The Challenges Affecting The Standard Of Secondary Education In Nigeria




This study was conducted to look into the issues impacting the quality of secondary education in Nigeria.


The foundation of development is education. But sadly, there are numerous issues with schooling in Nigeria. This includes inadequate classrooms, teaching tools (computers, projectors, laboratories, and libraries), a lack of qualified teachers, and a bad or contaminated learning environment due to inadequate funding for education. Parents, instructors, and students need to be reoriented toward accomplishing the goals of education in order for the standard of education to improve. The government also has to revisit the issue of funding in education. Additionally, all people should be able to finance an education. Centers for technical education and innovation adaption must be supported.


Chapiter 1


Introduction, version one


The first set of issues that come to mind when the topic of issues impacting the standard of secondary education in Nigeria is discussed are drop in standard, deterioration of facilities, examination misconduct, mass promotion syndrome and the likes before anything else.


This necessitates a thorough investigation and analysis with the goal of instructing all parties involved in the education system on how their deeds and omissions have individually and collectively led to the disintegrating situation of secondary education in Nigeria.


Let’s first look at the definition of education. The Latin terms “Educare” and “Educere,” which mean “to bring out” or “to lead out” and “to bring up,” “to raise,” or “elevate,” respectively, are the origin of the English word “education.”


Education is “the process of transmitting the culture of a society from one generation to the next, the process by which the older members of a society raise the young,” according to Whitehead (2002).


As a result, investments in technologies that ease the acquisition and assimilation of knowledge are necessary to properly address the issues affecting the standard of education in a developed nation like Nigeria.


1.1 Background information for the study


The purpose of this study is to provide a critical analysis of the problems influencing Nigeria’s secondary education standards. an examination of a few particular secondary schools. in Ogun State’s Odeda Local Government Area.


It is impossible to overstate the importance of education, particularly in Nigerian classrooms. Education is therefore “what happens to a man from the day he was born until the day he dies,” according to Castles (2003).


Education, on the other hand, is described by Websler (2006) as a process of educating or teaching so that students can grow their knowledge, skills, and character.


Education is defined as a process of teaching, training, and learning, particularly in schools or colleges, to enhance knowledge and develop skills, according to the 770th edition of the Oxford Dictionary.


The human civilization offers a variety of educational opportunities. The public education system is the most evident. The society provides free public education to those who live in it and who need it in order to become contributing members of society.


In accordance with these conceptions of education, in light of the difficulties influencing the quality of secondary school education in Nigeria as well as investor attitudes. Given the magnitude of the impact on system output in the area of productivity and the level of acceptance in the labor market and educational institutions, particularly outside the country, one with curiosity will be driven to raise questions like what has actually gone wrong.


However, the aggravating elements come from the prevalence of test fraud, subpar infrastructure, and the syndrome of indiscriminate mass promotion in schools. The root causes of these issues include government insensitivity to educational demands, public and commercial institutions’ open support of low productivity, and an increasing percentage of students’ lack of a work ethic.


When we go back to the 1970s, we find that Nigeria’s educational standards were higher than those of secondary education today, which is encouraging to the society and the nation as a whole.


In society, challenges always take the shape of issues that need to be resolved. Development economists have generally concluded that one of the primary causes of the development gap between wealthy and developing nations is the disparity in educational opportunities, as well as the nature and allocation of educational services in relation to societal needs and aspirations.


Knowledge and skills acquired through education increase production and open doors out of poverty. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the majority of stable democracies in the world today are found in nations that see health and education as essential elements of growth and development.


An evaluation of the issues impacting secondary school education standards is the main objective of this study. From the specific perspective of its role in the government’s numerous initiatives to reduce poverty as well as by offering recommendations on how the education sub-section might be reorganized to have a positive effect on the living conditions of the vast majority of Nigerians.


Government must be considerate of educational needs in order for secondary education standards to rise, and qualified teachers must be hired in order to motivate pupils to put in their best effort.


We shall consider both the education we acquired inside the school’s walls and the training we received from other organizations when defining education.


Statement of the issue, under clause 1.2


The value of education can be seen by looking at the society’s aspirations and ambitions.


For example, it has been observed that the following factors are the main ones influencing the grade of secondary education in Nigeria:


– Government insensitivity to educational needs, including a lack of test books and lecture halls, among other things.


– A increasing proportion of students lack the work ethic to put in their best effort.


– The syndrome of mass promotion without selection in education.


– Fraudulent exam practices, etc.


Despite the fact that the majority of schools lack enough classrooms and a full staff of teachers. All of these contribute to the decline in secondary school education standards in Nigeria.




This study’s focus is on the problems that Nigeria’s secondary school system is facing. a case study of a few chosen secondary schools in Ogun State’s Odeda Local Government Area. This study will concentrate on a few issues that have an impact on the quality of secondary education in Nigeria.


1.4 Question For Research


The following are the key inquiries that this study seeks to answer.


i. How do senior secondary school students feel about the lessons they are being taught and the things they are studying in class?


What parental attitudes can affect secondary school teaching and learning, according to question ii?


What are the government’s contributions to the quality of secondary education?


iv. Is it possible for Nigeria’s educational standards to rise?


1.5 Hypothesis Of The Research


The following hypothesis is put forth for the benefit of this investigation.


To attain a standard education, there should be effective teaching and learning among secondary school students.


To improve learning, qualified and experienced teachers should be available.


1.6 The Study’s Period Of Perspective


This study intends to look into the problems that Nigeria’s secondary school level is facing. a case study of a few chosen senior secondary schools in the Odeda Local Government Area of Ogun State, along with recommendations for fixing the issues found there.


Due to time constraints, the researcher was only able to evaluate 10 schools, including Salawu Abiola Secondary School, Asero High School, Nawaru-Deen High School, F.C.E. Model Secondary, and Alagbagba Comprehensive High Secondary School.


1.7 The Implication Of The Study


By offering the best answer to the identified difficulties, the research’s findings will be extremely valuable to the students, faculty, parents, and other members of the Odeda Local Government Area community. The secondary school administrators would also benefit from this research by learning more about the issues influencing Nigeria’s secondary education standards.


The study will also assist the government in identifying its areas of weakness and making the required adjustments to address the issues found.


Limitations of the study are as follows:


Only a few chosen secondary schools in Odeda Local Government Abeokuta, Ogun State, are included in this research study. This is as a result of the limitations that were experienced. The primary restriction was that the researcher couldn’t access the materials.


Parents’ and teachers’ attitudes were included as variables in the research project.


1.9 Terminal Definitions


Challenges: A novel or challenging endeavor that puts someone’s aptitude and abilities to the test.


Standard: A standard of excellence, particularly one that people deem to be acceptable.


A person or business that has financial interest in a certain organization, project, system, etc. is referred to as a stakeholder.


Deteriorate: To deteriorate means to get worse


Teaching children between the ages of 11 and 18 is a secondary goal.


Affect: To cause someone or something to change


restrictions: Strict control over one’s behavior or extremely challenging circumstances

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