Quantifying Incremental Oil Production And Economics Of Using Intelligent Completion As A Tool For Reservoir Management
Huge quantum of hydrocarbon in place is left unrecovered. Integrated force operation, in addition to the use of new technologies improves hydrocarbon recovery. Intelligent completion is one of the technologies which enhance force operation thereby perfecting the hydrocarbon recovery.
This work presents a review of intelligent completion technology, guidelines to estimate the decision whether or not to apply intelligent completion and evaluates field cases of intelligent completion installation.
The case studies were deduced from four fields where intelligent completions have been enforced. Comparison of intelligent completion withnon-intelligent completion was grounded on ease of data accession for force operation, incremental oil painting product and profitability criteria. The yard sticks used for profitable analysis include the net present value, blinked payout period, profitability indicator and growth rate of return.
The results from the study show that dependable intelligent completion improves force operation by enabling data accession and well monitoring. Employing intelligent well completions in force operation can lead to 21 to 38 increase in oil painting recovery and 17 to 41 increase in NPV compared tonon-intelligent completion. It must be refocused out that intelligent system failure may render intelligent completion systems economically monstrous.
The results of this study can be used to estimate the feasibility of executing an intelligent completion design; especially in fields were intelligent completion is yet to be enforced as a tool for force operation.
Chapter 1
Reserves are the main asset of the disquisition and product( E&P) assiduity. Every E&P establishment aims at maximizing its total profit in the long run, hence the assiduity aims at enhancing ultimate recovery of a field, cost efficiently. still, utmost of the hydrocarbons in place aren’t recovered; about 35 of hydrocarbons in place are recovered leaving behind the remaining 65. The need to ameliorate recovery from the huge quantum of remaining hydrocarbons in place around the world requires sound force operation practices.
Integrated force operation is a nonstop process and the key to successful operation of the force throughout its entire life. It requires the use of bothmulti-disciplines and technological coffers for maximizing profit. A comprehensive force operation plan involves reduction and development strategies, data accession and analyses, geological and numerical model studies, product and reserves vaticinations, knowledge of installations demand and profitable optimization. These can grease better force operation which will enhance profitable recovery of hydrocarbons( Satter etal., 1994). Intelligent well completion forms part of the overall vision of force operation optimization.
An intelligent well completion( IWC) is completion system able of measuring, transmitting and assaying wellbore product, force and completion integrity data, and enabling remote action; change stopcock chokes and optimize these parameters to more control force, well and product processes( Eni, 2006). The conception of intelligent completion doesn’t generally relate to any capability for automated tone- control but rather homemade interface to initiate instructions to the well( Robinson, 2007).
Reservoir parameters are continuously covered for each zones with endless pressure and temperature needles, base on which the stopcock chokes are reconfigured to allow contemporaneous product from further zones through a single string or well. Remote completion monitoring is the capability of a system to give data, attained in or near the wellbore, without taking access and entry for conventional intervention to the well. Hence IWC technology provides great inflexibility in the operation of conventional wells and multinational wells; as each branch of the well can be controlled singly.( Yeten etal., 2004)
The introductory element of IWC are accession and transmission system, inflow control faucets( FCV) and actuation system. The accession and transmission system is a set of outfit used to transmit and acquire force data, while the FCVs control inflow rate from a zone or in a position. And the actuation system is a set of outfit that supplies power to the faucets( Eni, 2006)
Compared to conventional completions, IWC offers great benefits. The primary objects of IWC are typically to maximize or optimize and anticipate oil painting recovery, control gas and water advance, reduce cost and ameliorate safety. Zero intervention especially subsea or remote position wells and product optimization for multi zones force( contemporaneous product), vertical wells, complex force structure, bus gas lift,etc. justifies the installation of intelligent completions( Eni, 2006).