The Evaluation Of The Effect Of National Health Insurance Scheme In Enhancing Health Care Delivery




The design on the content evaluation of the effect of natural health insurance scheme in enhancing health care delivery in Enugu megalopolis was bandied chapter by chapters. First in the preface was attempt of espousing a health insurance system in Enugu and also to look into starting a health insurance system in Nigeria. Which the unborn benefit is bright. The statement of the problem were looked into the failure to understand the significant donation of effective and effective public health insurance scheme in Enugu. Further, some accoutrements preliminarily written on this content were reviewed to come up with recent information concerning this design like in chapter four the experimenter enumerated the following findings as concerned the work and went ahead to bandy those findings. Eventually, the design work ended with conclusion and recommendation, where it was recommended that the chance of the effect and effective of public health care insurance scheme should increase to attract further good health.




Title runner———– ii


blessing runner———- iii


fidelity———– iv


Acknowledgement——— v


Abstract———– vi






Background of the study——- 1


Statement of the problem—— 4


ideal of the study——- 4


exploration questions——– 5


Significance of the study——- 6


compass and limitation of study—— 7


description of terms——– 8








literal development of public health


insurance scheme——— 13


The conception of public health insurance


scheme in Nigeria——— 16


objects of public health insurance scheme– 18


Benefits of public health Insurance scheme— 20


Types of health insurance scheme—– 23


How the scheme operates in Nigeria—– 25


Strategies/ perpetration action to enhance


National health insurance scheme in Nigeria—- 29


Guideline for effective NHIS in Nigeria—- 31


problems of public health insurance


scheme in Nigeria———- 36


challenges facing effective marketing of NHIS— 39


Reference———- 41






An Overview——— 42


Sources of Data——– 42


Primary Source——– 43


Secondary Source——– 43


population of the study——– 44


sample size and instrument used in determination


of the sample size——— 45


Validity of the Instrument Used—– 47


trustability of the Study—— 47




Summary of findings and discussion—– 48


conversations——– 49






Conclusion——— 50


Recommendations——– 51


Suggestion for farther exploration—– 53


Bibliography———- 54


Excursus I———- 55


Excursus ii———- 56


Chapter One




Background Of The Study


Health insurance is a social security system that guarantees the provision of demanded health services to persons on the payment of taken benefactions at regular intervals. The first attempt at espousing a health insurance system, Nigeria started in 1962 during the first democracy. The civil government invitedDr. Halevi through the transnational labour association( 120) to look into starting a health insurance system in Lagos. also minister for healthDr. Majekodunmi also presented the first bill to the congress. When a commission was commissioned to study the public insurance( Oji, 2003). The health population and indeed work force are irrefutable tools for rapid-fire socio- profitable and sustainable development the world over. Despite therefore irrefutable fact, in Nigeria like utmost Africa countries, the provision of quality accessible and affordable health care comment a serious problem( WHO, 2007, Oba, 2008), therefore is because the health sector is permeably face with cross deficit of labor force, shy and outdated medical outfit policy inconsistence and corruption. Other factor that stymie quality health care delivery IN Enugu include incapability of the consume to pay for health services gender bias due to religious or artistic beliefs and inequality in the distribution of health care installations between civic and pastoral areas. In 2007 for case, world health association( WHO) report on health care delivery ranked Nigeria 187 out of 191 countries than in 2005 only 48 and 35 percent of the children within the age of zero to one time old were completely immunized against tuberculosis and measles independently between 1998 and 2005, 28 percent of the children with in the periods of 5 times who suffered from diarrhea entered and equate treatment.


A social health insurance scheme involves donation base on means and application grounded on need. A health insurance scheme has been define as an arrangement in which donation are made by or behalf of workers or individual( members) to copping institution( a fund) which is responsible for copping coursed services from providers or behalf of the members of the scheme( Kutzin) 1997. It’s the opinion of Nigeria government that the NHIS will presumably give effective health care services and help to ameliorate availability to health care services and help to ameliorate availability to health care services( Ibwaye 2007). But the assessment of the programme after four times of operation reveals lower than 3 content( Ikpong 2007), and these was as a result of poor apply of the scheme in Nigeria. This exploration will estimate the effect of public health insurance in enhancing health care delivery in Enugu.


Statement Of The Problem


The following are problems that urged the exploration of this design work


1. Failure to understand the significant donation of effective and effective public insurance scheme in Enugu.


2. Failure on the part of the Nigeria government to enhance easy availability of public health insurance scheme.


3. Poor effective administration and operation of the conditioning and operation of the public health insurance scheme in Enugu.


4. incognizance of the actuality, places, important benefits and plasticity of public health insurance scheme.


Ideal Of The Study


The following are the objects of the exploration work


1. To find out the significant benefactions of effective and effective public insurance scheme in Nigeria.


2. To find out whether the government enhance easy availability of the public insurance in Enugu.


3. To examine whether there’s any mindfulness of the actuality, places, important benefits and plasticity of the business conditioning of public insurance scheme in Enugu.


4. To find out the problems facing effective and effective administration and operation of public insurance scheme in Enugu.


Exploration Questions


The exploration question of therefore exploration work include the following


1. Is there any significant donation of effective and effective public health insurance in Enugu?


2. Are there any problem of effective and effective administration and operation of the public health insurance scheme in Nigeria?


3. Does Nigeria government enhancing easy availability to public health insurance part, important benefits and plasticity of the public health insurance sc


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