Relevance Of Road To Life And It’s Activities


General Introduction

The applicability of road to life and its conditioning can not be over emphasized.

Road is as old as the origin of man and plays a vital part in the life of the people in communities, countries, countries. It’s relatively egregious that life would have been veritably delicate without the actuality of roads. Nigeria for case conceded the significance of road similar that the original, state and civil government are each involved in the development and conservation of road network.

History has shown that provision of thruway is a necessary tool for civilization. It advances substance increase and this bring about demand for better and faster communication installations especially roads.

The continuing increase in Nigeria’s population has made the diurnal movement of passengers and goods an adding complex problem.


Surveillance check

This is a quick type of check or a rapid-fire examination of the ground and its conterminous natural features generally made without check instruments to limit the indispensable routes in terms of cost to one or two.

The following factors are typically considered in surveillance check.

Overall cartage of goods

Nearness to road accoutrements quarries

Business conditions

Soil conditions

Right of way or road land

Ruling grade

Type of road face

Number of major and minor islands

Approximate length and cost

Curvative along the alignment

The road under consideration( A by pass from IMT/ Federal Secretariat road to Artificial center and Mass Communication Department) has been graded and motor motorists and climbers use it. On the sides of the proposed road are being structures and ranch lands.

The business capacity of the road is low because of the poor grading of the road.

Because the road has not been duly paved, lower climbers use the road and automobilist prefer going through the longer way by passing through mass communication department when going to artificial center.

When the road is duly bettered, all these problems will be excluded and a lot of benefit will be accrued, benefit to the intending business center as a result of further people using the road and reduction in trip time.


  • Geometric Design

This is the aspect of the trace design that’s solely meant to take care of the road stoner and position of service rendered to him. The consummate factor of consideration included anticipated business capacity, design speed and volume. O ’ Elaharty E. A in his book “ Highway Traffic Planning and Engineering ” states that proper geometric design will inescapably reduce the number and inflexibility of trace accidents while icing high business inflow with minimal detention. He continued by saying that indecorous design would affect in the early obsolesce of the new trace with constant profitable loss to the community.


Factors Impacting The Choice Of Station

Easy Measuring Condition Stations were chosen to avoid obstacles during drainage or tape recording exercise.

Intervisibility Station were chosen and placed similar that the station doesn’t obstruct the other station line of sight.

Tranversing at unrestricted Distance should avoided This is to avoid angular error that would be introduced there to target at short range not be duly crossed.


Factors Which Favour The Selection Of Route Or Road Alignment

There are several factors which typically favour the selection of a route alignment for high way construction.

i. The route should be as straight as possible. This implies lower cost of construction, conservation and operation of vehicles as wear and tear and gash on angles route are entirely excluded.

ii. Vertical and vertical elignment should be eased out with maximum compass of curve in relation to the design speed and maximum route of superelevation.

iii. Good sight distance should be maintained. Sight distance or visibility is the distance measured along the center line of the road over which the motorist can see the contrary object on the road for necessary operation of boscage .

iv. connection of proper road drainage Immediate evacuation of rain water on pavements as well as embarkment of a trace is necessary is to last till the end of the design life generally taken as 20 times.

Vacuity of road structure accoutrements similar as gravestone, clay, beach, laterite etc along the roadways bring down the cost of the construction as well as conservation cost.

vi. Good conformation soil should be assured.


Aim And Objective Of The Design

This aims at giving pupil practical knowledge in the design of a thruway in order to prop her in designing a affiliated design in real practice in future.


Compass Of The Design

The compass of this design includes the leveling, theodolite covering of the road, design of the wind, soil disquisition and pavement design of the route of study.


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