1.1  Background of the study

A person’s national identity number (NIN) is a series of numbers assigned to them after successfully enrolling. Enrollment requires the collection of ten (10) fingerprints, a head-to-shoulder face photograph, and a digital signature, all of which are used to cross-check existing data in the national identification database to ensure that the same information has not previously been entered. After de-duplication, the data is saved with a unique NIN that has been assigned to it. The NIN is used to link all database entries on a person and to verify their identity. It cannot be used again once it has been granted to a person (that is, it cannot be provided to another person even if the preceding individual is deceased).

Exams are classified into four types of evaluations used in formal education: school-based, public examinations, national assessments, and international assessments (Afemikhe, 2014). School-based exams are administered by schools and focus on what instructors have taught, whereas public tests are based on a curriculum that schools are required to cover. They make academic and employment decisions. National tests are designed to help policymakers determine how education is progressing, whereas international assessments provide data for cross-national comparison. Exams are one method of evaluating one’s abilities, and school grades have been shown to be a strong predictor of future success in terms of education, career, and money (Slominski, Sameroff, Rosenblum,& Kasser, 2011; Strenze, 2007).

JAMB (Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board) was established. in 1978, with the goal of establishing a consistent standard for the administration of matriculation exams and the admission of qualified candidates to the country’s universities. According to Nwadiani and Igineweka, the federal government established the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) in 1978 as the central placement test organization (2005). However, the law that established JAMB was later amended to include the conduct of matriculation examinations for monotechnics, polytechnics, and colleges of education in order to address issues such as a lack of standards and uniformity in admission processes, multiple application by students, which resulted in multiple admissions for certain candidates while denying admission to others. Tertiary education is education obtained after high school graduation. Universities, polytechnics, monotechnics, and community colleges This type of education is provided by schools of education and other institutions that offer correspondence courses. JAMB redesigned the testing process in 2010, combining the two exams to form the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME). Every year, the Nigerian Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) conducts the UTME (University Tertiary Matriculation Examination) with the express purpose of selecting and admitting appropriately qualified applicants to Nigerian universities. The UTME helps JAMB establish a fair admission selection process and a fair allocation of available space in tertiary institutions. In 2013, JAMB added a computer-based examination to the paper-and-pencil examination it had been using since its inception. Prior to the establishment of JAMB, institutions used to perform individual admission activities, according to Omodara (2010). for the admission of students to various institutions. According to Osakuade (2011), there were a number of criticisms and issues with this type of admission procedure, such as the issue of numerous applications and admissions, an uncoordinated system of university admissions, and a high cost implication for the applicants. The establishment of JAMB as the sole agency in charge of controlling and regulating admission to all institutions of higher learning in the country drew widespread condemnation. According to Onyechere (2010), Nigeria is the only country in the world where a single authority, such as JAMB, has complete control over admissions to all universities, polytechnics, monotechnics, and educational colleges. He also claims that, whereas institutions in other countries have complete freedom in admitting students, Students, Nigerian institutions do not because of JAMB’s admissions regulation and supervision. Another criticism leveled at JAMB was its inability to organize competent and trustworthy admission tests. Umo and Ezeudu (2010) believe that because there are so many factors at play, JAMB alone will not be able to resolve these issues. They advocated for a re-examination of the methods used to select students for admission to various degree programs at Nigerian institutions. This is done to determine the validity of each admission criterion. These calls were necessary due to an apparent disparity between applicants’ performance in the UME and their subsequent achievement in university degree tests. This resulted in the development of the PostUME (PUME) screening, according to Obioma and Salau (2007). In 2005, you participated in an exercise. The National Parent-Teacher Association of Nigeria (NAPTAN) has demanded that the Senate’s decision to investigate prospective UTME candidates’ National Identification Number (NIN) be implemented immediately. NAPTAN’s deputy national president, Adeolu Ogunbanjo, made the appeal on Thursday and praised the Senate for taking decisive action in the development. The Senate requested on Tuesday that the Federal Ministry of Education, the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB), and the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) investigate the implementation of the NIN policy as soon as possible. The Senate says this is to “extend the registration deadline and criteria for the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination until there is a streamlined and well-organized procedure for obtaining a NIN.” The Senate had an interesting debate.

When JAMB announced that registration for the test would be extended until June, both the NIN and network providers said it would be difficult because each center could only register 10 people per day. This is in stark contrast to the audience, which is primarily made up of students. If the Senate’s decision is implemented, both parents and UTME candidates will be relieved.

1.2 Research problem statement

As the only body that controls and regulates admission to all institutions of higher learning in the country, JAMB has been a source of contention, as universities lack autonomy in admitting prospective undergraduate students. However, with this difficult task imposed on the body, it has struggled.

to meet up to the expectations of parent and student who want to get admitted into the university. Jamb’s no NIN no UTME policy has been met with stiff opposition in the sense that students now have to queue for a long period of time in order to be registered for the NIN, which has eaten into the time meant to study for the UTME examination and also caused extra spending for the parents. This, as well as other issues, will be addressed in the study.

1.3 The study’s objectives

The primary goal of this research is as follows:

l To investigate the impact of NIN on academic success in the Jamb examination.

l To determine whether registering for

The NIN is absolutely required for UTME students.

l To identify a likely solution for easy UTME examination registration.

1.4 Research concerns

For this study, the following questions have been prepared:

1. Does NIN registration affect the performance of prospective undergraduate students in the UTME examination?

2. Is NIN registration required for UTME prospective undergraduate students?

3. Do you believe there will be an easy registration process for UTME candidates?

1.5 Importance of the research

This study is significant because parents’ perceptions of Nigeria’s no NIN, no UTME registration policy have had a significant impact on the parents who are on the receiving end of the policy.

The research findings will undoubtedly provide much needed information

government organizations, parents, the JAMB body, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and academia

1.6 The Study’s Scope

The purpose of this study is to assess parents’ perceptions of Nigeria’s no NIN, no UTME policy. As a result, this study is limited to Abuja parents and students.

1.7 Research limitations

A number of factors hampered this study, which are as follows:

Given the current economic conditions, financial constraints are unavoidable. Due to a lack of funds at the researchers’ disposal to obtain materials and print questionnaires. It was not possible to visit some of the communities that had been ravaged by banditry.

In developing countries such as Nigeria, there is a data shortage.

Time constraint: Another constraint is time, as having to

It is difficult for the researcher to switch between writing the research and doing other academic work.

1.8 Term definitions for operational purposes

Perception is defined as the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something using one’s senses.

Parents are either a person’s father or mother.

NIN: The National Identification Number (NIN) is a one-of-a-kind number that identifies you for life and is assigned to you by NIMC following your enrollment.

The Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) is a computer-based standardized examination for prospective Nigerian undergraduates.

POLICY: a course of action or guiding principle adopted or proposed by an organization or individual


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