Road Deterioration
This design report is a study carried out to determine the causes and remedies to road deterioration. A case study of Naze Junction to Futo Gate Road, this study addresses about the actuality and development of fashions, researches made to discover the causes and remedies of road deterioration, the road structure/ road preservation.
This design covers the styles used to determine the cause of the road deterioration by conducting, soil test and business tale. It includes the filmland of the deteriorated spots of the road. The result of the test done and their general analysis.
It covers also the conclusion of the study causes, grounded on the literature hunt and results of trials and eventually the recommendation of the study.
Background Of Study
The significance of roadways for the substance of any country can not be over emphasized. The development of roads starts a chain response of infinitesimal nature. It opens up new avenues or increases employment in the husbandry, assiduity, commerce health and sanitation sector by essential virtue of being a communication and transport link between the developed areas.
The road, so necessary an instrument of social well being that in every new country it’s one of the first effects that’s being allowed of. The great substance or need for roads came about due to the invention of the wheel, some 5,000 times agone . The adding rate of trace deterioration has come a source of great concern to both the masterminds and the people using it. There’s a great need to ascertain the colorful causes of the deterioratory state of our roads. And some of the ways to ascertain the causes of deterioration is to accomplish trial drag hole, point disquisition, and also business tale.
The major reason for wrong state of road construction in Nigeria, is the low precedence given to road development and conservation, also responsible, is the lack of concern for mortal life and proper qualification and experience to do a particular job. The construction of roads, bear expert’s in the field, so that the road will be suitable to accomplish its introductory function effectively, and survive its life expectation of times. This is in order to avoid the unseasonable failure of our roads, which is an living fact presently in Imo State, particularly on the road leading from Naze Junction to Futo Gate which forms the base of this design. There isn’t just one type of road failure, so the issue of the unseasonable deterioration of our roads requires finance, and educated knowledge.
Area Of Study
The road leading from Naze Junction to Futo Gate is located in Owerri, the capital of Imo State. The road was constructed in the time1977/1978, by Mezu construction company during the honourable governance of Late Dr. Sam Onunaka Mbakwe the, also administrative governor of Imo State.
The road leading from Naze Junction to Futo Gate is a ring road, handed to enable the free inflow of business. It has a total length of about6.00 km, and has a lane range of about7.3 m. The road was constructed of Asphaltic Surfacing. It’s a face dressed flexible pavement of single carriage way which has no shoulder. The routine conservation work is been handled by the office of the Ministry of Works, casing and transport Owerri and presently the conservation work has been awarded to Hardel and Erice construction company, a company possessed by Chief Iwuanyanwu.
Statement Of Problem
The road leading from Naze Junction to Futo Gate has lost its original shape and design. It has deteriorated to the state that the Asphaltic Surfacing of some corridor of the roads have gone off. This state of deterioration is a problem because, it doesn’t effectively serve one of the purposes of construction which is to convey people and goods effectively. Due to its deterioratory state, when rain falls it’s delicate for people and buses to ply the road because of it’s bad nature, this results in the breaking down of vehicles in the middle of the road and rendering the inhabitants of the vehicles helpless, and this broken down vehicles in turn, causes business locks.
If this road isn’t duly reconstructed and maintained duly so numerous lives would be lost and goods would be wasted. And the area will be completely unapproachable.
Points And Objects
The following are the objects of this study
1. To estimate the cause of the deterioration of the road leading from Naze Junction to Futo Gate.
2. To uncover the pains which the people of this area are subordinated to as a result of the deplorable condition of the road.
3. To find and note on the profitable significance of the Naze Futo Gate road to its people and the people of Imo State.
4. To proffer result which will be suitable enough to remedy this road from deteriorating.
5. Eventually to suggest measures to help minimize or stop the circumstance of the deterioration of our Nigerian roads.
Compass And Limitation
There are so numerous ways of determining the cause of road deterioration and they include, soil test, drainage designing, CBR test, contraction, business count, test on the colorful subcaste of the road structure, Atterberg limit etc. But due to the circumstances girding this study and my incapability and attainability of machines accoutrements to carryout some of this test. This design is only limited to the determining of only the soil test, Atterberg limit, and business count of the road.
The significance of this design include
1. To prepare a paper that will serve as an academic tool, to help scholars handle affiliated systems in future with confidence.
2. To state its value to the occupants of the Naze Junction to Futo Gate Road, as it’ll in no small measure help to palliate transport and business problems presently being endured by its people, and druggies.
Delineations Of Terms
1. CARRIAGE WAY It’s the portion of the road designed and constructed for vehicular business.
2. DETERIORATION It’s a gradational process whereby a structure losses its original quality or value due to age or imperfect construction. If not given attention from time to time.
3. HIGHWAY In a road system the important road like public trace and parochial roadways are called roadways.
4. Unseasonable Failure This is said to do when the material what ever it is,i.e wearing course, face dressing or structural concrete etc, has failed before its prognosticated design life has expired.
5. ROAD It’s defined as a accessible way over which vehicles and all alkies of business can law completely move.
6. RING ROAD It’s a road constructed around an Civic Area to enable free inflow of business.
7. SHOULDER It’s the portion incontinently beyond the edges of a carriage way on which vehicular business may pass sometimes.
8. SUB-GRADE This is the top face of a road bed on which the pavement structure and shoulders including Kerbs are constructed.
9. Business Tale This is the determination of the Average diurnal Volume( ADV) of vehicular business that uses a road hourly, in order to determine the total volume of business anticipated during the design life of the pavement/ road.