1.1` Background of the study

According to Lakomy (2022), the war between Russia and Ukraine arose due to a number of concerns. Foreign observers are concerned about a complex interplay of ethnic, religious, political, and economic interests. Lakomy (2022), Mearsheimer (2021), and Zwolski (2018) all emphasized the European Union’s involvement in the conflict. It will be necessary to conduct an analysis of the conflict concerns, which can be divided into five categories: (1) Russian preservation of post-Soviet states, (2) Ukrainian sovereignty, (3) the status of Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk, (4) Ukraine’s sense of national identity, and (5) international alliances (with Ukraine being at the center of conflicting ideologies). Imperial rule has a long history in the Russian Federation. A sense of superiority pervades much of its society. the desire to demonstrate it. Kriesberg (2022) emphasized Putin’s importance of Ukraine, noting that it resulted in “largely manufactured, yet nonetheless widespread collective agreement among large parts of Russia’s population about the rightfulness, justice, and legitimacy of Moscow’s various territorial, political, cultural, and economic claims toward Ukraine.” He went on to say that Russian imperial expansion is “critical to the Putinist regime’s support, cohesiveness, and long-term viability.” Putin’s sadness over the demise of the USSR, expressed in 2018 at the Truth and Justice media event, reflects the Russian public’s sentiment (TASS, 2018). According to a 2017 study conducted by the Yuri Levada Analytical Center, 58 percent of those polled regret the fall of the Soviet Union (Levada Center, 2017).  Surprisingly, the number of people who mourn the demise of the Soviet Union has dropped by only 8 percentage points since 1992. Furthermore, it has been suggested that the breakdown of the unified economic system and the fact that people no longer feel like they are part of a global superpower are what the Russians have felt most nostalgic about over the last two decades (Levada Center, 2017). It appears that the Russians have been denied what Western Europeans have had for years. As a result, Russia’s efforts to maintain spheres of influence in post-Soviet republics appear to be an attempt to compensate for this nostalgia by exerting control over these areas (Lakomy,2022). As a result, Putin’s actions should be viewed as a reflection of his character.  The requirements of Russian society. However, the extent to which he molds it to fit his own personal goals will be scrutinized further. Nonetheless, Russia’s preservation of post-Soviet republics, such as Ukraine, is an attempt to bring the country together (Lakomy,2022). More specifically, it is a reaction to the eastward expansion of Western European powers. Russia has repeatedly interfered with Ukraine’s sovereignty since 1991. (Kriesberg,2022). The reasons outlined above for the Orange Revolution, as well as the underlying causes of Euromaidan, are just a few examples of Russian meddling in its satellite state. President Putin would rather have control over the Ukrainian government than have to deal with the complexities of international law or economic ties (Mearsheimer,2021). Throughout Yanukovych’s presidency, the  Despite President Yushchenko’s previous attempts to seize this strategically and economically important port, Russia’s lease on its naval station in Sevastopol (the Crimean Peninsula) was extended until 2042. The agreement was reached in exchange for lower prices on Russian gas imported into Ukraine (Mearsheimer, 2021). As a result, many of the oligarchs who dominate Ukraine’s economy (it has been estimated that the wealth of the richest hundred Ukrainians is equivalent to 23% of the country’s GDP (Datskevych, 2019) and have economic ties with the Russian government, banks, corporations, and so on. Their impact on the current battle, however, will be examined later. The question now is, why is Ukraine’s sovereignty under threat now more than ever? Putin ensures that his foreign policy actions are consistent with

in accordance with international law, or appear to be in accordance with international law (Zwolski,2020). Despite the fact that the majority of UN members do not recognize Crimea as Russian territory, Russia effectively governs the peninsula. The conflict in Donbass is more difficult; however, the precedent set by Russia’s annexation of Crimea calls Putin’s future foreign policy actions toward Ukraine and its sovereignty into question. As a result, there is a need to investigate the causes and consequences of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

1.2 Problem description

Russia has launched a massive military offensive against Ukraine after declaring Donetsk and Luhansk independent states (Allison,2022). It hardly needs to be stated that Russia is violating international law by defying the UN Charter’s prohibition on the use of chemical weapons. of force, the need to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of other nations, and the prohibition on involvement (Allison,2022). Russia, on the other hand, is justifying its actions with legalese. President Vladimir Putin’s recent statements contain some attempts at legal reasoning, but they do not stand up to scrutiny (TASS. 2022). The war itself can be viewed as a clash between two opposing ideologies represented on one side by the West (EU, UN, NATO) and Russia on the other. The European Union, NATO, the United Nations, several non-governmental organizations, and the United States all represent a liberal democratic posture that Russia regards as a threat to its survival and global power standing (Allison,2022). The two separatist republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, on the other hand,

The Ukrainian government is believed to be suppressing them and even committing genocide against them, as well as the alleged Ukrainian participation in NATO, are some of the perceived causes of this invasion (Allison,2022). As a result, the investigation into the causes and consequences of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will take place in this context.

1.3 The study’s purpose

The study’s goal is to investigate the causes and consequences of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The specific goals are as follows:

To investigate the causes of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

To investigate the impact of Russia’s invasion on Ukraine’s sovereignty.

To assess NATO and the United Nations’ positions on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

1.4 Research Issues

The following are examples:

The study’s questions have been prepared.

What are the reasons for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?

What impact has Russia’s invasion had on Ukraine’s sovereignty?

What is NATO and the UN’s position on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?

1.5 Importance of the research

This study will be useful to the government, policymakers, and citizens because they will be aware of the reasons for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and will be able to learn from it. This study will be useful to academics and history students who want to conduct additional research on the causes and consequences of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

1.6 The Study’s Scope

This research will look into

the causes of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The study will also look into the impact of Russia’s invasion on Ukraine’s sovereignty. Finally, the study will assess NATO and the United Nations’ positions on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

1.7 Study Restrictions

A number of factors hampered this study, which are as follows:

As with any other research, there are challenges, ranging from a lack of needed accurate materials on the topic under study to an inability to obtain data.

The researcher faced financial constraints in obtaining relevant materials as well as printing and collating questionnaires.

Time constraint: Another constraint is the need to shuttle between writing the research and engaging in other academic work.

it makes the researcher uncomfortable

1.8 Methodology of Research

Research methodology is concerned with the various methods or approaches used by the researcher to carry out the research, as well as the instrument used to collect data. There are several research methodologies that can be used to answer the research questions. The historical research methodology will be used in this study to collect data and relevant information, and the study will use a descriptive data collection method. This will entail gathering information from secondary sources such as books, journal articles, magazines, internet sources, international and national conference proceedings, published and unpublished articles, and so on.

1.9 Research Organization

The research was divided into five chapters. The first chapter provided the study’s background and a general overview.

introduction to the work. It included a statement of the study’s problem, the objectives of the study, and the scope within which the research was conducted. The first chapter also includes an outline of how the work is organized. The second chapter of the study examined the causes of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The third chapter discussed the impact of the Russian invasion on Ukraine’s sovereignty. The fourth chapter assesses NATO and the United Nations’ positions on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the fifth chapter is a summary of the major findings, with recommendations and a conclusion to the study.


Roy Allison, ‘Russian ‘deniable’ intervention in Ukraine: how and why Russia broke the rules,’ (2022).

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Natalia Datskevych (2019). “Meet Ukraine’s Richest People: New Ranking, Same Oligarchs.” The 31st of October, according to the Kiev Post. The date was March 2, 2020.

Louis Kriesberg and Bruce Dayton, W. (2022). “Conflict Resolution Through Mediation.” 217-247 in L. Kriesberg and B. Dayton’s Constructive Conflicts: From Escalation to Resolution. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

Miron, Lakomy (2022). “The Game of Ukraine: Donbass Conflict as an Outcome of Multilayered Rivalry.” Politeja 6 (45), pages 280-315.

The Levada Center (2017). “Nostalgia for the Soviet Union.” December 25th, Levada Center. The date was March 2, 2020.

John Mearsheimer (2021). “Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault: The Liberal Delusions That Provoked Putin.” Foreign Affairs 93 (5): 77-89. JSTOR.

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Kamil Zwolski is a Polish writer (2020). Palgrave Macmillan, European Security in Integration Theory.

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