A Study Of Quantity Surveyor’s Perception On Facility In The Niger Delta Area Of Nigeria


A Study Of Quantity Surveyor’s Perception On Facility In The Niger Delta Area Of Nigeria


Chapter One




Background of the Study

Construction of a design consists of the integration of professionals, contractors and customer( s) and the other actors, manufacturers, suppliers and government bodies. Walker( 2002) affirmed that construction assiduity is basically a service assiduity whose responsibility is to convert the plan and specifications prepared by masterminds and/ or engineers into chalet systems. Construction includes conditioning similar as revision, structure, relocation, decoration, obliteration, addition conservation, repairs of structures, roads, structures, seamsters water or gas main channels, transmission lines, coverts, islands conduits and other associated workshop. Atkin( 2000), stated that “ installation operation is the operation of structure services. It’s a fairly new profession in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria ”. Adedeji( 2005) affirmed “ installations operation has been in actuality in Nigeria for the once ten times on professional position with the preface of International installations Management Association( IFMA) in Nigeria ”.


The International installations Management Association( IFMA) defined installations Management( FM) as “ the integration of processes within an organisation to maintain and develop the agreed services, which support and ameliorate the effectiveness of its primary conditioning. The British Institute of installations operation has a wider compass of meaning than simply “ the operation of structures and services ” it defined installations operation as the integration ofmulti-disciplinary conditioning within the erected terrain and the operation of their impact upon people and the plant ”. The description above offers a slightly simpler description of the term installations operation. A well-conditioned simplified description of installations operation was proffered by Ramsey( 2001). He stated that “ installations operation is a process of managing al the multiple services that enable a installation to come a profitable investment for its possessors and a productive terrain for its druggies ”. installation operation depends upon the skill, vision, experience of the interpreters Nnachi( 2007) and Okezie( 2007). DeLucy( 1989) stated that “ the installation director can also make all necessary opinions concerning systems, services and inventories, so that the installation can be run at a productive position for proprietor druggies ”


installations operation as an antecedent in property operation and conservation could be said to mean “ the supervising, directing and the controlling of interest in landed property with a view to carrying the possible maximum return, which in utmost cases is fiscal but could also be political, social status, prestige or any operation objects, which an investor chooses( Obelender, 2000). It’s on this background that this study was carried out.


Statement of Problem


As installation operation is a veritably important subject of debate in the construction assiduity, there exists an argument in who should play this part in the Assiduity. Other professionals similar as the masterminds, builders, engineers and estate values admit that the Quantity Surveyor should be involved in installations operation. Study reveals that among these professional, the Quantity Surveyor has the upper edge to play the commanding part grounded on his vast and protean knowledge in cost engineering, which deals with both construction cost and conservation or running cost of engineering, which deals with both construction cost and conservation or running cost of socio- infrastructural installations, that need proper operation. One, thus, argues whether or not the volume surveyor with all these attributes and rates is good to perform this important part in the construction assiduity. To this end thus, it’s largely important to probe into the perception of the Quantity Surveyor on installations operation in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria.


Aim And Objects Of The Study


The experimenter sought to probe the perception of the volume Surveyor on installation operation in the construction assiduity.


The specific objects were


To identify the factors that qualify a volume surveyor as a installation director.

To pierce the factors that affect the effective installations operation practices in Nigeria.

To examine the position of involvement of the Quantity Surveyor in the installations operation practice.

Significance of Study


The outgrowth of the study will be of immense value to rehearsing Quantity Surveyor and other confederated professionals who are willing to forge ahead into the discipline of installations operation. The study will also be applicable to all professionals, government and other stakeholders involved in the construction assiduity.


Exploration Questions


This exploration work set to answer the following questions


Is installation operation applicable in the construction assiduity?

Does the construction assiduity employ a installation director?

What part should Quantity Surveyors play for effective installations operation?

What are the rates needed by a volume Surveyor to make him the stylish professional for installations operation?

Compass Of Study


This exploration work was carried out in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. The study was limited to both socio- profitable and infrastructural installations that were executed between 2000 and 2006.


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