Primary education lays the groundwork for later levels of education to be confidently built upon. It is a level of education in which students learn the fundamental skills of reading and mathematics, which will determine their performance in higher levels of learning (UNESCO 2008). A child’s educational career is dependent on the strength of his or her foundation, just as the firmness and solidity of a structure are dependent on the strength of its foundation. The performance of a child in elementary school determines the success and stages of his or her educational career. As a result, primary education is a critical component of the Nigerian educational system that must be handled with care. The haphazard administration of primary education

Not only does it reduce educational attainment, but it also impedes the nation’s sociopolitical, cultural, and economic activities, all of which are detrimental to national progress. The compulsory admission of students into Primary One and the easy promotion of students into the next class, even if they fail, has resulted in a decline in the overall quality of education in the country (Andzayi, & Ikwen 2014).

One of the deficiencies of the Nigerian educational system has been linked to the underutilization of libraries and their resources. The school library, which can be found in institutions such as nursery, primary, and secondary schools, has the goal of developing and increasing the intellectual ability of students in these institutions.

A college

According to Ramesh and Maranna (2016) in their article, a library is an information center located within a school setting with the goal of providing information services to assist the school’s teaching and learning processes. Book collections and non-book materials are typically organized in a way that allows pupils/students and teachers easy access to them in order to improve teaching and learning, participate in recreational activities, develop personal interests and interpersonal relationships, and improve teaching and learning in general. The purpose of this research is to draw attention to the non-print items available in the school library, including audiovisual resources.

Audio-visual resources are nonprint instructional tools that require the dual sense organs’ attention in order to function.  to improve the efficacy of the teaching and learning process. They are also referred to as multimedia resources. They are the result of cutting-edge technology, and some of them necessitate the use of specialized equipment in order to function properly. Audio-visual resources include, among other things, television, computers, and films. These materials can ensure effective instruction, which in turn promotes skill acquisition and retention among learners, particularly at the primary school level. The use of audio-visual resources in teaching and learning is expected to lead to a shift from rote learning (the teacher center technique) to a more enhanced and inventive method known as the “child center method.” It is possible to overcome the limitations of the traditional method of

A child-centered approach to learning is used in teaching. The child center technique encourages children to be active participants in a classroom environment through the use of audio-visual materials and other instructional equipment, resulting in joyful learning experiences.

Although audio-visual resources are important in teaching and learning, Adakole, Eiriemiokhale, and Nnaji (2016) discovered that they are always supplied at a very low level in most schools across the country, which has a long-term negative impact on the quality of teaching and learning. Because of a lack of adequate audio-visual tools in the study area, the majority of primary schools have continued to use the teacher-centered mode of instruction, which pays less attention to the needs of individual students.

Encourages them to be passive learners. Gibson describes the abstractive aspect of this teaching style (1997). Gibson explains that the abstract nature of instruction has no connection to the real world and does not help students think about practical situations or encourage them to create and present their own solutions. As a result, the majority of students feel demotivated and disconnected, and they develop a negative attitude toward learning, which has a direct impact on their academic performance.


The age of digitalization and globalization has given audio-visual technology unprecedented impetus. As a result, audio-visual instruction in schools has continued to improve students’ understanding and appreciation of learning.

The worth

The importance of audio-visual media is further emphasized by their positive impact in school libraries, the libraries’ positive influence on student academic performance, and the enhancement of teacher performance.

According to research, audio-visual resources are an important factor in effective teaching and learning at the primary level of education. The importance of resources in the teaching and learning process, according to Adebowale and Adekanye (2013), cannot be overstated due to the wide range of benefits they provide. It piques the child’s interest, keeps him or her engaged in the learning process, encourages imaginative play, and reduces the abstract nature of the topics under discussion, making it easier for teachers to transfer significant information to the students. Furthermore, it personalizes learning and encourages the  Students will learn critical thinking, problem solving, and teamwork skills, among other things. Despite the positive contributions of audio-visual resources to teaching and learning, the majority of schools in the study area have yet to realize their full potential, most likely due to a lack of funds to provide the resources, inadequacy of the resources, and incompetence in their use. Poor use of audio-visual materials impedes effective teaching and learning at the elementary level, resulting in poor academic performance and decreased interest in furthering one’s education. If nothing is done to raise awareness about the importance of using audio-visual resources in primary school teaching and learning, the country’s labor force will suffer in the long run.

The entire nation, as well as the entire world, will suffer from poor sociopolitical and economic development. In this context, the goal of this research is to look into the use of audio-visual technology in school libraries, as well as its impact on students’ academic performance.


In general, the study looks into audio-visual technology in school libraries and its impact on academic performance. The study specifically seeks to:

i. Determine the extent of audiovisual materials available in the primary school library.

ii. Determine the value of audiovisual resources in the teaching and learning process.

iii. Identifying factors that impede adequate use of audio-visual resources in primary school to promote effective teaching and learning.

iv. To ascertain the if

Inadequate use of audio-visual resources has a significant impact on the academic achievement of primary school students.


The following preliminary statement guides the research:

Ho1: The primary school library has a limited selection of audiovisual materials.

Hi1: The quantity and variety of audiovisual materials available in the primary school library.

Ho2: Inadequate use of audio-visual resources has no significant impact on student achievement.

Hi2: Inadequate use of audio-visual resources has a significant impact on students’ academic performance.


The desire to carry out this work is a result of the new wave of educational technology that is sweeping the world. The study looked into how Nigerian school libraries could prepare for the challenges posed by educational technology.

This research is especially important for school administrators and teachers.

government because it would allow them to learn about the various A/V materials and media that can be used in school libraries and possibly come to realize the positive impacts that the use of A/V technology has on students academic performance and thus take positive steps to develop our school libraries and position them to include these media in their holdings in order to meet the challenges of this information age.


This research is limited to how A/V materials and equipment are used and evaluated in the IELC/DISS library for effective use on student academic performance. There is no comparative analysis because this is an experimental study. It rather examined the effects of using A/V media on

School students are studying. The study is limited to selected primary schools in Akwaibom State’s Ikot-Ekpene local government area.


The researchers encountered minor constraints while conducting the study, as with any human endeavor. The significant constraint was the scarcity of literature on the subject because it is a new discourse, so the researcher incurred more financial expenses and spent more time sourcing for relevant materials, literature, or information and in the data collection process, which is why the researcher resorted to a limited sample size covering only selected primary schools in Ikot-Ekpene local Government Area in Akwaibom State. As a result, the findings of this study cannot be generalized to other primary studies.

Schools in other Nigerian states. Furthermore, the researcher’s involvement in this study while also working on other academic projects will impede maximum dedication to the research. Nonetheless, despite the constraints encountered during the research, all factors were minimized in order to provide the best results and make the research a success.


Some concepts used in his work require operational definition in order to be properly understood. Audio-visual technology, school libraries, students, and academic performance are some of the concepts.

Audiovisual Technology: Audiovisual technology is a combination of audio and visual materials used in the instructional or learning process to facilitate teaching, as well as a general term for non-book materials that can be viewed or listened to, such as films. films trips, tapes, and overhead lighting

transparencies. There are numerous categories of materials and equipment, as briefly mentioned in the preamble.

School Libraries: A school library is an information center located in a school environment that provides information services to support the school’s teaching and learning process. A school library is a collection of a wide range of library materials and resources housed in each school and centrally managed by a professional staff to provide services to students and teachers that will enrich and support the school’s educational programs.


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