We live in a time of rapid change, unrest, and competing ideologies. Society is unsettled, and people are concerned, as groups, nations, and organized groups within the country compete for power and control over material resources and man’s mind. The current relationship between labor and management in Nigeria is viewed in such a world setting of tension and clearage.

There are business owners whose primary goal and or objective is to maximize profit at any cost, and there are workers whose only weapon is this labor power with which they earn some reward, usually monetarily. In other words, these two groups (the owners and the workers) have different interests.

Nonetheless, they are obligated to collaborate in order to maintain and sustain the going concern system. However, where there is cooperation, there will be conflict. Conflict can be defined as a situation of disagreement between employees and employers, for example. It can also be defined as the total range of behavior and express opposition and divergent orientation between owners and managers on the one hand, and workers and the organization on the other.

Organizational conflict is thus a common feature of organizational life. Its fundamental cause is the self-interest of individuals within the organization, a self-interest that frequently manifests itself in competing objectives, philosophies, or methods, as well as associated struggles for dominance by one or more levels or departments. The presence of conflict results in

A shift in an organization. If the change is in line with the organization’s objective, the conflict is beneficial (functional); however, if the conflict causes disunity among functionaries in the organization, this deviation from the stated organization objective is dysfunctional.

Conflict is the most common tested form of discount struggle, quarrel, opposition, disagreement, conflict of interest, and ever fighting. It can range from a labor strike to a simple dislike among employees in an organization. It is common for departments, sub-systems, authority relationships, individuals, and even sub-organizations to have incompatible goals in the face of limited resources.

As a financial (service) organization, the first Bank PLC is no exception.

The first Bank PLC, as a financial (service) organization, is not immune to the inherent conflict problem. The inability of management to effectively manage conflicts has resulted in significant waste of human and material resources, sometimes leading to a partial or non-fulfillment of the stated organizational goals and objectives.

Given the critical role that First Bank (Nig.) Plc plays in the country as one of the three major financial institutions teeholis and supports the economy. It is therefore critical to use First Bank Plc as a focal point because the bank’s financial performance or non-performance has a direct impact on the nation’s economy.

The research I conducted in order for the organization to

understand and appreciate this in her sent nature of conflict and how researching it will result in an improvement of organizational efficiency.


Organizations are finding it increasingly difficult to bridge the interest gap between employer and employee. Many businesses are failing as a result of increasing pressure from owners or workers.

This project work effectively addresses the following issues.

1. Issues resulting from worker inefficiency caused by the organization’s inability to meet their needs.

2. The issues associated with our organization’s increasing labor conflicts.

3. The issues associated with inconsistent grievance handling.

4. The problems usually encountered in trying grievance and dispute procedure.


Because conflict is unavoidable in the workplace, a career-minded individual must learn practical, uncomplicated methods of resolving with people to improve efficiency.

In this regard, the purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of trade unions and industrial conflict in relation to:

(a) The root causes of conflicts

(b) The mechanisms put in place by the organization to resolve it.

(c) Investigating management’s approach to conflict resolution.

(d) Identifying how an organization’s efficiency can be increased through a proper understanding of the causes and mechanisms for conflict resolution.

(e) It aspires to advise organizational functionaries on how to manage positive and negative conflicts in order to achieve organizational goals and objectives.


This research project is intended to

Many business organizations in Nigeria were surveyed, but due to some constitutional provisions that make it impossible to cover the entire population, a sample was chosen.

In doing so, the first bank and Nigeria Plc Enugu were used as case studies. Questionnaires and interviews were used to complete the survey.

A sample size representative of the bank’s population was chosen, and the data gathered was analyzed using a simple percentage and table.


The following are some of the research questions that were used in this study.

(a) Do you see conflict as a normal part of organizational life?

(b) How do you react when there is a disagreement in your workplace?

(c) How do you feel when conflict is not resolved but rather suppressed?


How do you think conflict is resolved in your favor or against you?

(e) How effective is the management mechanism for preventing building conflicts?

(f) Who, in your opinion, is to blame for conflict in your organization?

(g) How frequently does conflict arise in the organization?

(h) How often does management succeed in resolving a problem rather than suppressing it?

I How can effective conflict resolution improve organizational goals and objectives?


(a) Hi: Conflict is regarded as an inevitable part of organizational life.

Ho: Conflict is not regarded as a normal part of organizational life.

(b) Hello: Conflict promotes organizational efficiency in any working environment.

Ho: Conflict in any workplace does not promote organizational efficiency.

(c) Hello: The building conflict management mechanism is effective.

Ho: The

Building conflict management mechanisms are ineffective.

(e) Hi: The grievance and conflict resolution procedure determines the industrial relations climate.

Ho: The climate of industrial relations is not dependent on the grievance and conflict resolution procedures.


The purpose of this research is to provide insight into the conflict and grievance handling procedure at First Bank Nigeria Plc.

It should also assist the bank in isolating the factors that contribute to organizational conflict or in reducing conflict in labor management. Relationships can be improved by increasing organizational efficiency. The cause and mechanisms for conflict resolution discussed in this research work serves as a guide to managers in other establishments. The first Bank PLC as financial (service) organization is

Not an exception to conflict’s inherent problem. The inability of management to effectively manage conflicts has resulted in significant waste of human and material resources, sometimes leading to a partial or non-fulfillment of the stated organizational goals and objectives.

Given the critical role that First Bank (Nig.) Plc plays in the country as one of the three major financial institutions teeholis and supports the economy. It is therefore critical to use First Bank Plc as a focal point because the bank’s financial performance or non-performance has a direct impact on the nation’s economy.

The research I conducted in order for the organization to understand and appreciate this in her sent nature.


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