1.1     Background to the Study

The child’s first and most significant point of contact with the outside world is with their family. As a result, the child receives a basic education and socialization from his or her parents and other important household members. The family is the most crucial element in a child’s overall development because it provides the child with a psychological, moral, and spiritual foundation, according to Agulana (2000). Depending on the circumstance, families and homes may or may not be structurally sound. A broken household is one that isn’t structurally complete due to a divorce, a separation, the passing of a parent, or the child’s illegitimacy in this context. According to Frazer (2004), illegitimacy is primarily to blame for the psychological home conditions. broken families, divorce, the term “adopted child,” and parental loss of parental authority. He asserts that such abnormal home environments are likely to have a detrimental effect on the child’s academic performance in the classroom. Growing up in a broken or single-parent home can be traumatizing for both the parent and the child. The difficulties of having insufficient financial resources are faced by such families (children defense find 2004). According to Schults (2006), it is obvious that adolescents from unstable households have more social, academic, and emotional problems than those from stable households, while the reverse is not true. Rochlkepartain (2003) asserts that the family and its composition have a significant impact.

on children’s academic performance.

The term “broken home” describes the division or separation of parents who have been married for a long time but suddenly got divorced or ended their relationship, as well as the reunification of the once-agreed marriage knot following the exchange of vows in writing and a long period of cohabitation. The institution of marriage is essential to the development and upbringing of people. It is the union of two mature people who have chosen to live their entire lives together. Because of this, they are sharing responsibility for raising their children, who are a result of their marriage (Frazer, 2004).

Marriage makes it easier to achieve a number of basic

human desires, like the need for social status. A crucial part of human development is the need for sexual intimacy and fulfillment, procreation, and companionship. Data that show that it is rapidly declining as a result of the numerous homes that have been destroyed show that the institution is actually steadily losing its standard worth. In today’s culture, the issue of single parenting is very concerning, and the causes of a failed marriage include, among other things, parental interference, religious issues, poverty, and a lack of communication between the partners. In the fundamental framework of this investigation, the increasing tendency of this pheromone was found.

1.2 Definition of the Issue

Increasingly more Many people are becoming aware of how crucial a child’s family environment is to their academic development. In Nigeria, the majority of families are not intact due to, among other things, factors like incompatibility between the partners, the passing of a parent, the desire to move abroad in order to increase income, and, occasionally, marital adultery (Chador, 2008). As a result, families with children have been forced to split up. This is especially true in some of the federation’s states, where the majority of young women leave their homes and families in favor of working abroad. However, this is less obvious in other areas. Some men who move abroad abandon their homes and cut off contact with their families. Children from such homes are left in a challenging situation, especially when trying to adjust to their new environment. According to Chador (2008), a student’s ability to succeed in school may be significantly influenced by the environment in which they are raised. The effects of a parent’s divorce or separation on the family’s internal structure, and consequently on the child, may have an impact on the child’s emotional health, personality, and academic success. Exams that were given both internally and externally revealed that students in various study programs did not perform particularly well in terms of their academic achievement. Most students don’t live up to expectations. The occurrence of shows that students’ moral and social perspectives are not improving.

examples of poor academic performance in the system. A lot of students blame their professors. The teacher, for their part, places blame on the child, their parent, or in some circumstances, even the government. As a result, it is crucial to investigate the alleged causes of broken families as well as how they affect secondary school students’ academic success.

1.3 The Study’s Objectives

The study’s overarching goal is to examine the perceived causes of broken homes and how they affect secondary school students’ academic performance. The following will serve as the study’s specific guiding principles:

i. To look into the elements that lead to home break-ins.

ii. To determine the effects of a dysfunctional family on the

students’ secondary school academic performance.

iii. To look into how broken homes affect the secondary school students’ need for emotional adjustment.

iv. To determine how broken homes affect secondary school students’ ability to adjust to society.

1.4 Questions for future research

For this study, the following inquiries have been prepared:

What causes homes to be broken into, in the first place?

What effects does a broken home have on secondary school students’ academic performance?

Does the need for emotional adjustment in secondary school students come from broken homes?

iv. How do dysfunctional families affect the social adjustment of secondary school students?

1.5 Importance of the Research

Because it will benefit school administration, teachers, and parents, the study is important.

as advice for the classroom teacher and assistance for parents on how to best care for and raise their children. The case study is noteworthy in that it aimed to shed light on the key element that makes it challenging to achieve academic goals. As a result, it might open people’s eyes—researchers, parents, and, on the other hand, society or the government. This study will inform educators that children from dysfunctional homes struggle mightily with discipline.

Above all, this study will add to the body of knowledge, making it important to the academic world.

1.6 The Study’s Purpose

The investigation will look at the causes of the breakage.

and houses. Additionally, the study will look into how secondary school students’ academic performance is affected by having a broken home. The study will look more closely at how broken homes affect secondary school students’ requirements for emotional adjustment. The study will also determine how broken homes affect secondary school students’ social development. The study is therefore restricted to Ondo State.

1.7 The study’s limitations

While conducting the study, the researchers ran into some minor obstacles, just like in every human endeavor. Due to the tendency of inadequate funding to impede the researcher’s efficiency in locating pertinent materials, literature, or information as well as in the process of data collection (via the internet, a questionnaire, and interviews), the researcher opted for a moderate choice.

sampling size. Furthermore, the researcher will conduct this study along with other academic projects at the same time. The time needed for research will be cut down as a result.

1.8 Definition of Key Phrases

Broken Home: In the common sense, the term “broken home” refers to a scenario in which a wife and her husband have separated, which is synonymous with divorce.

Impacts: The significant impact that something has on a person or object. It involves having an impact on something as well as the force created when two objects collide.

Academic Performance: the evaluation of students’ performance in different academic subjects

Student: A person enrolled in school, particularly a secondary school or the primary level. Additionally, it refers to a person who has a strong interest in a certain topic.



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