As-built Survey Of Medium Density Layout


As-built Survey Of Medium Density Layout


Chapter One




As- erected check has been an essential element in the development of the mortal terrain since the morning of recorded history. It’s performed to corroborate that a particular enhancement on a parcel of land has been erected according to the proposed design plans, specifications and reversal demand. It shows how any field change made during construction fit the overall design of thedevelopment.However, masterminds, mastermind, If this As- erected data aren’tobtained.It’s used to validate the size and/ or position of an enhancement used to prop in the design of addition of structures, extention, seamster and parking lot expansion. It help landing institution to cover their interest, accurate decision timber, updating of information and as a reference material for pupil ministry and existent.


Medium viscosity layout, Ifuho, is a domestic estate located in Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State. It’s made up of twenty- five( 25) being structure with internal access road, available space which is used for agrarian husbandry.


Due to increase in population, failure of houses, political and topographic effect, medium viscosity layout needs As- erected check in order to determine the final position of being features and the available space for proper planning, redesigning and expansion.


The end of As- erected check on medium viscosity layout is to produced an As- erected plan to ascertain the final position of available detail and available space for farther development of the estate by way of expansion.


The processes involved in the achievement or the below end is reported then bang.


Statement Of Problem.


Due to political reason, cost and topographic of the area, crimes( instrument, atmospheric, mortal etc), structures weren’t erected according to the design. Medium viscosity layout need As- erected check to determine the final position of being point, therefore enhances proper use of available space for expansion.


Aim And Objects


The end of this design was to produce an As- erected plan of medium viscosity layout, Ifuho, Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area for the purpose of catching on variations of detail as constructed from the design.


This was achieved through the following objects


Establishing the border using cut .

dimension of relative position of the detail within the study area.

Preparation of an overlay plan which eased the comparison.

To explore the power of computer operation software especially in the plan product.

Compass And Limitation


The compass of this design, amongst other effects is limited to the product of As- erected plan of medium viscosity layout using cut system through the ideal stated in1.2 over.


still, height information wasn’t considered.


Significance Of Study.


product of As- erected check plan of medium viscosity layout will be significant in the following ways


For accurate decision making to the inventor for physical planning and farther development and/ or expansion of the estate.

For updating of information and quick reclamation of information for environmental operation for the government.

As a reference material for pupil, ministry and existent for farther exploration work.

Enhance the knowledge of the pupil in the area of As- erected check.



Angular compliances


Type of instrument- minimum of 20 ” scale interval.


Number of observation- 2 bottoms( face left wing/ face right).


delicacy of observation- the maximum spread of 2 bottoms faucets shall be 20 seconds.


Linear compliances


Type Of Outfit Edm


system of measures on position smooth ground, face taping may be employed. On rough terrain catenary tapping may be used, rather EDM Accuracy of dimension standard error of direct measures should be one part in 20,000. Differences between two compliances should exceed 1 cm.


Instrumentation; Any instrument including electronic theodolites, total stations or GPS able of achieving the below rigor or better may be used.




Four set of compliances( for doubtful latitude brace East/ West compliances).

Angular spread-10 ” 0n 4 bottoms.

Bearing check at Azimuth check points not to exceed 30 ” ± N, where “ N ” is the number of instrument stations.

Plotting of plan


conniving should be done by blockish equals, details and irregular boundaries by equipoises or bearing and distances.

Plans shall show easily defined plot boundaries, detail within and along the boundary.

Heading for a pukka plan


Should include


Title of check.

position- road – city/ vill, Original Government Area and state.

Scale and with its direct representation

North Arrow/ origin, AREA

discrimination of Boundaries


Type of lights


Property lights shall be 18 cm × 18 cm × 75 cm.

Cemetry lights shall be 10 cm × 10 cm × 60 cm.

Harpoons shall be rod leg 40 mm marked with the center punch mark at the top.

Marks on boundary walls, a cross ‘ x ’ with identification number shall be cut and painted on the outside wall where it block surveyline. Public check shall carry double arrows.


Large concrete lights labels may be used for right of way check( ROW).


position of boundary lights.


All corners of plot including point of changes in direction and on straight long lines at intervals of not further than 250m in layouts and 400m in cropland.


Conditions of boundary lights.


conterminous boundary lights should be inter visible, but where for some reasons this isn’t possible, multiple observation from proven station or brace of stations to fix a lamp.


check of boundaries.


Available styles of check


The boundaries will generally be surveyed by unrestricted theodolite cut . Other styles include gaping the cut on checked and proven boundary lights and ending same on checked and proven boundary lights insofar as the starting and closing lights form part of the new boundary of the property surveyed. For any of the styles, the position check( after Azimuth adaptation where applicable) shall be.


Field books


All field observation must be entered in the field book easily with neat booking.

Clear plates plates of plot check must be unambiguously represented in the field book. similar illustration will also show endless features within and along area conterminous to the plot.

Electronic field book may also be used.



calculation – primer or electronic shall include the following

Azimuth calculation where necessary.

Reduction of bearing showing angular closures.

Distance, measured corrected.

Un- acclimated/ final match/ direct closures.

Area calculation.

The needed computational delicacy are as follows

Deduced bearing to the nearest 10 ”

Corrections to measured distance for pitch, standard( standardization where applicable) to the nearest mm.

equals to the nearest mm.


permissible delineation scales


The following delineation scale shall be used for conniving





, 000

, 500

, 000

, 000

, 000

, 000

Different scales may be used for the main check and the connection where the ultimate is long. Any chosen scale should permit the clear representation of all measured detail, bearing, distances and area on plan.


Electronic dupe charts must be prepared using base data with applicable position delicacy.


Study Area


The study area is medium viscosity layout, Ikot Offiong, Ifuho, Ikot Ekpene Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State and it’s located on latitude 58 46 longitude 135 00 UTM zone 32 north. The estate is positioned along Ikot Offiong road on the south and on the west 500m down from Aba road.


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