Evaluation Of Fruits Variety And Phytochemical Components Of Species Of Pepper In Akpan Andem Market, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.

  Evaluation Of Fruits Variety And Phytochemical Components Of Species Of Pepper In Akpan Andem Market, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.   Chapter One Introduction 1.1 BACKGROUND of the Study Currently, people have interest in maintaining good health and an excellent body figure, therefore, they have become more careful in the food they choose to consume, … Read more

The Influence Of Contract Drawing On Building Project

  The Influence Of Contract Drawing On Building Project   Chapter One   Preface   Working/ contract delineation according to Thomas and Marvin( 1978), working delineations are defined to be a communication medium whose purpose is to graphically convey the design demand for a constructionproject.They control the design by indicating the construction in considerable detail; … Read more

Issues And Challenge In The Execution Of Public Sector Housing Projects In Nigeria

  Issues And Challenge In The Execution Of Public Sector Housing Projects In Nigeria   Chapter One   Preface   Background To The Study casing( sanctum) is incontestably one of the introductory musts of man. It used to be ranked second after food in the scale of man’s requirements but according to Ebie( 2009) it’s … Read more

Infrastructural Development, Real Estate Agency Rebranding And Review Of National Housing Policy: The Road Map For Rapid Economic Development Of Nigeria

  Infrastructural Development, Real Estate Agency Rebranding And Review Of National Housing Policy: The Road Map For Rapid Economic Development Of Nigeria   Chapter One Preface Background To The Study With a population of about 173 million people, Nigeria is the largest country in Africa and accounts for 47 of West Africa’s population. Given these … Read more

Project Time Control In Building Construction

  Project Time Control In Building Construction   Preface   Construction has turned into an ever more complex mesh of connections between decreasingly accelerating processes, opinions and conduct. At the same time, still, there’s a development toward sustainable   Just as any other design, a construction design includes certain development phases that differ from each … Read more

Appraisal Of The Impact Of Delays In Project Delivery In Construction Industry

  Appraisal Of The Impact Of Delays In Project Delivery In Construction Industry   Preface   Background Of The Study It’s believed that one of the prevailing problems of construction assiduity in Nigeria is the impact of detainments in design delivery. It’s veritably important for both public and private systems to be completed on time … Read more

Comparison Of The Strength Of Concrete Produced With Coarse Aggregate In Different Location

  Comparison Of The Strength Of Concrete Produced With Coarse Aggregate In Different Location   Preface Background summations are veritably important element in construction work. They reduce shrinking, give body to concrete and effect frugality.( Shetty, 2005). In road construction, summations are combined with asphalt binding medium to form a emulsion material. It can also … Read more

Investigation Into Causes Of Building Collapse In Nigeria

  Investigation Into Causes Of Building Collapse In Nigeria   Preface   Background structure can be explained as a structural that provides sanctum to lives and parcels, it could be a academy, church, shop, or plant that has roof, walls. A lot of erecting specifically in Port- Harcourt and Lagos state have collapsed and thereby … Read more