The contributions of women’s organizations to community development in the Mbaise Local Government Area of Imo State were examined in this project. Data was collected from 120 randomly selected women from the specified communities using a semi-structured questionnaire. Simple descriptive statistics such as percentages, frequency tables, and ranking were used to analyze the data. The study’s findings demonstrate that in the study area, women’s organizations for community development are developed at several levels (community and village) and along various ties (religious,family and social). Women’s organizations were highly involved in providing infrastructural facilities such as town hall renovations/furnishing/equipment of local schools and churches, as well as communal environmental sanitation services.




The saying that every successful guy has a woman behind him is a truism. Women have long been thought to be delicate and should be subordinate to males, although women may play a vital role in society. In the history of mankind, her frail nature has demonstrated her dominant influence on numerous occasions. Women have built unique, comprehensive initiatives to fulfill the needs of their communities all around the country. Women have established themselves as community leaders and have acquired skills that have resulted in positive changes in their communities. Christian women leaders play an essential role in creating and maintaining important relationships and networks in their communities as successful social capital builders.
They are dealing with difficulties. Christian women leaders play an essential role in creating and maintaining important relationships and networks in their communities as successful social capital builders.
They are confronted with racial, cultural, economic, and political barriers in the community development process, and overcoming such barriers has become their drive in many situations. Christian women’s contributions have not been extensively acknowledged or officially credited, despite the fact that their complete approach has influenced the progress of the community development sector. The findings of the Christian women groups in community development study reveal more about women’s perspectives on community development, the hurdles to women’s leadership that they see, and the types of measures that should be made to facilitate and promote their status and roles in the sector.


Males find it nearly impossible to see the enormous contributions of women groups to community development because of cultural notions that a woman’s education ends in the kitchen. Girls are taught to have low expectations through picture books, for example, because there are so few opportunities depicted as being available to them. Men’s work is thought to take place outside the home, while women’s work takes place inside. Men are storekeepers, house builders, storytellers, monks, preachers, fishers, policemen, fighters, soldiers, adventurers, judges, farmers, and pilots, while women are at home washing dishes, cooking, cleaning, yelling at children, taking care of babies, and doing the shopping. They also served as kings and gods. Women from practically every ethnic group were barred from undertaking some tasks in traditional African society, particularly those involving leadership and other key activities such as building work and religious responsibilities, which were considered men’s domain. Women are excluded from some of these activities due to socio-cultural barriers that prevent them from participating in activities formerly thought to be exclusively for men (William, 1973).
Gender inequality also contributes to women’s low contribution to community development. Many a times, we hear the males ask, “Don’t you know you are a woman? This question arises as a result of persistent gender bias in conventions, beliefs, and attitudes that confine women to the domestic realm and not to the workplace.


This study examined the contributions of Christian Women Groups in community development activities on a large scale in the field. Its goals are as follows: 1. To learn about the problems that Christian Women Groups face in their efforts to contribute to community development.
2. To learn how Christian Women’s Groups contribute to the development of their communities.
3. To identify techniques for Christian Women Groups to make a meaningful contribution to community development.
4. To determine the extent to which Christian Women’s Groups earn money for community development projects.
5. To learn about the Christian Women’s Groups’ goals.


1. What are the hurdles that Christian women’s groups face in their efforts to improve their communities?
2. What role do Christian Women’s Organizations play in community development?
3. What are some ways that Christian Women’s Groups might be encouraged to help in community development?
4. How does the Christian Women’s Group fund community development projects?
5. What are the goals of Christian Women’s Organizations?


Future researchers in the field will benefit from this research. It will also add to the body of information about Christian Women Groups’ contributions to community development. The study will benefit feminists by assisting them in effectively advocating for women’s rights and sexual equality. Politicians will benefit from it since it will enable them to meet the real demands of their constituents, which have been long overdue.
To policy that is responsive to the community’s rapid changes.
Finally, it will assist teachers in obtaining more materials to teach in relation to the issue at hand.

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