The Effect Of Technology In The Field Of Quantity Surveying And How It Affect Cost, Labour And Time


The Effect Of Technology In The Field Of Quantity Surveying And How It Affect Cost, Labour And Time


Chapter One




Background To The Study

The construction assiduity has lately witnessed a paradigm shift from traditional paper- grounded system of service delivery to electronic information exchange using Information Technology( IT), at least in the western world like UK. It’s now apparent that the relinquishment of Information Technology can enhance construction productivity and ameliorate dispatches for effective decision- timber and collaboration among construction actors. The capability of the assiduity to mileage itself of technology depends on the position of operation by construction actors including the Quantity Surveyor( QS) who plays a major part in the operation of design success determinants, similar as cost, time and quality.


It’s apparent that we live in a dynamic world characterized by ceaseless technology change. The explosive growth of information and communication technology( ICT) else docked as information technology( IT) has had unquantifiable impact on business systems and processes( Rivard etal., 2004). Advancement in information technology has made possible abecedarian changes in the system of practice in all businesses and diligence although at different situations( Li, 2000). The global acceptance and wide relinquishment has accelerated the confines of competition not only among associations encyclopedically but among professions locally( Hampson and Tatum, 1994).


The construction assiduity with the end of leveling their associates in other diligence have embraced the use of information technology similar as internet, calculating, dialing , satellite communication and electronic mailing to perform utmost, if not all of their conditioning( Ibidapo, 2000). The volume surveyors ’ capability to mileage themselves of these arising openings handed by the arrival of information technology depends on the relinquishment of new technologies( Castle, 2002). There’s quite a lot of development in all areas of computer operation to the assiduity. Of note are the expert systems, artificial intelligence, knowledge- base systems( KBS), artificial neural networking( ANN), robotics and computer backed design( Arif and Karam, 2001). Rivard etal.( 2004) editorialized that the elaboration of information technology will have a profound impact on how associations in the architectural, engineering and construction assiduity operate in the way other diligence similar as manufacturing and banking have espoused and served from long agone . He noted that this is formerly the case in numerous of the developed countries around the world. In lieu of this, Honey( 1998) reported that the turn of the last century has seen a reduction in paper- grounded operation in volume surveying( QS) services in UK while electronic led- processes are leading to lower dependence on taking- off wastes and other ancillary stationery. The volume surveying profession in Nigeria has endured significant changes over the once decade in terms of the compass and type of services handed within the construction assiduity( Oladapo, 2006). These changes have passed primarily in response to changing assiduity/ customer demands, information technology developments, increased situations of competition for services and the vital part of the volume surveying in achieving advanced service delivery. also, given the decreasingly global nature of construction assiduity obstinate by extremely high situations of domestic competition and attendant low profit periphery situations, there’s no mistrustfulness that the construction assiduity has to ameliorate its information inflow and design delivery medium( Wager, 1998). therefore, as information inflow decreasingly come electronic, volume surveying calculating installations, software and databases will need to develop in a compatible manner. Nigerian volume surveyors will need to acclimatize to changes in work patterns to ameliorate their effectiveness and develop new requests to maintain competitive advantage and enhance profitability through the relinquishment of IT. In summary, the Nigeria construction assiduity in general and the volume surveying profession in particular are facing the challenges of effectively exercising the rapid-fire expanding technological terrain in which it operates to its full advantage( Oyediran and Odusami, 2004).


Statement Of The Problem

It’s a known fact that advancement in technology and elaboration of information technology as dramatically change the way business is conducted by colorful professionals. It has reduced the cost of services, reduces labour and saves time. The volume surveying profession aren’t left before, they’ve also embraced the use of this advanced form of technology in delivering their services. The experimenter is thus examining the effect of this technology in the field of volume surveying and how it affect cost, labour and time.

Objects Of The Study

The following are the objects of this study


To examine the effect of technology in the field of volume surveying.

To examine how technology affects cost, labour and time in the field of volume surveying.

To examine the factors limiting the use of technology in the field of volume surveying

Exploration Questions


What’s the effect of technology in the field of volume surveying?

How does technology affects cost, labour and time in the field of volume surveying?

What are the factors limiting the use of technology in the field of volume surveying?

Significance Of The Study

The following are the significance of this study

The outgrowth of this study will educate the stakeholders in the volume surveying profession on the effect of technology in the field of volume surveying with particular focus on how it affects cost, labour and time.

This exploration will be a donation to the body of literature in the area of the effect of personality particularity on pupil’s academic performance, thereby constituting the empirical literature for unborn exploration in the subject area.

Compass/ Limitations Of The Study

This study will cover the effect of technology use in the field of volume surveying

Limitation Of Study

Financial constraint-inadequate fund tends to stymie the effectiveness of the experimenter in sourcing for the applicable accoutrements , literature or information and in the process of data collection( internet, questionnaire and interview).

Time constraint- The experimenter will contemporaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This accordingly will cut down on the time devoted for the exploration work.


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