1.1     Background to the Study

The child’s first and most important point of contact with the outside world is with his or her family. As a result, the child receives an early education and socialization from his or her parents and other prominent members of the household. According to Agulana (2000), the family is the most important factor in a child’s overall development because it provides a psychological, moral, and spiritual foundation. Depending on the situation, families and houses are either structurally damaged or structurally intact. A broken household is defined in this context as one that is not structurally whole as a result of a divorce, separation, the death of a parent, or the child’s illegitimacy. According to Frazer (2004), illegitimacy is the primary cause of psychological home circumstances. broken families, divorce, and parental loss of parental authority. Such abnormal home settings, he believes, are likely to have a negative impact on the child’s academic performance in the classroom. Growing up in a single-parent or broken home can be a traumatic experience for both the child and the parent. Such families face the challenge of having insufficient financial resources (children defense find 2004). When adolescents from unstable households are compared to those from stable households, it is clear that the former have more social, scholastic, and emotional issues, whereas the latter do not, according to Schults (2006). The family and its structure, according to Rochlkepartain (2003), have a significant impact.

on the academic achievement of children.

The division or separation of parents who have been together for a long time and have suddenly divorced or terminated their relationship, or the reunification of the once agreed marriage knot after exchanging material vows and living together for a long time, is referred to as a broken home. Marriage is an institution that plays an important role in human development and upbringing. It is the union of two adults who have decided to spend the rest of their lives together. As a result, they share shared responsibility and care for their children, the offspring of their marriage (Frazer, 2004).

Marriage facilitates the achievement of several fundamental goals.

Human desires, such as the desire for social status, are examples. The need for sexual closeness and fulfillment, as well as companionship and procreation, are all important aspects of human development. In reality, the institution is steadily losing its standard worth, as evidenced by data showing that it is rapidly declining as a result of the large number of destroyed residences. In today’s culture, the issue of single parenting is very concerning, and the reasons for a failed marriage include, among other things, disinterest on the part of the spouses, parental intervention, religious problems, poverty, and a lack of understanding between the spouses. In the fundamental basis of this investigation, the increasing tendency of this pheromone was discovered.

1.2 Problem Identification

A growing number of Many people are becoming aware of the significance of the family environment in children’s academic progress. Most families in Nigeria are broken up due to factors such as incompatibility between partners, the death of a parent, the desire to travel abroad to earn more money, and, on occasion, marital adultery, among others (Chador, 2008). As a result, couples and children have been forced to separate. This is especially evident in certain federation states, where the majority of young females abandon their families to work abroad. This is less obvious in other parts of the world. Some men who migrate abroad abandon their homes and refuse to communicate with their families.  back home, putting children from such households in a difficult situation, especially when it comes to adjusting to their new surroundings. According to Chador (2008), the environment in which students grow up can have a significant impact on their ability to succeed in school. The effects of a parent’s divorce or separation on the family’s internal structure, and thus on the child, can have an impact on a child’s emotional well-being, personality, and academic success. Exams administered both internally and externally revealed that students in various courses of study did not perform particularly well in terms of academic achievement. The vast majority of students fall short of their goals. Students’ social and moral perspectives are not improving, as evidenced by the occurrence of

In the educational system, there are numerous examples of poor performance. Many students hold professors accountable. The instructor, for their part, assigns responsibility to the child, their parent, or, in some cases, the government. As a result, it is necessary to investigate the perceived factors that contribute to fractured families, as well as their impact on secondary school students’ academic success.

1.3 The Study’s Objective

The study’s overarching goal is to look into the perceived causes of broken families and their impact on secondary school students’ academic achievement. The following criteria will be used to guide the research:

i. Investigate the factors that contribute to home breakage.

ii. To determine the impact of a broken home on the

Secondary school students’ academic performance.

iii. To investigate the impact of broken homes on secondary school students’ emotional adjustment needs.

iv. Determine the impact of broken homes on the social adjustment of secondary school students.

1.4 Investigational questions

For this study, the following questions have been prepared:

i. What are the factors that contribute to home breakage?

ii. What effect does a broken home have on secondary school students’ academic achievement?

iii. Does having a broken home affect the emotional adjustment needs of secondary school students?

iv. How do broken homes affect the social adjustment of secondary school students?

1.5 Importance of the Research

The study is important to school administrators, teachers, and parents because it will help them.

as guidance to the classroom teacher and to parents on how to best care for and raise their children. The case study is also significant in that it sought to illuminate the key factor that makes academic goals difficult to achieve. As a result, it may serve as a wake-up call to researchers and parents on the one hand, and society or government on the other. This study will help educators understand that broken homes have a negative impact on children’s disciplinary skills.

Above all, this research is important to the academic community because it will add to the existing body of knowledge.

1.6 The Study’s Scope

The investigation will look into the causes of the breakage.

of homes. The study will also look into the effect of a broken home on secondary school students’ academic achievement. The study will look into the impact of broken families on the emotional adjustment needs of secondary school students. Finally, the study will look into the impact of broken homes on the social adjustment of secondary school students. As a result, the study is limited to Ondo State.

1.7 The study’s limitations

The researchers encountered minor constraints while conducting the study, as with any human endeavor. Inadequate funds tend to impede the researcher’s efficiency in locating relevant materials, literature, or information, as well as in the data collection process (internet, questionnaire, and interview), which is why the researcher made a conservative choice.

of sample size. Furthermore, the researcher will conduct this study alongside other academic work. As a result, the time spent researching will be reduced.

1.8 Terms and Definitions

Broken Home: In the ordinary sense, a broken home is defined as a situation in which a wife and her husband separate, which simply refers to divorce.

Impacts: A strong effect that something has on someone or something. It is to have an effect on something, and it is also the act of one object hitting another and the force that occurs as a result of this.

Academic Performance: the assessment of student achievement in a variety of academic subjects.

A student is someone who attends a school, particularly a secondary school. The primary school. It is also a person who is extremely interested in a specific subject.

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