
This project explored consumer attitudes towards locally made shoes at Onitsha Anambra.

A related problem with this study was that the shoe industry appears to be failing to make much-needed efforts, given the enormous sacrifices made by manufacturers and governments. The truth is that most of the shoe industry is on the brink of liquidation.

To achieve the objectives of this study, inter alia the following hypotheses were put forward.

The quality of shoes made in Nigeria should not affect consumer purchases. Hi:
How the quality of Nigerian-made shoes influences consumer purchases.

The presence of foreign-made shoes in Nigeria does not affect sales of locally-made shoes.

The presence of foreign-made shoes in Nigeria has affected the sales of locally-made shoes.

Some of the findings are that the presence of foreign-made shoes in the Nigerian market is impacting the sales of locally made shoes, and that consumers are comparing the price of locally made shoes to foreign competing brands. It is recognized that it is high compared to .

Based on the above results, the researchers found that consumers still consider foreign-made shoes to be expensive compared to them, so it is generally encouraged to accept locally-made shoes in our society. I have concluded that it does not. From the above conclusions, researchers recommended the following for improvement:

The researchers recommend a ban on the importation of foreign-made shoes into the domestic market and that local manufacturers should try to improve their production wherever possible to attract more consumers. increase.

chapter One


Research background

In Nigeria, even by far the largest market in West Africa (the main market for Onitsha), shoes are one of the many staple products in the market.

Shoes are also one of the priority products everyone consumes. Therefore, the market is growing. The industry is serving a wider market as imports of foreign-made shoes are restricted. It is true that in addition to serving our former customers, we need to expand the market segment previously served by foreign shoes.

At this point, it becomes clear that shoes have a broad market opportunity. Segment the way customers prefer, as there is a children’s shoes market, a youth market, and an adult shoes market. This market continues to grow steadily as the number of infants/teenagers in the economy increases due to rising birth rates.

Historically, marketing shoes has not been an easy task. This is because the seller must identify the person who needs the shoes, and the buyer must also have what the shoe seller wanted. This was the age of barter, characterized by the exchange of goods and services. The unorganized market itself has slowed the scale of demand for shoes. Because it was not easy for people to find shoe sellers with their products.

However, with the introduction of the monetary system, various markets have become more organized and formed than before. This has increased the demand for products including shoes. This time it was because retailers had specific ranges for certain products and some people made impulsive purchases based on the nature of the product.

However, with the introduction of the monetary system, various markets have become more organized and formed than before. This has increased the demand for products including shoes. This was because retailers had specific sections for certain products, and there were no promotions at all, so some people made impulsive purchases because of the way the products were presented. , chain ownership competition, attracted many individual chains. Line Store is owned and operated by the manufacturer.

These chains were responsible for all the shoe store business. There are also franchise stores. Franchise dealers operate single-line businesses that process all purchases from sponsored manufacturers or wholesalers, instead of using familiar names such as “BATA” or “UTC.”

Some retailers had jumbled merchandising to seriously compete with individual retailers. In this regard, they are tinkering with shoes by adding them to unrelated products because the shoe business was going.

Also, the marketing strategy at the time was primarily to reach the present, and this strategy was complemented by the use of billboards, signs, and content sponsorships. However, the industry was raising money by banning foreign shoes to encourage local manufacturers.

Despite the ban on importing foreign-made shoes, the government has also taken other measures to help local manufacturers move forward.These measures include:
Tax exemption provides ill-fated loans, industrial technology services, subsidies and subsidies for services, issuance of import licenses, export promotion and consulting service units. Given these efforts by both manufacturers and the government to support the growth of the local industry, the industry appears to be falling short of their stated goals. I had to check my attitude. Problem situation

We know that shoes are one of the major products consumed equally by most people in any economy. It has a wider market because it needs to serve many consumers regardless of size or location.

One thing is certain, though. The industry does not appear to be making much-needed efforts for the enormous sacrifices made by manufacturers as well as governments.This is true in that most are on the brink of liquidation. . For example, BATA, which originally produced 10 million pairs of shoes per year over four years, is now producing less than half of its capacity, according to one source. In Kano Gagand Alhari’s shoes, the snakeskin shoe maker used to produce 2,000 shoes a week, but now he produces 45 shoes a week.

In Onitsha, Chuberg Shoes Ltd laid off his 50 employees. The company can no longer handle 2,320 of his 50,000 previously produced. For this reason, researchers hope to conduct research on this topic to identify consumer attitudes towards locally made shoes and possibly the factors involved in this. Additionally, knowing consumer preferences can provide a solid foundation for product improvement, redesign, advancement, and evaluation of advertising programs.

Purpose of research

The current economic difficulties facing the Nigerian economy do not bode well for local manufacturers. This ugly situation is due to so many factors, the most serious of which is the attitude of Nigerians towards locally made products.

The footwear industry is no exception and suffers from the same predicament. This situation completely affects the economy of the country. Therefore, with this in mind, researchers are expected to:

1) Find out the factors influencing the attitudes of Nigerian footwear consumers. 2) See if these distribution and promotional strategies adopted by local shoe manufacturers affect the sales of Nigerian-made shoes.

3) To investigate whether the presence of foreign footwear in the Nigerian market affects the sales of local footwear.

4) Based on the results, make appropriate recommendations that will benefit local manufacturers in general and the footwear industry in particular.

5) To know if Nigerian-made shoes are inferior to foreign competing brands.

hypothetical opinion

Within the framework of the above objectives, the following hypotheses were made: Ho:
That the quality of Nigerian-made shoes should not affect your purchase.

The presence of foreign-made shoes in the Nigerian market does not affect sales of locally made shoes.

The presence of foreign-made shoes in the Nigerian market affects sales of locally made shoes.

The social class (perceived or actual) a consumer belongs to has no bearing on their desire for locally made shoes.

The social class a consumer belongs to (assumed or actual) influences their desire for locally made shoes. the importance of studying

The footwear industry is one of the most important economic sectors driving economic development within a given entity. This may be justified by noting that:

Contributes to citizen employment. Exporting helps to preserve foreign exchange reserves by generating sufficient income for the development of the country.

Protect consumers from foot injuries and make their feet beautiful. But if you don’t patronize locally made shoes, you can expect to face a shortage of the shoe industry and the unemployment syndrome that is now entrenched in society.

On the other hand, sticking to buying foreign-made shoes can not only reduce the balance of payments, but also depreciate your own currency.

Additionally, consider federal policy programs. This is less focused on manufacturing consumption and possibly the export of locally made shoes. Therefore, to fully revitalize the shoe industry, it becomes imperative or inevitable to examine consumer attitudes towards Nigerian-made shoes.

A brief history of the company

CHUBERG Shoes Nigeria Limited is a private company in Nigeria. It was incorporated in the early 80’s as Onycha’s private shoe company. At the end of 1980, the company began to take over

1.7.1 Organization Chart.

Definition of terms

This is the process of dividing a heterogeneous market into homogeneous markets.

This is the favorable or unfavorable behavior of an individual or group towards an object or class of objects in a particular situation

This is the process of exchanging goods with God.

Consumer behavior:
This can be described as the way consumers behave or behave towards products.

Marketing concept:
This is a philosophy dedicated to consumer satisfaction. It aims to achieve the goal of consumer satisfaction. Citizenship:
A person who has full rights within the State by birth or acquisition of such rights.

This is the process of reconstructing something from an old form into a new form.

This is the process of restricting or suspending the importation of products.

This is when something is of low importance or quality.

This is a special right granted to an individual or company by a public authority. Habitat characteristics:
It is an ongoing way that consumers act or act.

This is the science that deals with human behavior and processes.

economic situation:
This is the situation when the country’s economy is in a sticky situation that seems difficult to get out of.

This is the process of throwing or dropping something violently from a great height.


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