
Planning for construction involves defining the activities, means, time, cost, duration, and performance milestones that will lead to a successful project. Earlier investigations attributed it to poor construction planning by indigenous Nigerian construction companies. This poor construction design has been found to contribute to lower productivity, lower profitability, time overruns, and cost overruns. This study was conducted to evaluate plans for construction projects by local contractors and improve their performance. The purpose of the study was to assess contractors’ perceptions of construction project planning, clarify contractors’ current construction project planning practices, and assess the effectiveness of each contractor’s construction project planning practices. Research methods include the use of targeted sampling techniques. A sample size of 50 firms was determined at a 90% confidence level from the 1920 population size calculated using the sample size table and formula. The questionnaires were completed by the respondents themselves and questionnaire (A) was presented to the organization’s project manager. It contains questions aimed at assessing how the organization plans and what kind of planning the organization needs. The response rate for this survey is 83%. Questionnaire (B) was submitted to experts from the organization leading the construction of the site, and Questionnaire (B) was to assess the effectiveness of the construction design, problems associated with the construction design, and ways to improve the construction design. Questionnaire (B) has an 88% rating. We analyzed the questionnaire and presented the results in a table and bar chart. The investigation found that the construction project was poorly planned and needed to be improved. Cost overruns, time overruns, poor scope control, and diminished profits are issues faced by contractors. Construction project design failures were attributed to unethical behavior by clients, lack of integrity in client financial transactions, and poor communication between project members. To improve the planning of construction projects, the study found that contractors conducted financial and ethical reviews with their clients, hired project managers for each project, used computer-aided systems, and used experience in planning construction projects. is recommended to be loaded. The study also recommends that contractors improve communication between project teams by establishing reliable and accessible communication channels.

chapter One
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Research background
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge PM BOK (2004) defined a project as an ephemeral human endeavor with specific start and end dates and a clear goal. Henry (2006) identified a project consisting of a group of interrelated activities constrained by a specific scope, budget and time to deliver a specific product or service. Examples of projects include building a house, developing software, and conducting space missions. Projects are therefore characterized by time, scope and goals.
Construction activities are project-based in that they involve the conversion of raw materials, finished or semi-finished products into assets using management, labor and technology within agreed time and quality specifications. They also share features. Abimbola (2013) defines construction as a set of actions taken by an entity that manufactures, modifies, or alters buildings and infrastructure.
Regardless of nomenclature, each project involves the execution of separate or interrelated phases. These phases, conceptualization, planning, execution, and completion, are called the project life cycle. All aspects must be prepared or planned for a successful project. Project planning was defined by PM BOK (2000) as the phases of a project in which project activities are determined and how each activity is to be carried out. The purpose of a project plan is to identify each major task, estimate the time and resources required, and provide a framework for managers or owners to review and manage progress.


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