Manufacturing firms are involved in the transformation of goods, materials, or substances into new items. Physical, chemical, or mechanical transformations are possible. Manufacturers frequently have plants, mills, or factories that generate consumer items. Manufacturing often involves the use of machines, equipment, and a large amount of human labor. Fabrication, processing, or preparation of goods from raw materials and commodities is the focus of this field of manufacturing. All meals, chemicals, textiles, machineries, and equipment are included. However, because of the threats to human life and the need for diversification, the advent of coronaviruses has had a significant impact on manufacturing enterprises in Nigeria. Originally, these viruses were passed from animals to humans. SARS, for example, was spread to people by civet cats, while MERS was spread to humans by a camel. Several coronaviruses that have not yet infected people are circulating in animals. However, returning travelers brought in the confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the country between February 27 and March 17 (the first 30 days). Ten states in Nigeria reported 81 clinically confirmed cases as of March 27, 2020, one month after the first case. Three of the patients had entirely recovered, and one had died. Lagos State had the largest number of cases at the time (52; 64.2 percent ). The number of positive cases has risen rapidly to 232 by April 5. The number of people who had died had climbed. This dreadful situation resulted in a slew of limitations, and the government imposed preventative measures across the board, including on manufacturing firms. This was done to aid in the control of the virus’s spread. As a result, all manufacturing enterprises in Nigeria are left with little choice but to restructure their working environments and devise new methods to ensure that the government’s order on Covid-19 is carried out. The goal of this study is to determine how well manufacturing companies comply with the government’s order on Covid-19 preventive measures.


Covid-19 arrived in Nigeria on February 27, 2020, thanks to an Italian resident who works in Nigeria and returned from Milan, Italy via the Murtala Muhammed International Airport on February 25, 2020. On February 26, 2020, an Italian person became unwell and was taken to the Lagos State Bio-security Facilities for isolation and testing. As a result, upon the confirmation of the virus’s outbreak in Nigeria, the federal government ordered all individuals and organizations to follow the global Covid-19 safety procedures to aid in the virus’s spread throughout the country. However, many businesses, particularly small businesses with limited resources, may find it difficult to regularly offer all of the things required to comply with these regulations. Furthermore, many tasks in manufacturing companies necessitate a large number of manpower, which many cannot be completed without an adequate human labor force. As a result, in light of the foregoing, the purpose of this research is to determine how manufacturing companies in Nigeria ensure compliance with the Covid-19 prevention strategies.


The primary goal of this study is to look into the level of Covid-19 safety compliance in Nigerian manufacturing companies utilizing Golden Guinea Breweries in Umuahia, Abia State as a case study. Other specific goals are listed below:

To determine the various Covid-19 preventive procedures that the Nigerian government has mandated for manufacturing companies.

To see if the company’s management is adequately providing goods like hand sanitizers, face masks, and gloves that are required to comply with the Covid-19 safety requirements.

To see if the company has passed laws requiring staff to follow the Covid-19 preventive measures.

To determine the impact of government enforcement authorities and the Company’s regulatory board on ensuring that all Covid-19 prevention measures are followed to the letter by employees.


What are the several Covid-19 preventive measures that the Nigerian government has approved for manufacturing firms?

Is the Company’s management adequately providing products like as hand sanitizers, face masks, and hand gloves that are required to comply with the Covid-19 safety measures?

What is the level of compliance with the Covid-19 preventive measures in the industrial industry?

Are there any company-enacted laws requiring employees to follow the covid-19 preventive measures?

What effect do government enforcement agencies and the Company’s regulatory board have on ensuring that all Covid-19 prevention measures are followed to the letter by employees?


The importance of this study cannot be overstated, as it will provide information and ideas to the government, corporate organizations, and employees on the compliance level as well as the problems that limit adherence to the Covid-19 guidelines. This study, on the other hand, will serve as academic material for students, scholars, and other wise folks.


Golden Guinea Breweries, Umuahia, Abia State, Nigeria is the focus of this research.


This study is constrained by a number of issues, including the study’s time span, the financial implications required for its success, and the lack of materials required to complete the investigation. Ethnic issues and organizational politics, which arose over the course of the research, were also a hindrance to the investigation.


Covid 19: Also known as coronavirus, this is a contagious respiratory disease produced by a novel coronavirus strain that causes illness in humans.

Compliance: Obedience and observance of what is lawful and legal.

Government: The body of people who make up a political unit’s or organization’s governing authority: for example, the officials who make up a political unit’s governing body and make up the organization as an active agency.

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