Babcock University, Illishan Remo, Ogun State, conducted a study to investigate the psychological effects of living with sickle cell anemia. The study used a descriptive survey design combined with a convenience sample technique to pick 100 students at random from all departments in the study area. A questionnaire was used to collect data, which was then administered. With the help of the program SPSS version 20, the data was analyzed using basic percentage and frequency counts, and the hypotheses were tested using linear regression analysis at the.05 significant level. The findings revealed that students with sickle cell anemia at Babcock University are subjected to psychological assaults. In light of this, the report recommends that additional attention be paid to the



The problem of sickle cell anemia comes in a variety of forms. The social element of sickle cell anemia, or the psychological assault on those living with sickle cell anemia, is the focus of this research. People do not regard them as normal; in fact, the majority of people regard people with sickle cell anemia as a working corpse who could die at any time.


Sickle cell disease will be defined as one of two states: (1) sickle cell anemia, which is a severe, incurable, and often fatal anemia with numerous clinical manifestations, and (2) sickle cell trait, which is a relatively benign condition with symptomatology occurring only in exceptional circumstances.

Hemoglobin is the oxygen-carrying substance in the blood and is responsible for the erythrocytes’ or red blood cells’ colour. Sickle cell anemia is caused by the presence of an aberrant hemoglobin in the erythrocytes, known as Hb-S. In places where malaria is frequent, the existence of this hemoglobin is thought to have been beneficial in shielding its bearer from the consequences of malaria.

The advantage of hemoglobin S, on the other hand, vanishes for those who have atypical hemoglobins but do not live in malaria-free areas.

In the United States, sickle cell anemia affects primarily black people, according to Wintrobe (1967), who estimates that “sickle cell trait affects 8.5 percent of the black population.” The anemia itself affects about one out of every 400 black people (National Sickle Cell Prevention Act, 1971). Other races are rarely affected by the disease, and when they are, it mainly affects people of Greek, Italian, East Indian, South American, and Middle Eastern descent.


Sickle cell anemia has been around for a long time, and there is a lot of misinformation about its causes and treatment. Science and technology have recently cast doubt on those conventional beliefs. It is now well accepted that it is a sickness that is passed down from one generation to the next. The red blood cells take on a sickle form as a result. The amount of oxygen absorbed into the body by red blood cells is reduced as a result of this. Aside from the disease itself, the traumatic or psychological trauma it creates is a separate issue. The goal of this research is to figure out how to deal with this trauma and reintegrate the patient into his or her peer group.


The following are some of the objectives of this study:

To determine whether or not there is any psychological abuse at Babcock University.
To determine the source of psychological abuse suffered by patients with sickle cell anemia. Babcock University is a private university in the United States.
In Babcock University, researchers are looking for ways to decrease or eliminate the psychological assault on people with Sickle Cell Anaemia.


The following questions would guide our investigation:

1. Is there any psychological harassment of sickle cell anemia patients at Babcock University?


2. In Babcock University, what are the causes of psychological assault on people with sickle cell anemia?


3. Is there any way to protect patients with sickle cell disease at Babcock University from psychological abuse?


HO: At Babcock University, there are no psychological assaults on students with sickle cell anemia.

H1: Students with sickle cell anemia at Babcock University are subjected to psychological abuse.


The goal of this quantitative study is to see if the independent variable (psychological impact of living) has a substantial impact on sickle cell anemia in a group of Babcock University students.

By researching the psychological impact of living with sickle cell anemia in Babcock University, this study will address a vacuum in the literature in the ogun state, specifically in the Babcock University environment, thereby adding to the body of knowledge. It will also give Babcock University students a contextual and theoretical understanding of sickle cell anemia.


Furthermore, this research would aid in the development of solutions to the continuing psychological assault on sickle cell disease patients in Babcock University and Nigeria in general. It would shed light on what sickle cell disease is all about.


In this study, Babcock University investigates the psychological effects of living with sickle cell anemia. This research would be limited to Babcock University students and would not expand to the surrounding area.

The study was limited by time constraints, financial constraints, and respondents’ refusal to submit the necessary data.

Given the researcher’s other academic commitments, the time allocated for this study is relatively limited. Because of a lack of money, the study was only able to cover one university in Ogun State. Furthermore, the respondents, who are students at the chosen institution, were apprehensive about taking part in the poll. Nonetheless, a thorough and fact-finding investigation is conducted.


We are using survey methods to collect data in this study, including a questionnaire designed by the researcher. The questionnaire would be given to a random group of students chosen by the researcher.


Anaemia is a condition in which a blood cell is faulty.

The red blood cell is the blood cell that transports oxygen throughout the body.


Characteristics: Characteristics that are passed on from parents to offspring.


Assault is a harmful treatment given to someone as a result of their illness.

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