chapter One


Research background
This study is premised on clarifying what land registry practices are in use and how they can be improved. Land registration was a tedious task as it moved from one capital city to another (Akwa Ibom). Fraud may occur due to the lack of authenticity of parcels in rural and some urban areas as they are not registered. The questionable practice that accompanies unregistered musical instruments is that when such instruments are unregistered and a buyer of the property comes along, it is difficult for the buyer to trace the history of the property, and the seller’s ancestral rigorous tracing practices may be difficult. It comes from the fact that we must receive. Obtain confirmation from the village chief, family head, family members, etc. Such land is marked with trees that cannot provide valid or authentic proof that the land belongs to the seller.

The problem that this research work is going to raise, is the problem that originates in the registration of land, land registration practice in Nigeria is a practice that gives validity or authenticity to a bonafide land owner it certifies that a person has acquired a valid title to the lands but due to the erroneous practices that follows the registration of land, land buyers do not have interest in registering their land with the land registry, the tedious practice of waiting for long periods and the monetary terms involved discourages people from registration. The problem with land registry practice also is the lack of awareness, this problems are the driving forces behind this work. The problem of land registration in a state like Akwa Ibom State is traced to the fact that when files where moved from the then Cross River State to Akwa Ibom State that was newly created, files where lost and cannot be properly traced in the land registry.

A critical look at the critics of Nigeria today reveals that they are confronted with plethora of land related problems emanating from the uses registration, allocation, distribution and ownership of land. I want to find out about the implementation of the Land Registration Act of 1994 and to investigate on contemporary issues of registration of land in Nigeria. The 1994 Registration Act was chosen and its implementation critically examined. The reason the 1994 Registration Act was chosen was that, since it was drafted, no other registration law had been drafted, which happened to be current and was the registration law drafted in Nigeria. The registration policy was the impact of non-registration, principles of registration, requirements for land registration, obligations to register, and the Nigerian courts response to non-registration documents.

1.4 Objectives and Objectives

Purpose of research
The purpose of this work is to clarify the issue of land registration and the reasons why land is or is not registered, and to make a small contribution to registration practice in Nigeria, especially in Akwaibom State. The purpose of this study is to determine whether Nigeria’s land registry policy has contributed to the development of land law.

Objectives of the Study
To investigate what kind of practices are used in Nigeria pertaining to registration of land

To make input into the registration of land
To look into the practical ways of registering land
To find out the number of people that register land with the land registry and what might put them away from registering
To find out the methods used by the land registry in registering land.
To find out the legal implication of registering and not registering
To find out the machineries set up by the government in order to improve upon the registration of land.
To find out the validity of a land that has been registered
To establish the registration problems in Uyo (Nigeria)
To identify the different land registration policies that have been drafted in Nigeria and to select one for critical analyse
To identify the major objectives of the Land Registration policy
The method that will be used in this work will be interviews, questionnaires, library work and also a comparative look at two places. These are the methods that will be used in this work to add to the legal profession.

1.5.1 Research Question

The questions that will be raised in this research are:

The effectiveness of registration of land in Nigeria
The relevancy of registration of land
The processes involved in registration of land
The response of the people towards registration. What are the different land registration laws passed in Nigeria?
What circumstances led to the creation of a land registry in Nigeria?
Are they semi-states responsible for land registration?
Is registration properly implemented?
Review of land registration procedures?
Does Politics Help Land Ownership? 1.6 Scope of investigation

This research is limited to Akwaibom and Cross River states. These he limits to two states because Nigeria is too vast for college students to study. This work will be limited to Akwaibom and Cross River states, with the state capitals of Uyo and Cross River being my focus. Although Akwaibom State was separated from Cross River State and the two states were connected, Enugu State was the land registry capital, the purpose of this study is to focus and emphasize Akwaibom State and Cross River State. . A little mention of Lagos State and a little comparison between Lagos State and her two states as the practice in Lagos State is more advanced.

This research topic is too broad to cover nationwide, but the researchers narrowed it down to Uyo Urban. The research period has been extended from 2004 to the present. All quasi-governmental bodies for carrying out registration in the land register were considered. Ministry of Land, local government area.



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