The Effect Of Motivation On Employees’ Performance (A Case Study Of First Bank Nigeria Plc)

  The Effect Of Motivation On Employees’ Performance (A Case Study Of First Bank Nigeria Plc)    Chapter One Introduction Rajput (2011), contends that the word motivation is derived from a Latin word “Movere” which literally means ‘to move’. He defined motivation as “the individuals desire to demonstrate the behaviour and reflect willingness to expend … Read more

The Effect Of Biomodification With Trichoderma harzianum On The Chemical Composition And In Vitro Gas Fermentation Characteristics Of Melon Seed Husk With Or Without Supplementation With Wheat Bran

  The Effect Of Biomodification With Trichoderma harzianum On The Chemical Composition And In Vitro Gas Fermentation Characteristics Of Melon Seed Husk With Or Without Supplementation With Wheat Bran   Abstract   This study was carried out to estimate the effect of biomodification with the fungi Trichoderma harzianum on the chemical composition as well as … Read more

The Effect Of Temperature On Hydrolysis Of Cellulose (Saw-dust)

  The Effect Of Temperature On Hydrolysis Of Cellulose (Saw-dust)   Abstract The effect of attention of hydrochloric acid on hydrolysis of cellulose( aphorism- dust) to glucose was studied on this exploration design and the way attained to achieve this design involved treatment of aphorism- dust( cellulose) with different attention of the acid at constant … Read more

The Effect Of Technology In The Field Of Quantity Surveying And How It Affect Cost, Labour And Time

  The Effect Of Technology In The Field Of Quantity Surveying And How It Affect Cost, Labour And Time   Chapter One   Preface   Background To The Study The construction assiduity has lately witnessed a paradigm shift from traditional paper- grounded system of service delivery to electronic information exchange using Information Technology( IT), at … Read more

Comparative Assessment Of The Effect Of Different Rates Of Goat Droppings On The Performance Of Amaranthus Hybridus

  Comparative Assessment Of The Effect Of Different Rates Of Goat Droppings On The Performance Of Amaranthus Hybridus   Chapter One   Preface   An expansive literature documents the eventuality for integration of pasturage and scapegoat dropping in colony husbandry( Shelton etal. 1987). The integration of colorful crops and creatures enables synergistic relations, and affect … Read more

The Effect Of Light Quality On The Structural Properties Of Wheat Plants

  The Effect Of Light Quality On The Structural Properties Of Wheat Plants   Chapter One 1.0 Preface 1.1 Background Of Study 1.2 Ideal Of Study 1.3 Defense Of Study Chapter Two 2.0 Literature Review Chapter Three 3.0 Crop Parentage & Genetics 3.1 Factory Genetic Resources 3.2 Biomedical, Health Beneficial & Nutritionally Enhanced Shops 3.3 … Read more

The Effect Of Survival Strategies On The Performance Of Small And Medium Scale Enterprise

  The Effect Of Survival Strategies On The Performance Of Small And Medium Scale Enterprise   Abstract   This exploration design is on the Effect of Survival Strategies on the Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprise with references( A Case Study of named Small Business in LagosSub-Urban). This exploration work is generally about the … Read more

The Effect Of Working Capital On The Operational Efficiency Of An Organization

  The Effect Of Working Capital On The Operational Efficiency Of An Organization   Table Of Contents   Chapter One   Preface   Background to the Study   Statement of the Problem   Objects of the Study   Exploration Questions   Exploration Hypotheses   Significance of the Study   Compass of the Study   Chapter … Read more