The Effect Of Leadership Style On Subordinates’ Productivity


Chapter One




Background Of The Study


Leadership is conceived as a process where one or further persons impact a group of person to move in a certain direction. The word leadership has been used in colorful aspects of mortal bid similar as politics, business, academics and social workshop. Messick and Krammer( 2004) argued that the degree to which the individual shows leadership traits depends not only on his characteristics and particular capacities, but also on the characteristics of the situation and terrain in which he finds himself. thus, an existent will support the association if he believes that through it his particular ideal and pretensions could be met if not, the person’s interest will decline.


Among the objects of any association are profit timber and attainment of maturity and liquidity status. In the pursuit of these objects, associations allocate scarce coffers to contending ends. In the process they give employment, give goods and services, purchase goods and services and, therefore contribute to the growth of the society and frugality at large. Imamaka( 1995) observes that, the effectiveness of this process is greatly determined by the vacuity of and access to labor force, financemachinery, raw material and possibility of making their goods and services available to their guests.


An association is a social set up, which has a boundary that separates it from its terrain, pursues its own collaborative pretensions, and controls its own performance( Kick and Gullet, 1995)., in a formal association, relations are rationally coordinated and directed through time on a common base.


The person at the helm of affairs is generally the leaders.


Kraines( 2011) stressed that the word leadership has been used by utmost discipline political wisdom, business directors, social workers and educator. still, there’s large disagreement as regards the exact meaning.


This view was also supported by Tafffinder( 2006), who gave different delineations to leadership “ a simple meaning leadership is getting people to do effects they’re noway allowed of doing, don’t believe are possible or that they don’t want to do. With reference to an association, he defined leadership as “ the action of commitment workers to contribute their stylish to the purpose of the association ”. While on a complex and more accurate view, he explains that you only know leadership by it consequences – from the fact that individualities or a group of people start to bear in a particular ways as a result of the conduct of someone differently ”.


therefore in numerous situations, “ leadership capability ” may only come apparent when a person has a formal part and hence has a power over price and corrections or when at least similar power is fairly weak among other group members. The failure to make this distinction has caused some confusion in the discussion of leadership.


Effective operation is described as a means of getting effects done by other people. It can further be described as a social process containing responsibility for the effective and profitable planning and regulation of the drivers of an association in fulfillment of a given purpose or task.


workers performance is been described as the work rate of existent that make upon the department, unit and ministries that actually carry out the pretensions and objects of the association and it’s through their performance each and every unit determines vis- à- vis the set pretensions of the unit.


workers have to be awarded motivated in terms of their effective performance and therefore having to do with performance appraisal, which is defined as a methodical evaluation of hand’s history and present geste on the job grounded on standard format for use of the hand and employers.


Messick and Kramer( 2008) further explained since mortal beings could come members of an association in order to achieve certain particular objects, the extent to which they’re active members depends on how they’re convinced that their predetermine objects. thus, an existent will support an association if he believes that though it, his particular objects and pretensions could be met. If not the person’s interest in the association will decline.


The extent( degree) to which all members of an association stoner their capacities and influences in the effective application of coffers depends upon how well the directors( leaders) of the association understood and perform their jobs. Maddock and Fulton( 2008) explained that leadership and other processes of the association must be similar that can insure maximum probability within all relations and connections with the associations, each member will be in the light of his background, values and prospects, view the charges as probative and one which can make and maintain his sense of particular worth and significance.


Statement Of The Problem


Leadership operation in the association is moving towards the trend transformational leadership. The question is whether metamorphosis leaders do make a difference in leadership development as well as inferior job satisfaction and individual development.


Bass, Bennis and Nanies, Conger and Kanungo; Rouche, Baker and Rose; Tichy and Devanna( as cited in Pawar and Eastman,( 2007) studied transformational leadership’s behavioural aspects and their goods on inferiors productivity/ performance and association.


According to Hater and Bass( 2008), considerable exploration has been done in the exchange relationship between leaders and inferior. still, the conception of effective leadership is grounded on strong particular identification and going beyond a tone- interested exchange of prices between leader and inferior.


By considering the present study; the effectiveness and ineffectiveness lies on the leadership and association of the study.


According to Akpala( 2008) some common problems were mentioned to affect organizational performance in Nigeria business and institutions. Among these problems faced by profitable and government institutions in Nigeria are bad station to work among Nigerian pool, poor organizational performance, inefficiency and ineffectiveness in utmost places. The author further stated that utmost associations in Nigeria are managed by operation systems that are strange to the typical Nigerian culture. still, it was suggested that the right type of leadership and provocation weren’t applied in managing Nigerian workers.


Ideal Of The Study


The major ideal of this study is to examine the effect of leadership style on inferior productivity in Nigeria with respect to United Bank for Africa. The specific ideal of the study include


To determine the pattern of leadership and the extent it has affected organizational performance in the United Bank for Africa( UBA)


ii. To identify the factors that’s responsible for worker’s low performance in the United Bank for African( UBA).


iii. To find out how leadership style affected labour operation relations and productivity in the United Bank for Africa( UBA).


iv. To examine the places a leader plays in an association.


Significance Of The Study


Nigeria as a nation is presently faced with a sharp increase on number of entrepreneurs who form business in common areas relating to conservation, wholesales and product to diligence. The handling of theses business units necessitates constantly relations and prospects between the entrepreneur and the workers.


Grounded on this, this study will be of immense significance in a number of ways


It’ll help to reveals the relationship between leadership and organizational performance and how leadership style could be applied to.


ii. It’ll be of significance for scholars of business administration who might come unborn directors leaders and entrepreneurs.


iii. This study will also help operation and leaders of associations to come apprehensive of the factors that actually motivate their workers to low and high productivity in their work.


Exploration Suppositions


The entourages suppositions were posited to guide the study in achieving the exploration objects.


Thesis One


HO Leadership function and pattern in United Bank of Africa( UBA) doesn’t significantly affect the overall performance of the business outfit( association).


HI Leadership function and pattern in United Bank of Africa( UBA) significantly affect the overall performance of the business outfit( association).


Thesis Two


HO Positive responses of the leader to advanced performance variables doesn’t promote maximization of the objects o f the association in the United Bank for Africa( UBA)


HI Positive responses of the leader to advanced performance variables promotes maximization of the objects of the association in the United Bank for Africa( UBA)


Compass And Limitation Of Study


This study covers the relationship between leadership style and organizational performance in Nigeria with a view of pressing the consequences of effective leadership quality in inferior productivity.


The major limitation is time and fiscal constraints. This type of exploration requires acceptable time and fiscal coffers to visiting the case study constantly.


still, the compass of the study will be limited to United Bank for Africa, Lagos.


Association Of Study


This exploration will be organized into five chapters as follows


Chapter one will concentrate on the background of the study, statement of problems, objects of the study, statement of thesis, significance of the study, compass and limitation of the study association of the study and description of terms.


Chapter two will contain literature review and theoretical frame.


Chapter three will concentrate on the exploration methodology and system of data analysis.


Chapter four includes the donation and analysis of data and discussion of results.


Chapter five will concentrate on the summary, recommendation and conclusion.


Description Of Terms


Leadership Getting people to do effects they’ve noway allowed of doing, don’t believe are possible or that they don’t want to do.


Employer An employer can be defined as a person or institution that hires people.


Hand This refers to the person being hired( supplier of labour).


operation The act of controlling a directing people so as to coordinate and harmonize the group thereby negotiating thing( s) within and beyond the capacity of people being directed.


Commercial Image This depicts the attributes people give to an association.


Organizational Performance This is the performance of the product of all relations taking place in the association.


provocation A conscious act aimed at prodding better results from individualities who may ordinary not ready to go beyond their capacity.




Akpala, N( 2008). “ The mortal Organization it operation and value, NY McGraw- Hill 2004,vol. 38 issue 2, pp 291- 310 20p( AN 12862708)


Hater and Bass( 2008) “ Leadership Development; Paths to Self- Insight and Professional Growth, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Incorporated.


Kraines,R.T( 2011). DevelopingNon-Hieratical on Lot ”. Case Studies of Stylish Practices in Higher Education. Greenwood Publishing Group Incorporated.


Messick and Kramer( 2008), “ text on Leadership ”, A Survey of Theory and Research, Free Press.


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