Perceived Influence Of Supervision Of Instruction On Teachers Classroom Performance




This study delved the perceived influence of supervision of instruction on preceptors ’ classroom performance in Ijebu- North Education Zone. The population of the study comprised all 852 preceptors in the 18 public inferior and elderly secondary seminaries in Ijebu- North education Zone. The sample was made up of 155 womanish preceptors and 100 manly preceptors from 7 secondary seminaries drawn through stratified arbitrary slice fashion. The study was anEx-post Facto design. The instrument for data collection was Influence of Supervision of Instruction on Classroom preceptors ’ Performance Questionnaire( ISICTPQ). Three exploration questions and two null suppositions were formulated. The exploration questions were answered using mean and standard divagation while t- test was used to test the suppositions at0.05 position of significance. The major findings showed that commerce between preceptors and educational administrators influences to a great extent preceptors ’ classroom performance. The use of educational accoutrements suggested by educational administrators influences to a great extent preceptors ’ classroom performance. Also, conferences and forums organized by educational administrators impact preceptors ’ classroom performance to a great extent. The opinions of secondary academy preceptors with further tutoring experience and preceptors with lower tutoring experience didn’t differ significantly with regard to their perceived influence of supervision of instruction on their classroom performance. Also the opinions of manly and womanish preceptors didn’t differ significantly with regard to their perceived influence of supervision of instruction on their classroom performance. Grounded on the findings, it was recommended that educational administrators should always make themselves available and approachable to preceptors, the state government should always make vittles of suggested educational accoutrements by educational administrators to preceptors to prop class instruction, and there should be acceptable backing of conferences and forums by the state ministry of education for preceptors ’ enhancement.


Chapter One




Background Of The Study


Educational supervision is a constant process that aims at perfecting tutoring by furnishing demanded services to preceptors. perfecting tutoring is a complex process in which numerous rudiments should interact. preceptors are at the center of this enhancement process. Their acceptance of educational supervision and commerce with educational administrators give the catalyst for any administrative success. The way preceptors view the supervision that they’re witnessing and suppose about it’s veritably important in the issues of the supervision process.


Supervision has its origin from the Latin word “ Super videotape ” meaning “ to oversee ”( Adenaike and Adebanjo, 2000151). thus, “ Supervision can be seen as a way of advising, guiding, refreshing, encouraging, stimulating, perfecting and overseeing certain groups with the stopgap of prevailing people to desist from applying wrong procedures in carrying out certain functions on their jobs and at the same time try to emphasize the significance of good mortal relations in an association ”( Akilaiya, 2001251). Supervision as a conception has different meanings and delineations on the existent’s requirements, purposes and experience. Whereas the academy administrator would perceive it as an necessary force for bettered productivity, the schoolteacher and or the tutored being supervised might view same as an attempt to kill, hang and curse because of the use of traditional approach of supervision by administrators, or as a source of backing and support demanded in realizing the educational pretensions and objects. The


traditional approach of supervision is a fault- chancing approach, the administrator goes to academy to condemn and condemn preceptors, not seeing anything good in them( Adenokun, 2000). Educational supervision is the process or act of seeing to it that the programs, principles and styles established for achieving the objects of education are duly and successfully carried out( Akilaiya, 2001). This process involves using expert knowledge and experience to oversee, estimate and cooperatively ameliorate the conditions and styles of doing effects connected with the tutoring- literacy problems in seminaries.


The need to supervise the educational process can not be over emphasized; hence Ezeocha( 1985) is of the view that utmost of the seminaries conditioning and all the academy programmes bear supervision. Supervision of instruction is a process of aiding the preceptors to ameliorate himself and his educational capacities so as to enhance effective tutoring and literacy( Afianmagbon, 2007). It’s a service rendered to preceptors which is directed towards controlling the quality of their classroom instruction. Supervision of instruction aims at relating areas of work that need to be bettered upon. Oraemesi( 1997195) is of the opinion that supervision of instruction is important for a number of reasons. To him; “ the supervisee learns during supervision, since the administrator is more knowledgeable, he corrects and advises the supervisee. This is done through friendly commerce. It also enhances particular professional growth of the schoolteacher since commerce and lesser knowledge gained at supervision promote particular growth ”.


Education has been known to be the cure to poverty and ignorance and the key for unleashing natural coffers( Obaji, 2006). Since education is accepted to be an instrument of change; preceptors serve as the main drivers of the instrument while the scholars are appertained to as the raw accoutrements to be reused on which the change would


be manifested over a period of time( Adenaike and Adebanjo, 2000). In an attempt to insure that the value of education is being deduced at all situations, some officers are charged with the responsibility to cover the performances of all those who run education especially those in seminaries in order to find out or assess the extent of achievement of the pretensions of education. These officers are the bones officially designated as administrators.


Accordingly, due to high cost of education, stakeholders are getting decreasingly interested in the academy system. They cover the preceptors and their wards ’ conditioning critically to insure that acceptable tutoring and literacy conditioning take place. therefore Parents preceptors Association monitors the conditioning within the academy and constitutes part of the platoon involved directly in supervision. In the process of tutoring and literacy, some variables occasionally intrude with the plans and patterns of operation within the academy that can be dangerous to the attainment of set pretensions. similar variables include schoolteacher’s personality, his station to work, provocation, discipline, pupil’s background and terrain which will have either positive or negative influence on the academy system and education at large. The academy is an association where the generality of the citizens have input and support. As a result, the whole society and designated administrators are in the position to help ameliorate the system generally( Ijaduola, 2000).


The process of supervision is complex and it permeates the whole structure of the academy system. There seems to be little or no area of operation within the academy where the need for supervision would not arise, although this may be in different proportions. As Ajibade( 1993) editorialized, the pivotal areas within the academy system that bear supervision are educational and discipline areas where both the content, system or mode of delivery,


and the personality of both the scholars and the preceptors are examined to insure their acceptability for the academy system.


According to Ojo( 199197);


the effective perpetration of class is obviously the single most important function of the academy. The perpetration of the academy class should be viewed as a critical conversion stage that annualizes the stylish of mortal powers to enhance the product of positive earnings in scholars ’ geste .


He maintained that the conversion requires mortal input in form of commerce of colorful academy labor force, particularly the commerce between the star( and or the administrator) and the preceptors. The need to ameliorate the tutoring and literacy capabilities of preceptors and scholars is frequently the base of this type of commerce. Interaction between administrator and preceptors involves situations where the schoolteacher sees the administrator as a coadjutor and not as a task master, he freely goes to the administrator when faced with tutoring difficulties, he freely pours out his mind about his passions to the administrator and the administrator is always ready to help the schoolteacher and not to ‘ lord ’ over him. Vacuity of tutoring accoutrements ( like handbooks, audio visual aids) help a great deal in perfecting the tutoring instructions in class. It makes tutoring and literacy easier for both preceptors and scholars. Conferences and forums involve organizing programmes by educational administrators for preceptors that center on addresses about classroom instruction, papers on different motifs( educational) are presented and questions are asked. This makes preceptors to discover new tutoring styles and also avenue to ask questions and to ameliorate tutoring chops. This in turn improves their performances.


preceptors have been indicted of disunited fidelity, incurious station and indiscipline among the preceptors and scholars, which lowers the performance of both


preceptors and learners. Performance is seen as an act, process or manner of executing, performing or performing. It can also be seen as an action seen, noticed or felt due to its goods on the people’s lives or way of thinking. Classroom Performance on the other hand is the act, process or manner of executing tutoring functions in the classroom by the schoolteacher either through discipline, tutoring instruction, promptitude in class and so on. Parents now complain about their wards ’ incapability to communicate effectively in other language( English) from their mama lingo, also their wards ’ academic performances have greatly and drastically reduced. They now see the academy system gormandize losing its glamour and exposure which is affecting the attainment of National points of education. To restore this, the need for educational supervision process can not be over emphasized( Ezeocha, 1985).


Instructional Supervision can be done either through internal administrators who are Heads of seminaries, their sidekicks, and the Heads of departments, or through External administrators who are resource persons and advisers like University professors, education experimenters, class advisers and designated officers from the Post Primary School Management Board( PPSMB)( Chiagha, 2008). still, on the other hand a imperfect educational supervision or poor educational supervision will stymie a successful perpetration of the academy programme, If there’s effective educational supervision there’s a lesser possibility of achieving the set pretensions. Educational supervision is a great determinant of a academy’s quality; it can affect it either appreciatively or negatively.


Effective educational supervision of seminaries ensures proper functioning and collective commerce of all persons and accoutrements involved in the processing of a child and harmonizes the sweats of all designated academy labor force. When all coffers( mortal,


physical and material) are in place, the need to cover the operations within the academy system by all interested groups would be an effective way of getting the stylish out of the academy system. tutoring and literacy are the major conditioning going on within the academy; there’s thus the need to supervise these major conditioning for effectiveness and effectiveness.


In line with the below, the State Post Primary School Management Board( SPPSMB) whose responsibility it’s to control secondary education in the country emphasizes greatly on supervision of instruction in the secondary seminaries. It’s on this ground that the board set up it more necessary to offer great backing to the classroom preceptors through the designated academy officers. These people have important places to play in helping preceptors to achieve the objects of the secondary academy as was stated in the public policy on education( Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2004). And how preceptors perceive the help given by these officers will determine if these objects will be achieved or not.


These officially designated educational administrators can be manly or womanish irrespective of the gender, and they’ve been trained to supervise instructions in class. Though some manly preceptors are gender poisoned when being supervised by womanish educational administrators and as similar, they do n’t generally accept the helps rendered to them with open hearts. Also, some aged preceptors feel their numerous times of tutoring experience is enough for them and as similar supervision should only be meant for youngish preceptors( Adenaike and Adebanjo, 2000). According to Nwoke( 1997), preceptors don’t like to be supervised by administrators youngish in age.

The positive perception of preceptors towards the influence of supervision of instruction will bring about the fruition of the objects of supervision of instruction and a negative perception will stampede it. The rational for this study is to see the perception of preceptors on the influence of supervision of instruction towards the consummation of the objects and pretensions of supervision which is to ameliorate classroom instruction. This study will be concerned with the perception of preceptors on the influence of supervision of instruction as it affects commerce between administrator and preceptors, vacuity of tutoring accoutrements as suggested by educational administrators, and conferences and forums organized by educational administrators.


Statement Of The Problem


In the attempt to ameliorate the quality of education, further focus should be put on preceptors. This focus is grounded on the supposition that understanding the perception of preceptors on the influence of supervision of instruction on their performances will increase our knowledge about how to go about educational supervision( Wu and Short, 1996).


In Ijebu- North Education zone of Ogun State, there are designated educational administrators charged with the responsibility to supervise instructions. The administrators supply tutoring accoutrements to seminaries for preceptors to work with in order to ameliorate classroom instructions. The administrators are always ready to help the preceptors and the commerce is relatively cordial. Also, shops, conferences and forums are organized more frequently both within the education zone and at the state position to help find results to preceptors ’ unanswered questions.


The problem delved in this study was whether the perception of preceptors as regards the influence of supervision of instruction on their class performance is negative or positive and the extent of their perception, since these will determine the impact and success of educational supervision of seminaries in Ijebu- North Education zone. It concentrated on three aspects of educational supervision. These are commerce between preceptors and administrators, vacuity of tutoring accoutrements as directed by educational administrators and attendance to conferences and forums organized by educational administrators.


Purpose Of The Study


The main purpose of this study was to determine the perceived influence of supervision of instruction on preceptors ’ classroom performance.


Specifically, this study delved the extent to which


1. preceptors perceive the influence of commerce with educational administrators on their classroom performance.


2. preceptors perceive the influence of use of educational accoutrements as suggested by educational administrators on their classroom performance.


3. preceptors perceive the influence of conferences and forums organized by educational administrators on their classroom performance.


Significance Of The Study


Examining the perception of preceptors on the influence of supervision of instruction is significant, in that it’ll help ameliorate the supervision process in seminaries. This study will help the following groups preceptors, seminaries ’ operation, Education


board, the Parents preceptors Associations( PTAs), and other experimenters interested in supervision of instruction.


The findings of this study will help preceptors to understand and appreciate the significance of supervision of instruction on effective classroom performance as respects instruction. It’ll help them understand that educational administrators are there to help them and not to kill them. It’ll also make them know that the way they perceive supervision of instruction can make or mar their classroom performances.


This study will help the seminaries ’ operation to have understanding about the preceptors ’ perception on the influence of educational supervision on class performance. And this understanding will help them realize that the perception of preceptors towards supervision of instruction can make or mar the academy conditioning. Since classroom instruction is one of the major academy conditioning in the academy and the academy is like a plant that processes the scholars into finished products. Also, it’ll help the academy operation to know the extent to which attendance to conference and forums ameliorate preceptors ’ classroom performance. This will make them encourage preceptors to share more in conferences and forums


preceptors are the main targets of administrators ’ work. preceptors ’ views on the influence of what’s being done to them and their responses to them are veritably important in planning and enforcing successful educational supervision. This study will be an eye nature to the Authorities of Education( i.e. Education Board) most especially educational administrators to understand that the way they supervise has a great influence on preceptors ’ classroom performance. And that how preceptors view their influence contributes greatly to class instruction. Also that how they interact with preceptors go a


long way in affecting preceptors classroom performance, thereby help them to ameliorate on their commerce with preceptors


This finding will also help the Parents preceptors Associations( PTAs) know that supervision has a great influence on preceptors ’ classroom performance. This will make them give enough educational accoutrements to ameliorate classroom performance of preceptors. It’ll also be an eye nature to them as part of external administrators to know that the way they supervise has a great influence on preceptors ’ classroom performance. And that the commerce between them( as corridor of external administrators) and preceptors should be bettered to get asked results.


The findings will also help other experimenters to understand better supervision of instruction and help in their inquiries. It’ll also help them in their review of empirical studies. As it’ll contribute to the being propositions and workshop on supervision of instruction.


Compass Of The Study



The compass of this study covered Ijebu- North Education zone of Ogun State involving all the secondary seminaries( both Junior and Senior). The disquisition centered on the perceived influence of supervision of instruction on the classroom performance of preceptors. It involved all preceptors in Junior and elderly secondary seminaries. The content compass of this study involved perceived influence of commerce of educational administrators and preceptors, perceived influence of vacuity of tutoring accoutrements as suggested by educational administrators and the perceived influence of attendance to


conferences and forums organized by educational administrators on preceptors ’ classroom performance.


Research Questions


The following exploration questions were posed to collect data for the study


1. What’s the perception of preceptors on the influence of commerce with educational administrators on their classroom performance?


2. What’s the perception of preceptors on the influence of educational accoutrements suggested by educational administrators on their classroom performance?


3. What’s the perception of preceptors on the influence of conferences and forums organized by educational administrators on their classroom performance?




The following suppositions were formulated to guide the study and were tested at


Position Of Significance


1. There’s no significant difference between the mean conditions of preceptors with


lower tutoring experience and preceptors with further tutoring experience with respects to impact of educational supervision on preceptors ’ classroom performance.


2. There’s no significant difference between the mean conditions of manly and womanish preceptors as respects influence of educational supervision on preceptors ’ classroom performance.


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