chapter One


1.1 Research background

Journalism in Nigeria has its roots during the struggle for independence against British colonialists. The print media played an active role in Nigeria’s struggle for independence. Nationalists such as Hebert Macaulay, Nnamdi Azikiwe and Obafemi Awolowo founded newspapers that later became great symbols of the country’s leadership. Their shoes remained too large for the feet of the continent’s modern generation leaders. Journalism in Nigeria in the past was therefore a profession attributed to people of noble character. According to Adaja (2012): Clearly, Nigerian journalism has not been guided by laws and regulations from the beginning. ”

Early journalists in the country didn’t need a journalist’s degree to write a good story. This foundation still plays a role in defining the practice of journalism in this country, more than a century after he began doing so. Ownership and control play a very important role in defining what makes the news in a country. Thus, no matter how well-researched, a well-written narrative may never see the light of day if it constantly offends powerful governments and the wealthy members of society who portray the people they advertise in newspapers and broadcasting organizations. (Akabogu, 2005).

Journalists in this country face a choice between professionalism and survival. In the midst of this chaos, journalists are being paid unpaid salaries. This is despite the fact that salaries are not sufficient to cover the basic needs of journalists (Singer, 2005). We often hear the term “brown envelope” (a delicate term for bribery). Journalists can see politicians and other wealthy newsmakers waiting to hand over brown envelopes at the end of every media event. In this regard, the brown cover is seen as a necessary motivation for writing the story. Newsmakers accustomed to not handing out brown envelopes run the risk of being shunned like the plague, no matter how important the information journalists have. After all, the dent in the profession can be huge.

1.2 Problem Description

The emphasis here is on the moral imperative and tremendous responsibility that accompanies the media’s power and influence. With this perceived power and influence, the media are increasingly subject to public scrutiny, and sometimes public condemnation, for practices commonly considered unethical. For example, few Nigerians are unaware of the term “brown envelope” or junk he journalism.

1.3 Purpose of the survey

Me. Serve the political system by making information, discussion, and reflections on public affairs widely available.

ii. protect individual rights as a government watchdog;

iii. For example, it serves the economic system by connecting buyers and sellers through advertising.

IV. Maintain financial independence so as not to rely on special interests or influence.

1.4 Research question

Me. What has it brought to offer rewards and rewards to the journalism profession? ii. Do Nigerian journalists play the role of watchdogs in today’s society?

iii. How has corruption affected journalism practices in the Nigerian press?

IV. Do journalists maintain economic autonomy within the state?

1.5 Validity of research

The press, radio, television, and other mass media are always at liberty to uphold basic objectives and to uphold the responsibility and accountability of governments to their people. It has a responsibility to uphold the ethics of the journalism profession towards members of society. Truth, objectivity, accuracy, and balance, among others, are key values ​​that must be upheld in the practice of journalism.

1.6 Scope of investigation

The areas covered by this study include issues faced by journalists in Nigeria, such as public scrutiny, public denunciation, unethical practices, government influence on journalists, and Edo Broadcasting Station brown cover issues.


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