Individuals are tasked with determining the background characteristics of health center consumers as well as their perceptions of the efficiency of the services offered. 1451 users were chosen using a multistage sampling method. On regular clinic days, data was collected through structured interviews. 80.4 percent of those who visited the health centers were unemployed, and 75.9% were women. People above the age of 60 made up 25.4 percent of the sample. A disproportionately large percentage of people from lower socioeconomic groups were among the users. The proportions of people belonging to various ethnic and religious groupings roughly mirrored those seen in the general population of the country. The performance of the doctors in the health centers was rated as satisfactory by 74 percent of the interviewees. Nurses had a satisfaction rating that was roughly 10% higher. The services of pharmacists and doctors were deemed to have the greatest room for improvement, particularly in terms of wait times.

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