Sexually Transmitted Infections Are Major Global Causes Of Acute Illnesses. Infertility, Long-term Disability And Death Among Men And Women Ranks Among The Most Importance To Health Issues Especially For Young People.
Chapter One
1.0 Introduction
Background Of The Study:-
Sexually transmitted infection (STIs) previously referred to as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or venereal disease (VD) are illness that has a significant probability of transmission between human by means of human sexually behaviour, including vaginal intercourse, oral sex and anal sex (1).
In recent years .the term sexually transmitted infections (STIs) has been preferred as it has a broader range of meaning; a person maybe infected and may potentially infect others without having the disease like in hepatitis virus which infect most sexually active individuals but cause disease in only a few; This has led to increase use of the term sexually transmitted infections (STI5) (1)
Some sexually, transmitted infections (STIs) can be transmitted via the use of intravenous dry needles after its use by infected person, as well as through child birth or breast feeding (2).
Although sexually transmitted infections are common to both sexes and all ages in the community, certain risk factors abound for acquiring the’ disease. These include young age”(15-39), having more than one sexual partner and irregular use of condoms (3).
The synergistic relationship between sexually transmitted, infection (STIs) and human immune deficiency virus (H IV) is well recognized. In ‘Africa, transmission of the virus takes place mainly’ through heterosexual intercourse (5) studies have shown that sexually transmitted infections increase concentration of HIV in genital secretions and that improved clinical management of STI significantly reduces the incidence of HIV infections in developing countries (67).
Apart from the risk of acquiring HIV infection, consequence of STls, can be grave resulting in conditions such as infertility, ectopic pregnancy, cancer, neonatal infections and death (7).
Prevention of STIs usually refer to all measures adopted to ensure that one lives without been infected with STIs. (7).
These include health education/awareness campaign, abstinence (i.e oral, vaginal or anal sex), being in a long term, mutually monogamous relationship with uninfected partners, use of condom, pre exposure vaccination of person at risk for vaccine-preventable sexually transmitted diseases (7)
1.1 Statement Of Problem
STls rank among the most important health issues especially in young adults worldwide (8).
People tend to engage in sexually activities at younger age and knowledge is an a essential precursor of sexual risk reduction (9)
STls are major global causes of acute illnesses, infertility, long-term disability and death among men and women but particularly among women (10).
The world health organization estimated that 340 million new cases of syphilis gonorrhea Chlamydia and trichomoniasis have occurred globally in 1999 in men and woman age 15 49 years.
STIs enhance the sexually transmission of HIV infection in particular ulcerative sexually transmitted infection.
The presence of an un treated STIS can increase the risk of both acquisition and transmission of HIV by a factor of up to 10 5115 prevention and control are therefore a potent HIV prevention strategy (11)
Available data shows that sexual diseases constitute, great medical, social and economic problem in Nigeria (12).
Apart from the heavy affliction by these diseases, there is rapid incursion of these diseases to the rural areas as well.
Gonorrhoea is the most prevalent sexually transmitted disease (STI) in Nigeria. Intact in 1963, World health organization (WHO) found Lagos to have the highest gonorrhoea rate in the world.
Recent surveys report gonorrhoea prevalence to be as high as 28.]9%2) some studies show a clear association between gonorrhoea, male and female infertility (12). 48 million new infections of curable sexual transmitted infection (syphilis, gonorrhoea ,Chlamydia and trichomoniasis) occur yearly throughout the world in adult age 15-49 years (13) excluding HIV and other STlS which continue to adversely affect the lives of individuals and communities, worldwide.
In developing countries STIs and their complications rank in the top five disease categories for which adult seek health care (13).
The are more than 30 different sexual transmissible bacteria viruses and parasites. Several, in particular HIV and syphilis can also be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy and child birth, and through blood products and tissue transfer.
Thus, STIs prevent a major public health concern in both industrialized and developing countries. However, information about infections is hard to come be especially for many developing countries (10) No single organization regularly (collates STI) statistics worldwide and different countries have different types of level of reporting system.
It is thought that many reports substantially underestimate the number of new STD cases because social stigma and other factors prevent people seeking health care.
The largest number of new infection occurred in the region of South and East Asia, followed by sub-sahara Africa and latin America and the Caribbean. The highest rate of new cases per 1000 population occurred in sub-sahara Africa.
STIs rate can vary enormously between urban and rural populations (13). In general, however the prevalence of Sils tends to be higher in urban residents, in unmarried individuals, young adults, ( 15-45year) and secondary school student in Nigeria from a polymous family structure. (This affect is partly explain by a higher likelihood of marriage during adolescence and forced sex) (14).
1.2 Significance Of Study
Sexually transmitted infections are an important cause of morbidity and mortality among woman of childbearing age, in order to institute appropriate preventive measures, there is need to have knowledge of -predisposing factors signs and symptoms, causative agent, method of prevention, attitude to sexual practices and sexual patterns among the susceptible young people, such as the secondary school student ( 15).
1.3 General Objective
TO determine the level of knowledge of sexually transmitted infections and their -prevention among secondary school student in IKA Local Government Area.
Specific Objective
To determine the level of knowledge of methods of transmission of sexually transmitted infections among secondary school students in lka, Local Government Area.
To determine the level of knowledge of prevention/treatment of STI among secondary school student in lka Local Government Area.
To determine, the relationship between socio-demographic
characteristics and knowledge of sexually transmitted infections among secondary school student in IKA Local Government Area.
Research Questions
What is the level of awareness of secondary school student in IKA Local Government Area?
What is the level of knowledge of transmission of STIS among secondary school student in IKA Local Government Area?
What is the level of knowledge of prevention treatment of sexually transmitted infection among secondary school in IKA Local Government Area.?
What is the relationship between socio demographic characteristics and knowledge of sexually transmitted infections among secondary school student in IKA Local Government Area?
1.6 Scope Of The Study
The study shall be limited in IKA L.O.A only (Age 22O years).