
A composite wheat / Abacha / African yam bean flour was used to make biscuits. Cassava root that was one year old was used to make Abacha flour. Before drying and milling Abacha flour, thin slices of boiled peeled tubers were soaked in water for 12 hours. African Yam Bean flour was made after sorting and soaking it in water for 12 hours. Biscuits were made with wheat, Abacha, and African Yam Bean flours in the following proportions: 100%, 90%:5%:5%, 80%: 10%:10%, and 70%:15%:15%. The sensory evaluation attributes of the biscuit samples were evaluated. Sensory evaluation reveals that the 90%:5%:5% and 80%:10%:10% composite biscuits were preferred over the 70%:15%:15% substitution in terms of taste, color, texture, and overall acceptability.



Food habits and preferences of the populace are being influenced by urbanization, which influences their nutritional intake. The majority of snacks consumed are high in carbohydrates. The use of composite flour has been encouraged because it reduces wheat imports.

Biscuits, which are typically made from cereal flours (primarily wheat), are widely consumed throughout the world, including in developing countries where protein and caloric malnutrition is common, particularly among women and children. The growing phenomenon of urbanization, combined with an increase in the number of working mothers, has greatly contributed to the popularity and increased consumption of snack foods (Singh et al; 1989). However, the growing importance of snack foods like biscuits in today’s eating habits has not been fully capitalized on.

the developing world. This is most likely due to the prohibitively high cost of baked goods (Tsen et al; 1973). Because this crop is not currently grown in the tropics, there is a need to look within for local raw materials with high nutritive value and good processing characteristics to replace wheat in baked goods.

Cassava (Manihot esculenta L) is a staple food of the poorer sections of many tropical countries. It is high in carbohydrates but low in protein, vitamins, and minerals (Ihekoronye and Ngoddy, 1985), which can lead to malnutrition in some areas where it is the main source of nutrition (Kay, 1987). Although supplementation is necessary, it is not the solution to micronutrient deficiency disorder elimination.

Instead, the simplest and most sustainable approach is to fortify staple foods with limiting micronutrients (Ihekoronye and Ngoddy, 1985). As a result, the nutritional value of cassava root and its products, such as cassava flour, can be enhanced through food composites and fortification with other protein-rich crops containing a sufficient amount of fats, vitamins, and minerals (Enwere, 1998). The African yam bean is one of these crops.

The African yam bean, also known as Odudu, Azama, or Okpodudu by Igbos, is a member of the family Febaceae and was formally classified as a member of the subfamily Papillionoides (Anon, 1979). It is high in B-vitamins because it is a legume (Apata & Ologhobo, 1990). African yam beam will result in a healthier diet and snacks.


It is

It is expected that there will be limitations in carrying out a study of this nature. Because of the limited time available, the writer was unable to gather enough and sufficient facts relevant to the study.

Second, there was a financial issue. The writer was unable to purchase materials such as bakery pastry booklets, contact bakery industry managers, travel for research purposes, and so on. The polytechnic library lacked the majority of relevant materials that would have aided the writer.


Biscuits made from wheat flour, cassava flour, and African yam bean composite flour are used in every production sector of the Bakery industry.

The government estimates that the average Nigerian who consumes biscuits on a daily basis numbers around 5,500 million people across the country. With increased technological capabilities, biscuit is frequently referred to as the quickest and cheapest food that easily sustains hungry people. The bakery industry produces and provides services that are extremely similar, with the exception of the name of the product food substance.

In a nutshell, the research is significant in the following areas: To the Investigator:

It enables the researcher to gain knowledge on how to make biscuits from composite flour.

It enables the researcher to gain knowledge on various methods of using wheat, cassava, and African yam bean flour in the production of major pasting floured.


The objective of this study is thus to make biscuits from various blends of wheat flour, cassava flour, and African yam bean flour and to test their sensory properties. Meanwhile, the acceptability of biscuit baked from flours with a view to increasing the level of wheat flour, cassava flour, and African yam bean composite flour for biscuit production as this will lead to higher cassava utilization, thereby reducing post harvest losses.



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