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Psychological Effects Of Inter Ethnic Conflicts On Social Health Workers In Nigeria 




This exploration work was conducted to examine the cerebral goods of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers in Nigeria. The check exploration design was used in carrying out the study since it needed the collection of data from a large number of repliers within the limited time listed for the completion of the design. Applicable exploration questions and suppositions were answered and tested independently to show the findings of the study. A questionnaire was designed by the experimenter and validated by the administrator which was administered to the repliers for the generation of data. still, a total number of 100 repliers comprising 86 manly and 14 womanish were named through simple arbitrary slice system to induce the sample size. The sample size was considered acceptable and representative because, all the repliers were people of the same profession and had analogous exposure, though they were drawn from different seminaries. The analysis of the data collected from repliers was carried out with the use of chance and frequence distribution tables, while the suppositions before stated in the study were tested with the ki- forecourt( X2) statistical tool to establish their correctness or else. The findings made from the study revealed that Poverty position is a cause of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers inNigeria., Bad leadership is a cause of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers inNigeria., Self control of coffers is a cause of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers inNigeria., High position of ignorance is cause of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers inNigeria., Level of severance is a cause of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers in Nigeria.


Chapter One




Background to the Study


Nigeria is amulti-religious,multi-ethnic, and multilateral society with enormous implicit for profitable, social, and popular development. still, violent conflicts and violence that manifested within it indeed from its foremost time under the social rule have made development and progress scape the country. Nigeria is generally characterized as a deeply disunited state in which major political issues are roundly queried along the lines of complex ethnical, religious, and indigenous divisions. The causes of these conflicts may not be unconnected with the way and manner religion is portrayed to its votaries and distrust between the followers of the colorful religious and ethnical groups. The issues that induce the fiercest disputation include those that are considered abecedarian to the actuality and legality of the state, over which contending groups tend to borrow exclusionary, winner takes all strategies, which include the control of state power, resource allocation, and citizenship.


Ethnical conflict has been correctly defined as one of the topmost obstacles to meaningful development in Africa( The Courier 1993). In Nigeria, this kind of competition and contest among colorful ethnical groups is seen as a product of social contact. The ethnical factor, still, didn’t dwindle with the arrival of independence; rather, it came a mark for measuring donation to the public development trouble and especially for allocating and distributing power and public coffers. As Nigeria is presently engaged in another exercise aimed at establishing a sustainable form of republic, there’s critical need to address perceived factors that may militate against the success of this bid. In certain diggings, the dissolution of the popular transition programme by the service in 1993 at the conclusion of the presidential pates is believed to have been motivated by ethnical sentiments. On a analogous note, the 30- month senseless bloodbath occasioned by the Nigerian civil war from 1967 to 1970 was anchored on ethnical contest.


In view of this, as well as the counteraccusations of pronounced conflict over power sharing and resource allocation, the ethnical question demands nonstop examination if sweats to achieve a beer Nigeria bow to succeed. In addition, this type of analysis may go a long way in precluding ethnical conflict, since it proposals suggestions on how to lessen ethnical pressures and resolve contentious issues. doable results to ethnical problems can only radiate from well- predicated examinations of the miracle itself. Ethnical conflict obviously affect the development of a society, since this can only take place within a peaceful and popular environment that’s devoid of rancour.


Inter conflict violence has reached unknown situations and hundreds have been killed with much further wounded or displaced from their homes on account of their ethnical or religious identification. training for children has been disintegrated and intruded; businesses have lost billions of naira and property worth much more destroyed.” The character of the Nigerian State is responsible for the country’s heightening ethno-religious contradictions. This plural nature energies a constant feeling of mistrust between the element units, and the fear of one ethnical or religious group dominating the other is replete. Indeed however, the Federal Government of Nigeria has put in a lot of trouble in order to break or reduce the imminence of religious conflict in the country, in utmost cases these sweats have yielded little or no success. thus, the government needs to be hyperactive-active in its approach to its programs on religious- grounded conflict forestallment and resolution.


The term violence has attracted a wide range of delineations in literature. The Princeton Cognitive Science Laboratory defines it as” an act of aggression( as one against a person who resists); a turbulent state performing in injuries and destruction; ferocity the property of being wild or turbulent.” Violence is an integral part of man’s actuality and a common circumstance in mortal societies.


It could be due to differences in political testaments, as was apparent during the Cold War period, and terrorism, bad governance, ethnical nationalism, profitable and religious reasons, and in some cases a combination of two or further of these factors.


Ethnical groups are defined as a community of people who partake artistic and verbal characteristics including history, tradition, myth, and origin. Scholars have been trying to develop a theoretical approach to race and ethnical conflict for a long time. Conflicts can be adaptive or maladaptive, functional/ formative or dysfunctional. Indeed mortal and societal progress over the periods, for illustration, has been driven by conflict. But the liquidation of entire peoples and societies has also been driven by conflict. The outgrowth of a given conflict, thus, depends on how it’s managed by contending forces. Lack of social reciprocity and/ or forbearance for differences of opinion increases the threat of violence and war.


Statement of Problems


The problems statement is considerably on the effect of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers in Nigeria. Nigeria, which is an miscellaneous state comprises several pluralities basically ethnical and religious. Although the country is allied, it’s yet to find an enduring formula for peaceful concurrence of her further than 280 ethnical groups and different persuasions. Another major cause of ethnical conflict is psychology, especially the fear and instability of ethnical groups during transition. It has been editorialized that crazies make upon these fears to polarise the society. also, recollections of once traumas magnify these anxieties. These relations produce a poisonous pop of mistrust and dubitation that leads to ethnical violence. The fear of white Afrikaners in South Africa on the dusk of popular choices was a good case in point Politicised race has been mischievous to public concinnity and socio- profitable well- being. It’s important to note that utmost of these ethnical conflicts were caused by colonialism, which compoundedinter-ethnic conflict by staking on the insulation of ethnical groups. The peak- and- conquer system was used to crop races against each other, therefore keeping the people from rising up against the colonisers. Distribution of profitable coffers was frequently disposed to favour a particular group, pushing marginalized groups to use their race to mobilise for equivalency. These are the seeds of conflict. There are some common conflict patterns. They include


1. The demand for ethnical and artistic autonomy,


2. contending demands for land, plutocrat and power, and


3. Conflicts taking place between rival ethnical groups.


According to Imobighe,( 200381) the root cause of the present phase of the ethno-religious conflict was when the military government of Nigeria, in January 1986; digressed from a temporal state and took the controversial decision for Nigeria to join the association of the Islamic Conference( OIC).


This gave rise to theJama’atu Nasril Islam( JNI) and the Christian Association of Nigeria( CAN) vicious and emotional juggernauts for and against the country’s class of OIC. While CAN( the representative of all Nigerian Christians) called on Christians to rise and repel what was tagged’ the Nigeria march towards Islamisation’, important Muslim leaders patronized demonstrations in favour of joining the organisation.


Big problems and challenges impended as the two dominant persuasions seek support of all members. The Muslims embarked on a huge propaganda crusade against the domination and marginalization of the Muslim maturity by Christian nonage. Forthwith; both sides called on their faithful to rise in defense of their religious misutilization( New swatch, 1986). The colorful administrations in Nigeria headed by either a Muslim or Christian tyrants( service or civil) doesn’t help the matter as they watched as religious hostility and abomination strengthened in civil society. Soonest the issue of Sharia law arose leading to exacerbated intra andinter-religion conflict in several corridor of Nigeria.


thus, the need to checkmates the causes and effect of this social imminence and social ills called the cerebral goods of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers in Nigeria.


Purpose of the Study


The main purpose of study is to ascertain the cerebral goods of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers in Nigeria.


Other purpose of this study are as follows


To ascertain if poverty position is a cause of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers in Nigeria.


ii. To ascertain if bad leadership is a cause of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers in Nigeria.


iii. To ascertain if tone control of coffers is a cause of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers in Nigeria.


iv. To ascertain if high position of ignorance is a cause of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers in Nigeria.


To ascertain if position of severance is a cause of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers in Nigeria.


Exploration Questions


The exploration questions are as follows


Is poverty position a cause of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers in Nigeria?


ii. Is bad leadership a cause of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers in Nigeria?


iii. Is tone control of coffers a cause of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers in Nigeria?


iv. Does high position of ignorance a cause of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers in Nigeria?


Does the position of severance a cause of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers in Nigeria?


Research Hypothesis


Poverty position isn’t a cause of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers in Nigeria.


ii. Bad leadership isn’t a cause of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers in Nigeria.


iii. tone control of coffers isn’t a cause of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers in Nigeria.


iv. High position of ignorance isn’t a cause of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers in Nigeria.


position of severance isn’t a cause of inter ethnical conflicts on social health workers in Nigeria?


Significance of the Study


This study would be of important benefit to the community, religious body, government entire academy directors of secondary seminaries and other educational institutions and diligence in Nigeria. Religion is a life- cycle. It’s a way of life of an individual or a people. The primary purpose religious education is to successfully grease issues perceived to be in line with Christianity or Islam or any other religion( Achuzie, 2004). The learner’s life is thus, modified along the particular religion. Other vital issues similar as cognitive and affective bones assume a part and significance in keeping with the degree to which they foster and enhance religious life- style or geste in the learner’s life.


The following are thus, the benefits of this exploration study in Nigeria.

i. Religious education makes the scholars to be apprehensive of God’s love for humanity, which is manifested in creation and His colorful gifts( spiritual and material).


ii. Religious education helps the individualities to respond to God’s love with love manifested in their obedience to God’s commandments.


iii. Religious education encourages scholars to love and live in peace with their fellow men.


iv. Religious education assists the scholars to have the right idea about God, by tutoring them the Holy Holy Writ.


Religious education helps to fill the hearts of scholars with the guidance thereby regulating their conducts.


Religion naturally, is associated with the inculcation of moral value in scholars, Christians, Muslims and reactionaries, and expose their children to the moral values of their religious rights from a tender age.


With religious education, children are trained to sweat God and deities because they can bless or discipline them. For case, each of the persuasions rehearsed in Nigeria has certain morals to educate, and the academy as an systematized society should help in inculcating moral values( Ajiobi, 2001).


compass and Limitation of the Study


This study will particularly cover the community in all original government area of Lagos and concentrate substantially on the area. This is because the experimenter doesn’t have sufficient time and plutocrat to conduct a state wide study on all the Original Government area of Lagos State, let alone extending same to other original government areas in Lagos State.


Time and protocol of carrying concurrence from the academy operation before conceivably, having access to interact with their preceptors especially on sanctioned hours might be a interference as well.

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