Religion And Development In Nigeria: A Philosophical Analysis



Religion can serve as a strong tool in fostering development in any country, but when not duly managed it can also mar same. In this case, the negative effect comes when man fails to assert himself existentially but depends absolutely on religion to do everything for him. More frequently than not, he resorts to seeking for spiritual result to utmost of his empirical problems in colorful prayer houses. The consequences of similar approach to issues can not be far- brought as it leaves the existent’s rational faculty dormant, and similar existent can not appreciatively prompt a asked change in himself and his terrain. No wonder a country like Nigeria whose religiosity is high is still labeled a third- world country. This work is a wake- up call to all Nigerians who still wallow in religiosity to wake up and take charge of their actuality. The work employs the philosophical styles of evaluation and appraisal. still, the work doesn’t condemn the practice of religion in its summation, rather it decries the extreme notion in the minds of utmost Nigerians as it has a negative recrimination.


John Mbiti( 1969) asserted that “ religion is the strongest element in traditional background, and exerts presumably the topmost influence upon the thinking and living of the people concerned. ”( 1) Mbiti also made another observation that “ religion is in the African’s man whole system ofbeing, as similar wherever he’s, there also you must see an element of his religion.( 2) Having heard from Mbiti, one can not but see Africans as largely religious people, but I’ve come to see that this approach of religiosity by Africans have a negative impact on her. At a point Africa was infected with manna from heaven pattern, as similar he depends on God to do nearly everything for him. To buttress this, I’ll illustrate with a story, therefore; A certain Nigerian man, sated with his snuff addition, sought to break- off from similar. He decide to go for a campaign listed for three days, all through his prayer was, “ God please take down this snuff box from me ”. On the third day of the campaign the host pastor overwhelmed by concern asked the man, “ joe please where is this snuff box? ” Surprising for me, the man answered, “ it is in my fund pastor. ” It’s really ridiculous for such a man to expert God to come from heaven to take down the snuff box from him without him doing it himself and perhaps latterly ask God for the grace to follow up his decision.

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