The Contributions Of Insurance In The Sports Sector Of Nigeria




In this exploration work named ‘ The benefactions of insurance in the sports sector of Nigeria. The experimenter delved why Nigerian sports sector don’t embraces insurance protection. Delved the factors militating against the insurance assiduity not to produce acceptable mindfulness about sports insurance protection. The information for the study was collected using primary and secondary styles of data collection. For a primary data collection, while being literature applicable to the content was consulted for the secondary data. The exploration used ki-square statistical model to dissect the data. four major findings were made, grounded on the findings the recommendations proffered are; Nigerian sports sector should be educated on the benefit of insurance programs to enable them embrace insurance protection. Nigerian insurance assiduity should try as important as possible to settle claim, for the public not to see them as fraudsters.




Title runner i


blessing runner ii


fidelity iii


Acknowledgement iv


Abstract vi


Table of contents vii






Background of the Study 1


Statement of the Problem 3


ideal of the Study 6


exploration Questions 7


exploration suppositions 8


Significance of the Study 9


compass and Limitations of the Study 9


description of the Terms 10


Reference 13






An overview 14


History Insurance In Nigerian Sports Sector 14


literal Development of Nigerian Sport Sector 16


The Development of Insurance in Nigerian Sports Sector 27


part of sports in the development of Nigerian


Economy 30


Sports Administration and Insurance in Nigerian 34


Analysis of Nigerian sports programs and its impact on Nigerian sports 38


The Challenges of Insurance in Nigerian Sports Sector 44


Reference 46






An Overview 49


Source of Data 49


Primary data 50


Secondary data 50


Population of the Study 51


Sample size and slice ways 52


Validity and trustability of the Instrument 55


system of data donation and Analysis 56






An overview 59


Data donation 60


Data Analysis 61


Testing of thesis 71


Discussion of Findings 78




Summary of Findings 80


Conclusions 81


Recommendations 82


Suggestions for farther Studies 86


Bibliography 87


Appendixes 90


Sample questionnaire 91


Chapter One




Background of the Study


Nigerian insurance assiduity has been in a great trend of enhancement from thepre-consolidation to the post consideration observance. They’re paining from the wealth sport assiduity from the recapitalization and expanding encyclopedically to contend internation communities. They’re presently sharing in the original content action of out and gas business energy insurance marine and aeronautics and other transportational and logistic pitfalls. Hence, Nigerian supporting assiduity is an area that haven’t actually served from the conditioning of insurance since insurance has been defined as a social security weal, it’ll help the actors to boast their confidence in sharing in sports without fear. Nigeria isn’t only seen as a leading country in Africa in the field of sports but also a world achiever in the field similar as world mug of colorful orders is over emphasized.


because he scored four pretensions inmatch.the family exhaustively recovered by way of insurance protection which isn’t accessible in Africa setting Ukpai( 2004) supported that insurance in sports will produce confidence, provides for withdrawal protection, protects colorful rudiments of disability and inversely improves an frugality. Mordi( 1988) editorialized that a country with acceptable insurance protection is a sick country and s healthy country is a fat nation. Grounded on this outside it’s presumptive that we estimate the benefactions of insurance business in the development of sporting sector in Nigeria.


Statement of problems


Grounded on the nature of sporting conditioning in Nigeria and their essential, The entourages are the linked statement of problems;


1. Studies has shown that Nigerian sports sector don’t embraces insurance protection.


2. Lack of mindfulness has been one of the challenges faced by insurance assiduity.


3. Another major challenge facing Nigerian insurance assiduity is remitment of claims which results to loss of image and confidence in insurance contract by the sports sector.


Ideal of the Study


The end of this exploration work is to estimate the benefactions of insurance in the sports sector in Nigeria. The specific objects of this exploration work includes the following;


1. To probe why Nigerian sports sector don’t embraces insurance protection.


2. To probe the factors militating against the insurance assiduity not to produce acceptable mindfulness about sports insurance protection.


3. To know why insurance assiduity don’t pay claims incontinently which results to loss of image and confidence in the sports sector.


Exploration Questions


The experimenter developed the following exploration questions


1. Why are the Nigerian sports sector not embraces insurance protection?


2. What are the factors militating against the insurance assiduity in terms of creating mindfulness about sports insurance protection?


3. Why do insurance assiduity not pay claims incontinently which results to loss of image and confidence in the sports sector.


Exploration Hypotheses


Grounded on the below exploration objects and questions, the experimenter formulated the following exploration suppositions;


Ho Nigerian sports sector don’t embrace insurance protection.


H1 Nigerian sports sector embraces insurance protection.


Ho Nigerian Insurance assiduity don’t produce acceptable mindfulness about sports insurance protection.


H1 Nigerian Insurance assiduity creates acceptable mindfulness about sports insurance protection.


Ho Nonpayment of claims incontinently by the insurance assiduity doesn’t results to loss of image and confidence in the sports sector.


H1 Remitment of claims incontinently by the insurance assiduity results to loss of image and confidence in the sports sector.


Compass and Limitation of the Study


Compass of the Study


This exploration work will concentrate on the benefactions of insurance in the sports sector in Nigeria. The area of this exploration work is Nigerian football association Enugu state chapter.




The experimenter in carrying out this study encountered multitudinous problems which includes


· Fund


· Time


· Lack of Research accoutrements


The experimenter didn’t have enough plutocrat to visit the company as plutocrat times as numerous times as needed data adequately.


The time distributed for the work wasn’t enough. This is because I had to partake the time with other academic workshop of the semesters. This made her unfit to cover a lot of intriguing areas but thus limited her exploration work only at Enugu megalopolis.


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