Many women’s lives have become dependent on exercise. Many women still choose to exercise when pregnant, but many are apprehensive about the potential side effects.

Exercise during pregnancy is frowned upon because of the twin pressures of pregnancy and exercise, which may place contradictory physiological demands on the expectant woman (Wiswell, 1996; Sternfeld, 1997). Unlike the adaptations that occur during pregnancy, which are designed to nurture and protect the fetus, those that occur during exercise are designed to keep the mother in a state of homeostasis. Excessive physical activity during pregnancy may thus generate a conflict between mother and foetal needs, posing a risk to the pregnancy’s outcome.

The adaptations, on the other hand, may complement one other and provide possible benefits (Sternfeld, 1997).

Redistribution of cardiac output away from the visceral circulation to the exercising muscles and skin, depletion of energy stores, and an increase in body temperature are some of the physiological changes that occur during exercise (Clapp, 1996). In addition, teratogenic effects from exercise-induced hyperthermia, decreased carbohydrate availability for the foetus, redistribution of uterine blood flow with subsequent foetal hypoxia, increased uterine contractility with a possible increase in the risk of preterm labor, infertility, abortion, congenital malformations, cordentanglement, placental separation, premature membrane rupture, and growth restrictions have all been described. Over the last few decades, exercise advice for pregnant women have changed (Borg-Stein et al., 2005). Physical activity during pregnancy had been discouraged until the twentieth century, mostly due to theoretical worries about exercise-induced damage and negative foetal and mother outcomes (Dempsey, Butler & Williams, 2005). As a result, many women viewed pregnancy as a period of confinement during which they were discouraged from engaging in recreational physical exercise (Dempsey et al., 2005). Results from animal studies published before the 1970s backed up these worries, leading to a slew of stringent exercise laws (Clapp, 1996; Dempsey et al., 2005). Women were advised to minimize their exercise participation, while non-exercisers were advised not to begin exercising while pregnant (Borg-Stein et al., 2005). Research data released since the 1970s, on the other hand, refute these concerns (Clapp, 2000; Dempsey et al., 2005). In fact, studies completed since 1985 have found no adverse maternal or foetal effects in healthy women engaged in mild and moderate exercise activities (Clapp, 1996; Henriksson-Larsen, 1999; Riemann &Kanstrup-Hansen, 2000; Dempsey et al., 2005), but rather somewhat favorable effects (Clapp, 1996; Henriksson-Larsen, 1999; Riemann &Kanstrup-Hans (Wiswell, 1996; Sternfeld, 1997; Clapp, 2000; Frey, 2002). The impact of 30 years of research may be seen in the considerable modifications in the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) guidelines, which were released in 2003. (Committee on patient education of the ACOG, 2003). For most, if not all, days of the week, these guidelines prescribe moderate activity of 30 minutes or more.


Pregnancy and childbirth are natural bodily functions. Many physiological and psychological changes occur during and after pregnancy, and mothers are often concerned and stressed about them. However, exercise is beneficial during pregnancy. It helps the mother prepare for childbirth by strengthening her muscles and increasing her endurance, as well as making getting back into shape after the baby is born much easier. During pregnancy, the body generates a hormone called relaxing, which loosens the joints in preparation for delivery, so the mother must be careful with the exercises she chooses and pay attention to technique. It’s critical to choose exercises that will neither harm her or the baby. Ideal exercise stimulates her heart, maintains her supply, controls her weight growth, and strengthens her muscles.

The postnatal phase necessitates a great deal of physical and psychological adjustment. While some activity is beneficial to a new mother, too much exercise too soon might be hazardous. Pregnant women should almost certainly engage in some type of fitness plan while pregnant, according to current medical advice. Exercising when pregnant is beneficial to the mother. Obesity, gestational diabetes, and hypertension are all reduced in pregnant women who exercise.

During the antenatal period in a selected hospital, one study was conducted on the influence of selected antenatal exercise on the nature and result of labor in 39 primipara moms.

A method of experimentation was used. The study found that prenatal exercise was beneficial to both the mother and the baby’s labor outcomes.


The study’s overall goal is to assess what is known about the impact of frequent pelvic floor exercises on maternal health in women of reproductive age. The study’s particular objectives were established as follows:

1. To determine the level of knowledge among women of reproductive age in Benue State on the effects of pelvic floor exercises on maternal health.

2. To investigate the perspectives and perceptions of women in Benue State on the effects of pelvic floor exercises on their maternal health.

3. To determine the benefits and drawbacks of pelvic floor exercises on women’s maternal health in Benue State.

4. To examine the amount of exercise participation among women of reproductive age in Benue State in order to improve maternal health.


The following research questions were derived from the study’s goals.

1. What is the degree of information among women of reproductive age in Benue State about the effects of pelvic floor exercises on maternal health?


2. What are the opinions and perceptions of women in Benue State about the effects of pelvic floor exercises on their maternal health?


3. In Benue State, what are the benefits and drawbacks of pelvic floor exercises for women’s maternal health?


4. Do women of reproductive age in Benue State improve their maternal health by doing exercises (pelvic floor exercises)?


In the following aspects, the findings of this study would be important to women of childbearing age in Benue State and Nigeria in general:

1. The findings of this study will provide information on how to care for women of reproductive age’s maternal health through regular exercise (pelvic floor exercises in this case).

2. The outcomes of this study will aid policymakers and the health sector in better understanding the issues affecting maternal health among women of childbearing age in Benue State, as well as providing a path ahead through regular exercises.

3. It would serve as a foundation for future research by other scholars who are interested. In addition, the outcomes of this study will add to what is already known about the impact of frequent pelvic floor exercises on mother health.


The following assumptions guided this research:

1. Adequate and regular exercise is required to safeguard and promote the maternal health of women who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy.


2. For women of reproductive age, where they live might be a significant obstacle to exercising and other associated activities.


3. Women of reproductive age’s level of education and information can be a powerful predictor of exercise practice for maternal health.


4. In Benue State, women of reproductive age’s attitudes and views can influence their exercise practices and access to accurate information about maternal health.


The study used Benue State as a case study to learn more about the effects of frequent pelvic floor exercises on maternal health among Nigerian women of reproductive age.


The purpose of this study was to learn about the effects of frequent pelvic floor exercises on maternal health among women of reproductive age (15-49 years) in six Local Government Areas in Benue State, which were chosen from the three Senatorial Zones. Katsina-Ala, Vandeikya (Zone A); Gboko, Makurdi (Zone B); and Ogbadibo, Otukpo (Zone C) are among them (Zone C). The study included only women of reproductive age who attended prenatal and postnatal clinics at General Hospitals in the identified Local Government Areas.


Because some of the women of reproductive age did not return their questionnaires, the study was limited by the uncooperative attitude of some of the respondents. Only responses from respondents who completed and submitted their questionnaires accurately were used by the researcher.


Maternal Health: The health of women throughout pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period is referred to as maternal health. While motherhood is typically a wonderful and fulfilling experience, it is often associated with hardship, illness, and even death for far too many women.

Pelvic floor exercises strengthen the muscles that surround the bladder, sexual organs, and the back channel.

Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles can aid in the prevention of incontinence, the treatment of prolapse, and the improvement of sexual activities.

Pelvic floor exercises are beneficial to both men and women.

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