Production And Determination Of Functional Properties Of Plantain Flour
Plantains( Musa epp) are important chief foods, which make substantial donation of the nutrition and frugality of millions of people through the developing world and are grown in 720 countries. The gross value of plantain product insub-saharan Africa extent that of several other main food crops, similar as sludge, rice cassava and sweet potato. They’re considered the fouth important global food commodity after rice, milk and wheat in terms of gross value of product and give further than 25 of the carbohydrates for roughly 70 million people insub-sharan Africa. Plantain flour product involves procurement of progressed plantain, feeling, dicing, drying, mulling and packaging, plantain is an important source of carbohydrate, the bounce fat and total sugars in plantain are acceptable for the manufacture of plantain biscuit. Blanding vastly reduce the conflation capacity and density, while erected viscosity, water and oil painting immersion capacities were increased by blanding. Plantain could also be used as an emulsifier and thickner in food system. Plantain flour is a cheap source of iron, protein and vitamin A and the product can be retailed.
Chapter One
Plantain is a common name for a herbaceous shops of the rubric Dusa, it was classified formally as Musa Acuminata, Musa Balbisoana or mongrels Musa Acuminataz Balbisoana depending on their genomic constitution.( balell John in 2000) gare the archaic scientific name Musa paradisiacal which is no longer used,. utmost plantain come from the mongrel AAB and ABB cultirar group all members of the rubric. Musa are indigenous to tropical regions of South east Asia and Oceania including the making Archipelago.( Brian and Allan 1985).
Plantains are a major chief food in equantoria Africa and andian region. Their attractiveness as food is that they fruit all time round making them more dependable all season. This is particularly important for communities living in mountains or timbers with shy food storehouse, preservation and transportation, this tends to be frimer and lower in sugar content than desert, plantains are cooked or else reused and are used either when green or callow land thus stiff or effete and thus sweet( William 1979) stated that an average plantain has about 220 calories and is a good source of poxassium and salutary fibre.( Murray Tossler 1987).
Plantains is a imperishable factory that correspond of a roseete of rudimentary leaves and one or further flowering stalks the rudimentary leaves are over to “ 10 long and ¾ across ”, “ but further generally about half this size the tenth most important chief food that feed the world.( Uwaegbufe 1996) plantains are treated in important as the same way as potatoes and with a analogous neutral flavour and texture when this callow fruit is looked by storming boiling or trying. It( plantain) fruits all time round which making the crop a dependable all season chief, food, particularly in developing countries with shy food storehouse, preservation and transportation technologies, in Africa plantains give further than 25 percent of the carbohydrate demand for over 70 million people. Plantain can be eaten raw as well. As it grow it becomes sweeter and changes colour from green to unheroic to black, green plantain are firm and stiff and they act potatoes in flavour. UNCST 2007) the unheroic plantains are softer and stiff, but sweet. Extremely ripe plantains have softer deep unheroic pulp that’s important sweeter than the earlier stages of anecdotage.( Archy 1987).
Plantains in the unheroic to black stages can be used in sweet dishes brume- looked plantains are considered a nutritional food for babies and the senior. A ripe plantain is used as food for babies at wearing. Ut is mashed with a pinch of swab and is believed to be more fluently digestible( FAOSTAT 2011). Plantains are also dried and grouped into flour it’s an important food stuff that constitute, water of about 1062, proteins 55, Fat1.15. Carbohydrates81.6 and Ash3.01. Dried plantain provider is mixed with a little fennel seed greasepaint and boiled either in milk or water to feed small children till they age of 1 yr.( Oke 1998) stated that in Southern corridor of Indian Roots and tubers, plantains, and bananas is good for mortal nutrion.
Plantain has been a good source of food and known to different countries with different names like, in Ivory Coast where plantains are dishes when fried with Onion and tomato sauce and serve to eat. It’s called ALOCO. It’s also used for a dish called Magu in Dominican Republic, where the green plantains are hulled smashed with hot water and boiled also served with sauce. In West Africa plantains are served for eating with stew or sap or any food when fried it’s known as BODO( Dough- Branch)( Forcylth 1988). Plantains are also known as fufu De plantan a popular dish in Cuba where the plantains are boiled and mixed with funk stock and sauce and the served. Plantains can also be fried doubly and served as a side appetizer or snack in countries like Columbia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Panama. It’s known as potacones. The popular known food Boli is generally made in Nigeria, whereby plaintain is roacted and eaten with red oil painting sauce.( Adnan and Muyalia 1984).
Aims And Objects
i) To produce plantain flour
ii) To determine the functional parcels of plantain flour.