When compared to the scenario in Europe, the United States, and other parts of the world, where facilities management has been practiced since the 1980s, Nigeria is still in the early stages of learning. Some corporations are increasingly recognizing the importance of effective facility management. Facilities management practice in Nigeria is expected to face similar start-up issues as any other new enterprise. The job of the facilities manager is examined in this study, as well as the issues that obstruct successful facilities management. Both survey and case study methodologies were used in the study. The data was collected through a survey, while the case study was based on an in-depth examination of six different drug, beverage, and textile manufacturing companies in Lagos. Simple random sampling was utilized as the sample method.



Facilities have a lot of erroneous notions attached to them.

management. These misunderstandings have emerged as a result of the dictionary definitions with which people have associated the word capability. Even specialists in the real estate, construction, and other sectors are prone to misunderstand the term “facilities” to refer to the special infrastructure, such as water, electricity, roads, and telecommunications equipment, that are necessary for the use and pleasure of a property. According to Odiete (1998), the first group of persons who came into touch with what is now known as facilities and their management always saw the discipline as solely referring to space management and not the other components.

Few people think of facilities management as the management of such things.


The goal of introducing property ratings is to allow local governments to generate enough revenue to fund all of the necessary services, such as piped water, power, access roads, and good streets, for both poor and wealthy people to use.

With taxation by rate, on the other hand, the quantity of money required is quickly determined, and the overall burden is then distributed among the tax payers or rate payers. Divide the amount to be raised by the aggregate rateable value to determine the tax amount. The rateable value of land and buildings forms the basis for determining the property rate.


A smattering of money was realized from tenement in Oru-West local government Imo stae, according to records.


The purpose of this research is to evaluate the role of the

facilities manager and to identify the issues that obstruct effective facilities management, as well as to propose solutions to the problems that have been identified.

The following are some of the research’s goals:

1. To provide a thorough understanding of the field of facilities management, including its functions, breadth, and importance.

2. Determine the professional contributions of the facilities management team and their function in corporate organizations.

3. To identify the issues that obstruct efficient and effective facility management in business companies.


Because facilities management is such a large topic, this research was conducted.

was limited to facilities management as it relates to business organizations in Lagos state, selecting a small number of manufacturing companies and proposing solutions to some of the challenges observed.


1. H0: Facilities management issues do not have a significant impact.

influence on an organization’s efficient production


H1: Facilities management issues have a substantial impact on an organization’s productivity.


2. H0: Facilities management resources have not been allocated.




H1: The resources set aside for facility management are sufficient.


This research will aid in articulating the idea that underpins the

Facilities management as an expanding topic of study and area of specialty is an idea (concept). The research will reveal current and future unanticipated issues in this burgeoning industry. It will also equip future or potential facility managers for the challenges they would face in the field.


1. What is the effectiveness of facility management?

2. To what extent do the facilities support their primary function?

3. How well-functioning is management in terms of finance, current automation, and so on?

4. To what extent are the resources set aside for facility management adequate?

5. To what extent are the needs of the facility’s users being met?

6. What are the most common issues faced by facility managers, and how may they be addressed?

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