Issues And Challenge In The Execution Of Public Sector Housing Projects In Nigeria


Chapter One




Background To The Study

casing( sanctum) is incontestably one of the introductory musts of man. It used to be ranked second after food in the scale of man’s requirements but according to Ebie( 2009) it’s the first and most important of all rights. According to him, because of the significance attached to casing and coupled with the fact that casing in all its ramifications is further than bare sanctum, also, prosecution of public sector casing embraces all social services and serviceability that go to make a community or neighbourhood a inhabitable terrain, this is now a right in Nigeria. This position is corroborated by section 16( 1)( d) of 1999 constitution under the Abecedarian objects of State Policy which compels the Nigerian State “ to give suitable and acceptable sanctum for all citizens ” Indeed though this provision isn’t practicable, it reinforces the call for public sector driven mass casing provision in Nigeria. casing being a right entails that all strata of a society including the lower privileged members of the society, the old, the underprivileged, the wondering psychotics should enjoy or have access to decent, safe and aseptic casing accommodation at affordable disposal prices or reimbursement with secure term.


Unfortunately the reverse is the case as in malignancy of the programs, institutions and regulations which colorful Nigerian Governments have put in place since independence there’s still dearth of casing for low income member. A recent study of casing situation in Nigeria put being casing stock at 23 per 1000 tenant. Housing deficiency is put at 15 million casing units( Mabogunje, 2007) while 12 trillion naira will be needed to finance the deficiency. This is about 4 times the periodic budget of Nigeria( FHA, 2007). casing is of supreme significance to man and one of the stylish pointers of a person’s standard of living and his place in society. still, at no point has it been adequately supplied either quantitatively or qualitatively( Jiboye 2009; Omoniyi & Jiboye, 2011). Over time, the need for acceptable sanctum has continued to attract global attention especially in developing countries where the urbanization process has been growing at an intimidating rate. The phenomenal rise in population, increase in number and size of utmost metropolises in the once decades have led to acute deficit of acceptable lodging units in numerous civic centres encyclopedically( Jiboye, 2009).


Accordingly, in recent time, the issue of casing has formed part of the major discussion in several global summits similar as the 1992 Rio- de Janeiro peak on terrain and development, the 1996 Habitat peak at Istanbul, the 2000 New York, United Nations Millennium Development Goals( MDGS) peak, 2002 World Summit in Johannesburg and the 2005 La Havana, UN sustainable metropolises Attestation of Experience Programme( Oladunjoye, 2005;UN-Habitat, 2007; UNDPI, 2008).


Nigeria, like other developing countries is ladened with willful growth of the civic population caused by lack of provision of infrastructural installations and poor profitable conditions in the pastoral areas. The proportion of the Nigerian population living in civic centres has increased phenomenally from 7 in the 1930s, 10 in 1950, 20 in 1970, 27 in 1980 to 35 in 1990

( Okupe, 2002). Over 40 of Nigerians now live in civic centres of varying sizes. The prevalence of this population in civic centres has created severe casing problems, performing in overcrowding in shy residences, and in a situation in which 60 of Nigerians can be said to be “ houseless persons ”( Federal Government of Nigeria, 2004).


Besides the prevalence of overcrowding in the being casing stock, pastoral-civic drift has occasioned the sprouting of make shift residences or squatter agreements in metropolises that are devoid of minimal structural and normative quality. maturity of the houses are constructed with all feathers of garbage/ alternate- hand accoutrements in immorally enthralled tone allocated land, they’re poorly maintained and warrant the introductory musts of life like aseptic installations, light, air and sequestration. As substantiated by once inquiries in casing studies, utmost civic centres in the country are characterized by high viscosity structures, acute aseptic problems, pollution of air, face water, noise and solid wastes( Filani, 1987, Agbola, 1998). According to Olotuah( 2002) estimated2.3 million civic dwelling units are unacceptable, only 33 of civic houses can be considered to be physically sound, and 44 and 19 bear minor and major repairs independently to bring them to normative and structural quality. Despite all sweats of the government at achieving sustained casing delivery to the common people, being realities indicate the thing is far from being achieved. It’s against this background that this exploration examines the major issues and challenges of prosecution of public sector casing in Nigeria with a view to stimulating applicable agencies of government and other stakeholders into designing applicable strategies for effective prosecution of public sector casing in Nigeria.


Statement Of The Problem

In numerous developing countries, including Nigeria, civic casing extremity is raising unabated despite a number of new programs, programs and strategies being engaged in by public and private sectors aimed at prosecution of public sector casing in addressing this problem( Okupe, 2002). Since prosecution of public sector casing is basically carried out by government agencies and their collaborators, the experimenter argues that one vital step to addressing myriads of issues and challenges in prosecution of public sector casing in Nigeria is to identify areas of weakness in public casing agencies and latterly address similar weakness for enhanced productivity( Jiboye, 2009). It’s for this reason that the study delved the contextual and organizational challenges related to prosecution of public sector casing in Nigeria in the post independence period.


This study tried at using crucial organizational factors to assess areas of challenges in prosecution of public sector casing among government agencies in the study area. This is with a view to aiding public- sector casing policy makers and program directors map future pathways for bettered performance in public casing provision and operation in Nigeria.


Objects Of The Study

The general ideal of this exploration is to dissect the issues and challenges in the prosecution of public sector casing in Nigeria while the following are the specific objects


To examine the challenges of prosecution of public sector casing in Nigeria.

To ascertain the factors causing casing challenges in Nigeria.

To determine the result to the issues of prosecution of public sector casing in Nigeria.

Exploration Questions


What are the issues and challenges in prosecution of public sector casing in Nigeria?

What are the factors causing casing challenges in Nigeria?

What are the results to the issues of prosecution of public sector casing in Nigeria?

Significance Of The Study

The following are the significance of this study


outgrowth of this study will educate stakeholders in casing development and the general public on the issues and challenges of prosecution of public sector casing in Nigeria thereby making the study veritably useful as a companion to policy makers in government. This will still helped in better casing development policy relinquishment and perpetration.

This study will also help public- sector casing policy makers and program directors to map future pathways for bettered performance in prosecution of public sector casing and operation in Nigeria.

This exploration will also serve as a resource base to other scholars and experimenters interested in carrying out further exploration in this field latterly, if applied, it’ll go to an extent to give new explanation to the content.

Compass/ Limitations Of The Study

This study on issues and challenges in the prosecution of public sector casing design in Nigeria will cover the major issues on poor casing development in Nigeria with a view to determine a strategic frame for massive prosecution of public sector casing systems in Nigeria.

Limitation Of Study

Financial constraint-inadequate fund tends to stymie the effectiveness of the experimenter in sourcing for the applicable accoutrements , literature or information and in the process of data collection( internet, questionnaire and interview).

Time constraint- The experimenter will contemporaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This accordingly will cut down on the time devoted for the exploration work.

Description Of Terms

Housing structures or structures that individualities and their family may live in that meet certain civil regulations. Different casing situations vary for individualities and may depend on age, family, and geographic position. For illustration, a recent university graduate in an civic terrain in the US may live in a rented apartment whereas a middle-aged entrepreneur may live in a house with or without a mortgage.

Public of or concerning the people as a whole.

Population all the occupants of a particular place.

Migration Movement of people to a new area or country in order to find work or better living conditions the expansive pastoral- to-civic migration has created a severe casing problems.



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Ebie,S.P.O.F.( 2009, May). Public sector driven casing; achievements and problems. Paper presented at the 2009 Faculty of Environmental lores Annual lecture, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.

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