Security challenges and coping strategies of University libraries for effective service delivery in Enugu state

Security challenges and coping strategies of University libraries for effective service delivery in Enugu state


The University of Nsukka was used as a case study to conduct this research on the security challenges and coping strategies of university libraries for effective service delivery in Enugu state. Seven major research objectives were developed to accomplish this. In this study, a survey design was used, as well as simple random sampling techniques. The population consists of library staff at the University of Nsukka in Enugu State. The researcher conveniently chose 41 respondents to determine the sample size, while 38 were received and 35 were validated. For data collection, a self-created and validated questionnaire was used. The questionnaires that had been collected and validated were analyzed using frequency tables and mean scores. The findings show that security issues are impeding effective service delivery in university libraries. The University of Nsukka was used as a case study to conduct this research on the security challenges and coping strategies of university libraries for effective service delivery in Enugu state. Seven major research objectives were developed to accomplish this. In this study, a survey design was used, as well as simple random sampling techniques. The population consists of library staff at the University of Nsukka in Enugu State. The researcher conveniently chose 41 respondents to determine the sample size, while 38 were received and 35 were validated. For data collection, a self-created and validated questionnaire was used. The questionnaires that had been collected and validated were analyzed using frequency tables and mean scores. The findings show that security issues are impeding effective service delivery in university libraries.



1.1 Background Of The Study

The security of library resources is critical to the efficient delivery of library services. When library collections are not secure, they are vulnerable to threats such as theft, mutilation, and vandalism, among others. These can have a negative impact on the delivery of library services. Ani (2010) defines “security” as the state of being physically, emotionally, and psychologically protected from harms, attacks, and terror that are undesirable. Security, according to Edem (2010), is the assurance of future well-being and freedom from threat. As a result, security refers to a process designed to protect something or someone from harm. It is an act of deterrence. In the case of library resources, it prevents unauthorized removal or loss of materials, typically as a result of theft.

as a result of the interference of intruders or thieves (Ajegbomogun, 2004). In reality, research, teaching, and learning cannot take place in a university where library collections and resources are not only insufficient, but are also stolen, destroyed, or mishandled by students, faculty, and other users.

According to research findings, libraries are vulnerable to environmental disasters, careless collection handling, a lack of security programs and policies for library management and administration, and the loss of library resources due to theft and other criminal behaviors. According to Ajegbomogun (2004) and Akinfolarin (1992), a certain library collection in Egypt had to be kept under lock and key to prevent theft. Terfarra (1996) cited examples of Middle Eastern and European countries chain-locking their collected works. to keep theft and vandalism at bay. Nonetheless, most school authorities in Nigeria appear to be unaware of the threat of security issues to the life of library collections. However, this is no longer available in some Nigerian libraries due to the implementation of security measures such as detective barcode machines, close circuit television (CCTV), 3M electronic security systems, and a workable security policy for university libraries to combat theft and vandalism. This is especially true because chaining or putting the materials under lock and key may prevent users from easily accessing these resources. In today’s societies, security is a significant and complex challenge. Not only do individuals need security and safety for their lives and property, but university libraries, in particular, strive to provide it. provide information resources in both print and non-print formats to support the university community’s and humanity’s educational services. Every day, there are reports of users losing, stealing, fraud, and vandalizing library resources, highlighting the need for university libraries to provide, maintain, and secure their collections in order to ensure the availability and accessibility of their collections, as well as to provide effective services to their users. As a result, the purpose of this research is to look into the security challenges and coping strategies of university libraries in Enugu, State, in order to provide effective service delivery.

1.2 Statement Of The Problem

The significance of information resources cannot be overstated because users rely on library resources for knowledge and new ideas to further their intellectual development (Ajegbomogun, 2004). As a result, university libraries experience varying degrees of resource delinquency. The severity of this security issue varies from university library to university library. Mishandling and vandalism of facilities such as CD ROM, DVD, and magnetic tape can easily crack when not handled carefully or falls to the ground. The CD ROM or DVD may be damaged, and the information on it may be lost. Data loss caused by improper handling of CD ROM, DVD, and magnetic tape, among other things, makes access to information services impossible. Book, journal, CD-ROM, microfilm, and computer theft and other library collections, which reduce library materials. These crimes committed by some users have prevented many users from fully meeting their information needs by resulting in the loss of many valuable materials in university libraries (Ani, 2010). As a result, measures must be taken to protect and preserve them in order to avoid complete loss of materials in university libraries. As a result, the purpose of this research is to look into the security challenges and coping strategies of university libraries in Enugu in order to provide effective service delivery.

1.3 Objective Of the Study

The research will look into the security challenges and coping strategies used by university libraries in Enugu to provide effective service delivery. The study specifically seeks to:

1. Identify the security issues impeding effective service delivery in Enugu university libraries.

2. Determine the types of security apparatus used by Enugu university libraries to support service delivery.

3. Learn about the challenges of implementing library security for effective service delivery in Enugu university libraries.

4. Identify strategies to improve library security implementation for effective service delivery in Enugu university libraries.

1.4 Research Question

The following questions will guide the research:

1. What are the security issues impeding effective service delivery in Enugu university libraries?

2. What types of security apparatus do university libraries in Enugu use to support service delivery?

3. What are the challenges of implementing library security for effective service delivery in Enugu university libraries?

4. What are the strategies for improving library security implementation for effective service delivery in Enugu university libraries?

1.5 Significance of Study

The importance of this study stems from the need to improve the security management of the library in order to prevent book theft, particularly as it relates to research, as well as to re-examine the roles of the university library in order to achieve the stated objectives. As a result, the study becomes valuable because its findings, if applied, will aid in the formulation of solutions to the problems of security and crime management for the prevention of recurring book thefts. University libraries are not always safe and secure places, and they face a wide range of security concerns, including the theft and mutilation of library materials. According to the findings of several library studies, most libraries in Enugu State are experiencing security issues. Management of library information resources for prevention.

1.6 Scope Of The Study

The research will look into the security challenges and coping strategies used by university libraries in Enugu to provide effective service delivery. The study will also identify the security challenges impeding effective service delivery in university libraries in Enugu, as well as the types of security apparatus used by the Federal University, Enugu Library to support service delivery, as well as the challenges associated with implementing library security for effective service delivery in university libraries in Enugu, and identify strategies to improve library security implementation for ef Respondents for this study will come from librarians at the University of Nsukka in Enugu State.

1.7 Limitation Of The Study

The researcher encountered minor constraints while conducting the study, as with any human endeavor. Inadequate funds tend to impede the researcher’s efficiency in locating relevant materials, literature, or information and in the data collection process, which is why the researcher resorted to a limited sample size. Furthermore, the researcher conducted this study while also working on other academic projects. As a result, the time spent researching will be reduced.

1.8 Definition Of Terms

Comparative: The study of the similarities and differences between two or more fields of science or subjects of study.

Security is the protection of a person, a building, an organization, or a country from threats such as crime or foreign-country attacks.

Crime: A crime is an act committed or omitted in violation of a public law, either forbidding or commanding it, or a breach or violation of some public right or duty owed to a community as a whole.

Prevention is the act of preventing something from happening or someone from doing something.

Challenges: (The situation of being confronted with) something that requires significant metal or physical effort to complete successfully and thus tests a person’s ability.

An academic library is a collection of books. A library attached to a higher education institution that serves two complementary functions: supporting the school’s curriculum and the research of university faculty and students.


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