there has been some broadening of contact in schools, on the job, inter-ethnic neighbourhoods and through voluntary associations. Also, there is some evidence that there are more inter-ethnic marriages among those with some college education and those who have gone through the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) programme (Ekpenyong, 2008).

Inter-cultural marriage has come to stay in Nigeria. People from different ethnicities, cultures and dissimilar backgrounds who live in close proximity of each other are more likely to date and marry. With the estimated 250 ethnic groups, inter-cultural marriages in Nigeria has been on the rise as newer generations of less traditional young people pay little attention to cultural connections yet, amidst talks of unity and true nationhood, many still question the wisdom or idea of marrying someone from a different ethnic group. According to Umoh (2000) when it comes to choosing a life partner, many Nigerians regardless of educational and social exposure, are still guided by ethnic affiliations. There are still families who frown at or vehemently oppose inter-ethnic marriage, believing that marriage is challenging enough without the added stress of language and cultural differences (Egberipou, 2010). In reality, these differences sometime prove to be an insurmountable barrier in inter-cultural or ethnic marriages. Akpan, (2008) observed that in some places, wives who are married into a different tribe from theirs, have been known to suffer emotional abuse and injustice especially upon their husbands’ death and children in this form or system also face different forms of challenges and confrontations. In spite of this, there are many couples and children that enjoy a long and peaceful married life and successful household.

Inter-cultural marriage creates room for peace and harmony and it also fosters respect for one’s culture and tradition. Apart from its numerous functions, the social adjustment of children is the aim of this research work. Research has shown that children in multi-racial households sometimes face some difficulties than those from the same racial households (Egberipou, 2010). Another striking issue is that inter-cultural marriage inculcates in children the cultural practices of either one or both of the parents in respect of ethnicity. According to Akpan (2008) couples in inter-cultural marriages face barriers that most married couples of the same culture are not exposed to. Also this form of marriage is often influenced by external factors that can create disagreement in a relationship. Different cultures endure vastly in diverse moral, ethical and value foundations that influence the perceptions of individual, family and the lifestyle of the society. Although inter-ethnic marriages are more common in Nigeria today than what it was few decades ago, it is important to note that members of ethnic groups have not “married out” indiscriminately (Ekpenyong, 2008). This research work is aimed at examining the influence of inter-cultural marriages on the social adjustment of children in Nigeria.



1.2 Statement Of Problem 

Marriage in itself is full of challenges which come at various stages and to almost every nation. This can easily be explained owing to the fact that the two individuals have their different beliefs, traits, characters, orientation and interests. Most people naturally have a distinct picture of what their marriage or home would be when two persons from different cultural backgrounds are coming together for marriage, there is this expectation of perfect life and perfect household. Research has shown that in an inter-cultural union, there is always cultural difference which brings a lot of strain not only to the union but also to the children’s way of life within and outside the household (Egheripou 2010).

Cultural identity is one of the things needed by children of inter-cultural marriages in Nigeria. Some of those children are not sure of where to fit in especially when it comes to society issues. However, there are social and even psychological effects that can arise from not seeing oneself as a full member of any particular cultural group, particularly in areas where cultural matters are given priority. Researchers have concluded that children in inter-cultural marriages face different forms of discrimination and difficulties due to their parents’ different background interms of orientation.

Some researchers have also concluded that mixed culture adolescents engage in substantially more risky and antisocial behaviour (Aronfreed, 2010) this study sets out to investigate how inter-cultural marriages influence social adjustment of children in Nigeria. Using Uyo as the case study. It will utilize the methods and principles used by other researchers to see if there findings are applicable to Uyo metropolis.


1.3 Objectives Of The Study 

This work tried to find out the influence of inter-cultural marriages in Nigeria.

Specifically the study sought to:-

Determine the effect of inter-cultural marriages on children’s social adjustment.

Ascertain the extent to which inter-cultural marriages promote peace and unity in Nigeria.

Find out whether children’s mode of speaking is related to their inter-cultural background.

Examine whether there is any behaviour differences between children born from inter-cultural marriage households and those born from households where both parents come from the same cultural group.


1.4 Research Questions 

The research is to answer the following questions:-

What are the effects of inter-cultural marriages on children’s social adjustment?

Do inter-cultural marriages promote peace and unity in Nigeria?

Do inter-cultural marriages influence children’s mode of speaking?

Do inter-cultural marriages influence the differences that exist between children from inter-cultural marriage households and those of the same cultural household interms of social identity.


1.5 Significance Of The Study

This research on inter-cultural marriages and social adjustment of children in Nigeria is of immense benefit to all Nigerians especially those in the area of study, it will help them to understand the merits and demerits of inter-cultural marriages with regard to children’s social adjustment. The study will also bring to the fore, the different factors responsible for inter-cultural marriages in Nigeria.

1.6 Research Hypotheses 

Based on the stated objectives and the research questions the following hypotheses will be tested.

There is no significant relationship between inter-cultural marriages and children’s social and adjustment in the society.

There is no significant reletionship between inter-cultural marriage and prevalence of peace and unity in Nigeira.

There is no significant relationship between inter-cultural marriages and children’s mode of speaking.

There is no significant relationship between inter-cultural marriages and differences that exist between children of inter-cultural households and those of the same cultural household interms of social identity.


1.7 Definition Of Terms 

Marriage: This is a recognized matrimonial institution or a union of people who are usually of the opposite sex (Udoma 2000) Today, legal proceedings are being cited and endorsed by some countries recognizing same sex marriage but this research work centered on the most widely accepted form of marriage between men and women.

Culture: According to Tylor (1871) culture is defined as that complex whole which includes knowledge, believes, art, morals, law, customs and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.

Culture is also the way of life of people occupying a particular geographical area.

Social Adjustment of Children: This involves the children’s state of being and how they adopt to changing situations in a particular household.

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