Poor Security Service And Recent Wave Of Attack On Custodial Centres Of The Nigeria Correctional Service Ncos: Causes And Implication


Chapiter 1




1.0 History Of The Study


According to F. Chukwudi (2002), a prison is a location, particularly a building or buildings surrounded by high barriers, where criminals or civil offenders/convicts are legally held in captivity or strictly confined, either in jail or while awaiting trial or while being detained to allow for adequate and fruitful investigation before the start of trial. In the rare instances where incarceration was necessary in pre-colonial Africa, offenders were kept in order to attend their trial or to await the application of another type of punishment. For instance, communities in Nigeria, like other societies, have taken on the duty of imprisoning disobedient citizens and stopping them from harming the society further by escorting them to detention facilities.


Lawbreakers or those who have been given a court sentence are housed in custodial centers, usually referred to as correctional facilities, until the conclusion of their imprisonment period.


It now functions as a reformatory and correctional facility for criminal offenders and has assumed a vital role in society. Through the use of vocational training, moral direction, counseling, and other reformative techniques, it makes every effort to bring offenders into compliance with societal trends. Correctional facilities are well known for their duty to receive, house, and reform prisoners, hence promoting conformity in modern society.


The protection of society is no longer the main objective of contemporary correctional institutions in developed nations; other objectives now include punishment, deterrent, reformation, and rehabilitation of convicted criminals (Abba & Mbagwu, 2016).


According to the constitution, the Nigerian Prison Service (Custodial Service) is in charge of both the secure care of criminals and their reformation, rehabilitation, and reintegration. (Danbazzau, 2007) highlighted that the decree No. 9 of 1972, which charges the jail with a variety of duties including teaching and training criminals to become productive and law-abiding citizens upon release, makes clear the need for imprisonment.


However, a recent attack on Nigeria’s correctional facilities, which was unprecedented, resulted in the escape of several convicts and arrested criminals. Sakari (2020) contends that jail breaks and other assaults on Nigeria’s correctional facilities pose a threat that, if not swiftly addressed, may give rise to other risky acts against Nigeria’s society.This research, which intends to look into the origins and ramifications of the recurring attacks on Nigerian correctional centers, is motivated by this worrying and baffling development in the nation.


1.2 Statement of the problem:


The nation’s worry about the blatant attacks on Nigeria Correctional Centers, which led to the mass escape of incarcerated lawbreakers, has increased in light of the present crisis in Nigeria.John Mrabure (2021) asserts that the nation’s lax security services and refusal to accept responsibility for prison offers are to blame for these attacks. However, this scenario has caused terrible jails to escape into society, which is supposed to increase the crime rate.Because neither the government nor the security sector has any solutions, this has caused a tremendous amount of worry and strain for both the government and the people of Nigeria.


1.3 Study’s Objective


The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that led to the recent wave of attacks on the Nigeria Correctional Service’s custodial centers and their repercussions. It is specifically configured to;


1. Identify the predictable causes of recent assaults on Nigerian detention facilities.


2. Describe the social effects of jail breaks.


3. Determine if the Federal Government’s recent Red Zone order for Custodial Centers is the most effective strategy to lessen attacks on these facilities.


1.4 Questions For Research




The following inquiries guide this research:


1. What are the predictable causes of recent assaults on Nigerian detention facilities?


2. What effects do jail breakouts have on society?


3. Is the most effective strategy to stop attacks on detention facilities the latest Federal Government “Red Zone” decree?


1.5 Relationship To Other Studies


This study will highlight the need for increased national security and inform the government about potential causes and remedies for recent attacks on detention facilities across the nation. Additionally, this study will be helpful to students, researchers, etc. who may likely conduct a research article comparable to the one under consideration in their respective fields of study.


1.6 The Study’s Scope


The study’s main objectives are to determine the predictable causes of recent attacks on Nigerian detention facilities, the social effects of prison breaks, and whether the Federal Government’s recent Custodial Center Environment Red Zone decree is the most effective strategy for stopping such attacks.As a result, the scope of this study is the national custodial center in Owerri, Imo.


1.7 Limitations of the research


Language hurdles, respondent attitudes, money constraints, and time limits are the main limitations of this study because the researcher only had a finite amount of time to conduct it.


1.8 Terms And Definitions


National Security: Also known as national defense, national security refers to the safety and defense of a nation state, including its people, industry, and institutions. This is considered to be the responsibility of the government.


Custodial Center: A location where criminals are made to reside after having their freedom taken away.Victims are also reformed and given rehabilitation there.


Attack: Using weapons or armed force to take aggressive action against (a location or hostile troops).

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